Advancing Just Energy Transition December 2023 | Page 24

Malaysia ’ s Sustainable Energy Development Prospectus
Self Consumption ( SELCO ) of Solar Energy owning , and operating the solar power plant , exporting the generated energy through the electricity supply system of the Electricity Utility Company as per the NEDA Rules . Simultaneously , the Corporate Consumer receives electricity supply from the Electricity Utility Company , with the option to engage in a virtual power purchase agreement for solar energy with the Solar Power Producer . The Electricity Utility Company facilitates the export of energy from the solar power plant through its electricity supply system , compensating the Solar Power Producer based on the Actual System Marginal Price ( SMP ) in accordance with the NEDA Rules .
6 . Green Electricity Tariff ( GET ) To enable electricity consumers to reduce their carbon footprint in electricity consumption , the government has introduced the Green Electricity Tariff ( GET ) to offer low carbon electricity supply to all consumers . Customers with GET subscription will pay Normal tariff for monthly electricity consumption plus GET blocks subscription . number of electricity consumers that aspire to achieve the Environmental , Social and Governance ( ESG ) target .
CGPP is essentially a mechanism of virtual power purchase agreement , which is implemented using the existing New Enhanced Dispatch Arrangement ( NEDA ) framework .
In CGPP , three essential parties play distinct roles in the energy delivery and transaction process . The Solar Power Producer takes charge of developing ,
Through the GET Programme implementation , customers gain the flexibility to acquire a low-carbon electricity supply without the need to install personal solar rooftops or other renewable energy installations . The renewable energy resources for the GET Programme are harnessed from solar power plants operating under the LSS Programme , as well as TNB ’ s and / or its subsidiary ’ s hydropower stations and any other approved renewable energy plants regulated by the Commission . Customers enrolled in the GET Programme will receive Malaysia Renewable Energy Certificates ( mRECs ) at the conclusion of each calendar year . •