Cover Story 09 sia ’ s agricultural sector , aligning its initiatives with the National Agrofood Policy ( NAP ) framework .
“ Through financial interventions , Agrobank empowers agropreneurs by providing financing , financial advice , and capital allocations , enabling them to enhance production capabilities and contribute to national food security objectives ,” explained Tengku Ahmad .
Agrobank tackles climate change through innovative financing programmes , such as ;
• Vessel Modernisation and Capture Mechanism Programme / Program Pemodenan Vesel dan Mekanisasi Tangkapan ( PVMT ): Enhancing environmentally friendly equipment and mechanising fishing vessel catch equipment within Fishing Zones A , B , C , and C2 across Malaysia . This helps to reduce greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions . The Malaysian Government has allocated RM150 million for this programme , and Agrobank has approved a total exceeding 454 accounts .
• Agrofood Value Chain Modernisation Programme / Program Modenisasi Rantaian Nilai Agromakanan ( PMRNA ): Modernising the agricultural sector and food industry with the agro-food value chain . This initiative addresses challenges such as labour shortages and the effects of natural disasters due to climate change . The total allocation by the Government was RM60 million for the programme as of Dec 31 , 2023 , and Agrobank has approved 123 accounts , equivalent to RM44.5mil .
Furthermore , Agrobank has outlined a strategic initiative under its 5-year strategic business plan to explore the possibility of achieving net zero .
“ Agrobank also organises various programmes on sustainability and climate-related matters for the board and management , facilitated by external subject matter experts ,” added Tengku Ahmad .
“ The Bank also advocates developmental roles and value creation culture through capacity-building and awareness campaigns such as e-learning modules , posters , bulletins , and knowledgesharing sessions for all staff .
“ Through these efforts , our employees gained basic understanding , hence increasing their appreciation towards sustainability and being able to adopt it in their daily working routines , as well as embed-
ding it into the Bank ’ s relevant processes .”
Agrobank also spearheads the VBI Financing and Investment Impact Assessment Framework ( VBIAF ) Sectoral Guide , enabling impact-based risk management in agriculture , forestry , and fishing sectors .
“ Impact-based risk management encompasses risk identification and transmission , risk measurement and risk mitigation / remedial measures ,” explained Tengku Ahmad .
“ This Sectoral Guide equips the Bank to navigate market fluctuations and address challenges in the agricultural , forestry , and fishing sectors .”
Agrobank was selected as the project lead for Bank Negara Malaysia ’ s ( BNM ) VBIAF 3rd Cohort Sectoral Guide for the Agriculture , Forestry and Fishing sector , spearheaded by BNM and the Association of Islamic Banking and Financial Institutions Malaysia ( AIBIM ), in collaboration with other financial institutions and technical experts .
Additionally , Agrobank aligns with regulatory shifts , particularly BNM ’ s Climate Risk Management and Scenario Analysis ( CRMSA ) policy document and the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure ( TCFD ) requirements , ensuring
Dedicated to societal upliftment
DATO ’ Tengku Ahmad Badli Shah Raja Hussin , with his wealth of experience and expertise , was appointed President and Chief E�������� ������ �� A������� �� J�� �� 2022 .
With a distinguished career spanning over three decades in the ������� ��������� ������ A������ journey began in 1994 when he ������ ��B� . ������ ��� ���������� tenure there , he underwent extensive training and development , honing his skills across various banking domains , including operations , credit , commercial , consumer , and corporate banking . He holds a Bachelor of Law , LLB ( Hons ) at University of East Anglia , Norwich , England .
His tenure at HSBC was ������ �� ���������� milestones , where he was selected to undertake several leadership development programmes regionally and nationally . In leadership roles with HSBC and subsequently with Kuwait Finance House , Tengku Ahmad was entrusted with growing revenue contributions from the Wholesale Banking and Markets businesses . His diverse exposure in retail and commercial banking , encompassing Islamic and non-Islamic offerings , provided him with invaluable insights into the various demographics and intricacies of the Malaysian banking landscape .
After his tenure in the commercial banking sector , Tengku Ahmad made a pivotal career shift driven by � ������ �� ���������� �� ��� �������� development .
He joined Pelaburan MARA Berhad , a subsidiary of Majlis Amanah Rakyat ( MARA ) principally involved in investments , asset management , �������� ����������� ��������� advisory , and investment data services .
Under his stewardship , Pelaburan MARA has achieved multiple achievement in widening the investment of the company .
Recognising his contributions �� ��� ������� ��� ������ ������� Tengku Ahmad was appointed Vice �������� �� ���B�� A���������� �� N������� ����������� F������ Institutions in Member Countries �� ��� ������� ����������� B��� �A�F���� �� J��� 2� 2022 .
His appointment underscores his ���������� ��� �������� ������ ��� industry , solidifying his position as � ��� ����� �� ������� ����������� ������ ����������� ������ ��� ������� ������� ��� ������ ��������� .
His dedication to contributing to the nation and society extends beyond his professional endeavours . In his free time , Tengku Ahmad actively engages in Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) activities , demonstrating his commitment to positively impacting the community .
reducing dependence on the import market as much as possible .”
Tengku Ahmad highlighted that the affordability of food production is ������ �� �������� ������������ ����� impact the cost of imported inputs .
“ The current exchange rate of the ringgit against other currencies , such as the US dollar , pound sterling , and euro , ������������ ��������� ��� �������� ���� ���������� ����� . �
“ With the ringgit currently standing �� ������ 4 . � �� 4 . � ������� ��� U� ������� ���� � ������� ��� ����� ��������� ��� � ������� ��� ����� ��� ��������� cost of inputs poses challenges to our food production industry ,” he said ,
adding it exacerbates the challenge of maintaining affordable food prices for consumers .
He added that climate changeinduced disruptions , such as altered rainfall patterns and increased ������������� ���� ���������� challenges to traditional agricultural practices , necessitating adaptation strategies to ensure consistent food production .
“ For example , the cultivation of paddy nowadays is not like before . Increased instances of drought necessitate more ����� ������� ���� ��� ����� ����� . And due to the irregular weather patterns , the paddy planting schedules are disrupted , and crop yields are affected .”
In response to these concerns about
food security , the three major policies that support the development of the agriculture sector are the National A������� ������ 202��20�0 �NA� 2.0� �������� �� ��� 202��� ��� �2�� �������� ���� ����� 202�� ��� ������ ���������� |
������ 20�0 ���� 20���� ������ ������ Ahmad .
“ To boost the agriculture sector and address food security concerns , RM1 ������� ��� ���� �������� ����� BN��� Agrofood Financing Scheme .
“ In addition , to further enhance agricultural production , the ���������� ��� ��������� R�40 million to collaborate with several state governments to implement agrofood projects and support technology adoption .
��� ��������� ��� ������������ initiatives , the prospects for agriculture �������� �� 2024 ������ ������ ������� various stakeholders are putting in collaborative efforts to strengthen ���������� ���� ��������� ��������� Agrobank .”