@AGROBiz March/April 2024 | Page 8

08 Cover Story

@ AGROBiz | MARCH-APRIL . 2024

Unlocking success in farming

Using the right methods and pesticides will ensure a bountiful harvest

THERE are no shortcuts to being a successful farmer . It takes hard work and perseverance and the right timing to overcome the challenges that come your way .

In this article , we feature two farmers who have managed to attain

DELVING beyond the surface allure , our very own ‘ King of Fruits ’ holds a revered status in Malaysia ’ s culinary and agricultural tapestry . Renowned for its distinctive aroma , velvety texture , and complex flavour profiles , durians are more than just fruit - they are a cultural icon deeply ingrained in Malaysian heritage .

Malaysia boasts a rich diversity of durian varieties , each with unique characteristics and flavour nuances , ranging from the creamy Musang King to the bittersweet Blackthorn .
The durian season , spanning from June to August , transforms the countryside into a bustling hub of activity as farmers and enthusiasts eagerly await the harvest of these prized fruits .
One of the orchards awaiting this season is Mr Cheong ’ s durian orchard .
Nestled deep within the verdant embrace of Raub district in Pahang , Malaysia , Cheong Kooi Long has been the durian orchard manager for the last five years . Its owner John Caujole , a French native , only visits the farm during the durian season , so Cheong manages the orchard ’ s day-today operations .
Cheong ’ s journey in managing the farm intertwines with the rhythms of nature and the challenges of nurturing life in the fertile yet demanding land .
“ We do encounter challenges , just like any other orchard . We have encountered various pests and diseases , but one that stands out is the stem canker ,” Cheong said .
Phytophthora palmivora causes stem canker , a major problem for durian farmers in Malaysia . It ’ s a rotting disease which lowers crop yields significantly . However , not
success through trial and error in their sometimes-rocky farming journey . They are Cheong Kooi Long , who manages a durian orchard and Loh Chap Hing , who owns a rock melon farm .
They talk on how their crops were affected by low yields , pests and other insects and how their fortunes turned around with , amongst others , the right methods and pesticides . Here are their stories .

The durian symphony

Nurturing nature ’ s bounty in Malaysia
( Far left ) Manson Ng , Business Development Executive , Behn Meyer AgriCare Malaysia , ( middle ) Cheong Kooi Long , ( 2nd from right ) Tan Meng Teck , Senior Sales Manager , Behn Meyer AgriCare Malaysia .
Cheong Kooi Long
Flowering stage .
much research has used multiple genes to examine the genetic diversity of this pathogen .
Growing durian trees is a labour of love , Cheong said .
“ The durian trees require meticulous care and attention . Think constant watering using a water irrigation system , coupled with regular fertilisers , fungicides and pesticide applications .
“ Due to the current weather conditions , consistent watering is crucial for tree growth .
“ I have a system where every 10 days , I spray fungicide and pesticide . In a month , I do those three times . It ensures healthy tree development ,” Cheong explained .
He has no concerns when it comes to post-harvest .
“ We do not stress about the postharvest . When our durians are harvested , they go straight into the hands of the distributors .
“ We distribute them swiftly to ensure the prized durians reach consumers at their peak .
“ From there , it is their responsibility . The ones that we store here are for our own consumption ,” he smiled .
Cheong revealed they have about 500
trees . During a good harvest season , crops can reach 5,000 pieces ( the pulp of the durian ).
Cheong stands by the fact that renowned fertilizer supplier Behn Meyer Agri- Care ' s touch accounts for the reason the crops have been so fruitful over the years , and needless to say , for the products .
“ In the early stages , we tried using other products . However , we had cost issues and had to look elsewhere . Then came in Behn Meyer AgriCare .
“ I am indebted to Behn Meyer AgriCare . The orchard ’ s productivity and soil quality , root growth and overall tree health have improved , giving us quality durians over the last few years .”
“ Previously , my leaves were never really healthy after the diseases . The leaves were smaller and paler than we have now - bigger , greener , and thicker . But thanks to the fertiliser , even the growth of my tree shoots has improved vastly ,” Cheong said .
The Behn Meyer AgriCare products used were AZOPRIMO , Nitrophoska , ENTEC and Blaukorn premium . He added : “ Behn Meyer AgriCare is special to me . I have been hearing about them since my grandfather ’ s time .
“ He used their products . Even my dad grew up using their products , too .
“ So , to be a third-generational user of the product is truly a proud moment for me and a testament to how good their products can be ,” Cheong said .
While Cheong ’ s durians are primarily sold in the domestic market , their quality and reputation contribute to Malaysia ’ s rich agricultural heritage . Looking to the future , Cheong envisions continued growth and success for his farm , driven by technological advancements and product innovations .
His orchard remains a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dare to dream and nurture life amidst nature ’ s embrace .