@Green July/August 2023 | Page 16


@ green | JULY-AUGUST , 2023

Transitioning towards net zero

Sarawak ’ s at forefront of laying groundwork for a healthy and thriving economy
Abang Zohari shows one of the products displayed at the ‘ Sustainable Aviation Fuel ’ booth run by Petronas-SEDC Energy at IEW 2023 Expo in the BCCK . Behind him ( from 2nd right ) are Deputy Premier Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian ; Minister of Utility and Telecommunication Sarawak Datuk Julaihi Narawi ; Minister of Transport Sarawak Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin ; and Dr Hazland .

FOR THOUSANDS of years , energy has powered the growth of human civilisations and enabled new achievements in the arts , sciences , and technology . Rich and powerful nations with easy access to fossil fuels are jeopardising the planet and the future of human civilisation .

Premier of Sarawak Tan Sri ( Dr ) Abang Zohari Openg stated that his government was aware of the grave threats posed by climate change .
“ We have gathered here today to explore potential and innovative solutions for addressing this challenge ,” said Abang Zohari during his opening address at International Energy Week 2023 in Kuching .
“ We must persist in advocating for more ambitious and all-encompassing climate policies , investing in renewable energy sources , and embracing sustainable practices in every aspect of our lives .
“ This undertaking necessitates governments , businesses , and individual roles in pursuing our shared objectives . Let us seize this opportunity to unite , learn from one another , exchange ideas , and forge meaningful partnerships .”
Sarawak ’ s goal of a carbon-neutral future has not wavered . According to Abang Zohari , the State has been at the forefront of several clean energy programmes that will lay the groundwork for a healthy and thriving economy and establish the region as a clean energy hub .
Abang Zohari viewed the transition to a low-carbon economy as a win-win situation rather than a zero-sum game . He said participants should look into the State ’ s energy sector ’ s many investment options if they want to ensure the sector ’ s long-term viability and financial success .
Sarawak , the largest State in Malaysia , was charged with protecting the region ’ s rich biodiversity . Sarawak showed the strength of character and determination in the face of the global pandemic .
“ Our government is devoted to securing a prosperous future for our State by surmounting challenges and thriving in a post-Covid world . As such , Sarawak has formulated the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy ( PCDS ) 2030 to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow .
“ This comprehensive plan serves as a blueprint for rebuilding our economy and forging a sustainable future for our people ,” added Abang Zohari .
By 2030 , Sarawak planned to have a thriving society based on data and innovation to promote economic growth , social inclusion , and environmental sustainability .
PCDS 2030 was founded with a dedication to clean energy and environmental preservation .
“ We are committed to advancing sustainable practises across critical industries like power generation , agriculture , tourism , and natural resource management to guarantee that our growth is both ecologically responsible and socially inclusive .”
The Premier of Sarawak said that “ clean energy will power Sarawak ’ s Green Economy ,” which would lead to developing environmentally friendly enterprises and creating new jobs .
Over 15 per cent of Sarawak ’ s GDP is expected to come from exports of goods and services , including electricity . Sarawak hopes to capitalise on its natural resources and establish itself as a regional leader in the energy transition by becoming an exporter of renewable energy to its neighbours .
Abang Zohari stressed the tremendous opportunity presented by net zero objectives . Sarawak has been renowned for its welcoming people , rich culture , and abundant natural riches for quite some time . State officials are committed to fighting climate change and have the resources to do so .
“ Our verdant rainforests , abundant sunshine , and mighty rivers provide us with the necessary natural resources to realise our objective of achieving net zero emissions . It demands a collective effort from all stakeholders , including the government , private sector , and local communities .
“ Clean Energy is the key to Sarawak ’ s future economic development and growth , especially having access to abundant clean energy . Over the past decade , Sarawak has experienced a notable shift towards decarbonisation , resulting in a 72 per cent reduction in grid emission intensity between 2010 and 2020 .
“ This achievement has been made possible by our steadfast commitment to renewable energy sources , which continues to drive our sustainable socioeconomic growth today ,” he pointed out .
Abang Zohari emphasised that the country ’ s continued dedication to renewable energy was critical to its success .
From a 2010 high of 92 per cent reliance on fossil fuels , Sarawak has made nine shifts , reaching 70 per cent hydropower by 2015 , with the addition of thermal resources for backup .
With an emphasis on renewable hydropower and an expansion in alternative sources , Sarawak sought to keep its capacity mix at least 60 per cent renewable energy . Sarawak can lessen its impact on global warming by embracing renewable energy .
A cleaner , greener , and more sustainable future is possible for all of us if we pool our resources , invest in them , and work together to implement our ideas .
“ New technologies , such as carbon collection , utilisation , and storage , will be investigated as part of our unwavering commitment to renewable energy . We will promote environmentally responsible methods of forest management , electrifying our transportation networks , and take steps to make our buildings and industries more energy efficient .
Sarawak hopes to cut its annual CO2 emissions by 600,000 metric tonnes by transitioning to an electric vehicle fleet . Electrification is an integral approach to lessen emissions and improve air quality , and the transportation sector is a significant source of these pollutants .
Sarawak Metro ’ s ART project has the potential to significantly advance decarbonisation initiatives and change the face of urban transportation .
Sarawak has significant potential in solar and bioenergy as well as hydropower . Lakes and rivers abound in Sarawak , and the State gets plenty of sunshine all year round , making it ideal for solar energy production .
Large swaths of land in the State can be used to grow biomaterial for energy production , such as bio-fuels , bio-gas , and bio-hydrogen .
As a renewable resource that provides a long-term solution without displacing food production , microalgae are gaining popularity in Sarawak . Sarawak ’ s ample sunshine , mild tropical environment , and availability of seawater make it possible to