@AGROBiz January/February 2024 | Page 6

06 Foreign Agro


Farmers fume over EU ’ s ban on vital pesticide

IN THE fertile fields of Valencia , the cherished tradition of cultivating arroz bomba , essential for an authentic paella , faces an existential threat from the Pyricularia fungus . The EU ’ s ban on a vital pesticide leaves farmers vulnerable , with diminished yields imperilling the iconic rice variety .
Amidst protests across European farmlands , Spanish rice growers expressed outrage over regulations that disadvantage domestic producers . The EU ’ s environmental directives clash with aspirations for agricultural self-sufficiency , igniting a contentious debate over regulatory fairness .
EU President Ursula von der Leyen ’ s recent proposal to reconsider pesticide
reduction targets signifies a pivotal shift in EU policy , acknowledging the unintended consequences of stringent regulations . The backtrack underscores the delicate balance between environmental stewardship and agricultural viability .
Farmers decry perceived regulatory disparities as imports are permitted residual traces of banned pesticides , exacerbating grievances and fostering an uneven playing field . Emilio Gonzalez of the University of Cordoba underscores the need for equitable standards prioritising European producers .
While alternative fungicides offer respite , concerns mount over their ecological impact . Research highlights
the complex interplay between agricultural practices and environmental equilibrium , underscoring the need for sustainable solutions that mitigate harm to delicate ecosystems .
The dwindling production of bomba rice precipitates economic upheaval , with prices doubling over three years , challenging consumers and retailers . Mercadona , Spain ’ s retail giant , offers reassurance amidst sporadic shortages , signalling hope amid market volatility .
Renowned paella chef Rafael Vidal extols bomba rice ’ s culinary prowess , praising its unique characteristics that elevate the quintessential Spanish dish . Its unrivalled texture and graceful expansion under heat reaffirm its irre-
Ursula von der Leyen - President of European Commission .
placeable role in preserving gastronomic tradition .
As Spain navigates the confluence of environmental imperatives and agricultural sustainability , the fate of bomba rice emerges as a poignant symbol of the broader challenges facing Europe ’ s agrarian landscape .

Philippines secures rice supply

AGRICULTURAL Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel has assured the public that the rice supply in the Philippines remains adequate throughout the year ’ s first half . This assurance bodes well for maintaining stable prices of the country ’ s main food staple .
However , concerns over the impact of El Nino on global rice supply and increased demand for grain are expected to keep international prices high , possibly until September . Secretary Laurel emphasised the need to prevent profiteering , cautioning against any attempts to artificially inflate prices by hoarding rice supply .
The Philippines , with a population of around 110 million , is the world ’ s top rice importer . To address potential supply challenges , the country recently signed a significant fiveyear rice supply agreement with Vietnam , securing an annual source of 1.5 to 2.0 million metric tonnes of rice . Additionally , India has pledged
Agricultural Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel . to provide supplementary supplies to the Philippines .
The Philippine Statistics Authority ( PSA ) has identified rice as a significant factor contributing to inflation , particularly in the consumer price index . According to PSA data , rice inflation spiked to 22.6 per cent in January , up from 19.6 per cent in December 2023 . This doubledigit increase in rice prices compared to the previous year has impacted the overall inflation rate .
As the Philippines navigates global challenges such as El Nino ’ s impact on rice production and heightened demand , proactive measures are essential to ensure a stable rice market . By maintaining sufficient rice supply through strategic partnerships and monitoring against price manipulation , the country can mitigate the effects of external factors on its food security and inflation rates .

Empowering agriculture through digital innovation

MISSOURI ’ S agricultural sector , which accounts for nearly one-third of the state ’ s economy , is set to undergo a significant transformation with the launch of the Digital Agriculture Research and Extension Center ( DAREC ) by the University of Missouri , USA . This pioneering initiative aims to propel farmers and agricultural producers into a future of sustainable agriculture by harnessing the power of emerging digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) to enhance productivity , sustainability , and profitability .
According to Shibu Jose , Associate Dean for Research at the MU College of Agriculture , Food and Natural Resources ( CAFNR ), the evolving landscape of farming necessitates a new set of skills among farmers . The DAREC seeks to equip the next generation of agricultural professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to adapt and thrive in an increasingly digital environment . With Missouri positioned as a key player in agricultural innovation , the centre aims to lead the way in integrating cutting-edge technologies into farming practices .
Formed through a partnership between CAFNR , MU Extension , and the USDA Agricultural Research Service , the DAREC will focus on critical areas such as crop production , soil health , precision livestock farming , and engineering innovations . By conducting research , engaging with industry partners , and leveraging the expertise of faculty and students , the centre aims to drive advancements in agricultural practices that benefit both farmers and the broader community .
At the heart of the DAREC is the MU Digital Farm , a field demonstration site located at MU ’ s South Farm .

Revolutionising agriculture in India

KRISHNA , a smallholding farmer in Telangana , India , faces numerous challenges , including unpredictable weather , pest infestations , and limited access to financial resources . Like many of India ’ s approximately 125 million smallholding farmers , Krishna struggles with subsistence farming , low returns , and market inefficiencies .
The story is not unique ; an estimated 500 million smallholder farms globally support almost two billion people , producing 80 per cent of the food consumed in Asia and sub- Saharan Africa .
The World Economic Forum India ’ s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution , in collaboration with India ’ s Union Ministry of Agriculture and the state of Telangana , recently launched the AI for Agriculture Innovation ( AI4AI ) initiative to tackle the multifaceted challenges faced by smallholder farmers . This holistic , scalable approach involves stakeholders from various sectors , including agri-inputs , consumer , food processing , finance , insurance , technology firms , startups , and farmer cooperatives .
Over eight months , AI4AI held more than 45 workshops to understand smallholder farmers ’ challenges and explore how Fourth Industrial Revolution ( 4IR ) technologies could assist . The resulting AI4AI plan leverages AI , drones , and blockchain to address financial inclusion and climate resilience .
The AI4AI framework was tested in the Khammam district , benefiting 7,000 farmers . Dubbed “ Saagu Baagu ,” the initiative employed bot
This facility and the Central Missouri Research , Extension , and Education Center will serve as a testing ground for new digital technologies . Through demonstrations and outreach efforts , the centre aims to showcase the practical benefits of these innovations and provide guidance on their implementation to farmers and stakeholders .
Led by co-directors Jianfeng Zhou , Kent Shannon , and Ken Sudduth , the DAREC represents a collaborative effort to drive innovation and excellence in Missouri agriculture . With plans for a spring symposium , the centre is poised to facilitate knowledge sharing , foster partnerships , and pave the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future for Missouri agriculture .
advisory services , soil testing technology , AI-based quality testing , and a digital platform for buyer-seller connectivity . The 18-month pilot reported impressive results : an US $ 800 per acre income increase in a single crop cycle , a 21 per cent rise in chilli yield production , a nine per cent reduction in pesticide use , a five per cent decrease in fertilisers , and an eight per cent boost in unit prices due to quality improvements .
Saagu Baagu ’ s success prompted the state government to expand the initiative to include 500,000 farmers across 10 districts , covering five crops . This expansion aligns with the sustainability and efficiency goals set by AI4AI and demonstrates the potential of AI for agriculture in transforming the lives of smallholder farmers .