@Green July/August 2023 | Page 7

JULY-AUGUST , 2023 | @ green



UMW expands range of green products

Group organises maiden green energy forum for biogas energy players

UMW Group ’ s wholly-owned subsidiary , UMW Industrial Power Services Sdn Bhd ( UIPS ), has been appointed as the authorised distributor of INNIO ’ s Jenbacher engines in Malaysia , marking UIPS ’ maiden foray into the green and renewable energy sector .

The distribution of this product supports UMW ’ s Sustainability Pillar under CREST @ UMW , which is also in line with the 12th Malaysia Plan ’ s goal to achieve 100 per cent carbon neutrality by 2050 .
To apprise industry players of UIPS ’ foray into the green energy sector , UMW and INNIO Jenbacher organised a Green Energy Forum entitled Biogas , Moving Forward , held on May 25 . INNIO kicked off the forum by showcasing its range of products and sharing technology updates on its Jenbacher engines while UIPS shared its capabilities as a total solution provider for the industry .
Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad , Minister of Natural Resources , Environment and Climate Change , delivered a keynote address and subsequently presented Dato ’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali , President & Group CEO , UMW Holdings Berhad , with the MyHijau Mark certificate for the Jenbacher gas engines , which is Malaysia ’ s official green recognition scheme issued by the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation ( MGTC ).
The presentation of the green certification was witnessed by Tan Sri Dato ’ Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman , Group Chairman , UMW Holdings Berhad and Megat Shahrul Azmir , President of Equipment Division , UMW . Also present at the event were H . E . Andreas Launer , the Austrian Ambassador to Malaysia , Carsten Dommermuth , Vice President & Managing Director , INNIO ’ s Jenbacher product brand , APAC region , as well as Carl Richers , Vice President , Product Management & Marketing , INNIO ’ s Jenbacher product brand .
Nik Nazmi , in his speech , noted that while Malaysia has made reasonable progress in transitioning to a lower carbon energy system , “ there is still much to be
Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad , Minister of Natural Resources , Environment and Climate Change , presents Dato ’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali , President & Group CEO , UMW Holdings Berhad , with the MyHijau Mark certificate for the Jenbacher gas engines , witnessed by Tan Sri Dato ’ Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman , Group Chairman , UMW Holdings Berhad and Megat Shahrul Azmir , President of Equipment Division , UMW .
done to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels .” The government , he said , would :
• Improve the existing policy and regulatory framework of electricity supply ,
• Map out a bolder and more aspirational energy transition plan and ,
• Provide avenues and participate in strategic discourse on transformative policies , regulations and financial incentives to stimulate local and regional markets for the energy transition . “ But as I have mentioned earlier , the success of this transition will require broad-based alliances . We need companies to adopt business models and invest , innovate , research , learn and co-create products and technology that support this aim .”

Johor Plantations kicks off ‘ One Million Roots For The Future ’ campaign

NanoMalaysia adopts UN ’ s Sustainable Development Goals

NanoMalaysia ’ s CEO , Dr Rezal Khairi Ahmad , with The Star ’ s ESG Positive Impact Gold Award ( Innovative Partnership ) won by NanoMalaysia .
Johor Plantations planting 300 mangrove trees at Taman Negara Johor , Tanjung Piai - part of the ‘ One Million Roots for the Future ’ campaign .
JOHOR PLANTATIONS Berhad recently launched its “ One Million Roots for the Future ” tree-planting campaign at Taman Negara Johor , Tanjung Piai . This campaign aligns with the United Nations ’ Sustainable Development Goal 15 : to “ protect , restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems , sustainably manage forests , combat desertification , and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss ”.
The event , which kicked off the launch , saw 300 mangrove saplings planted by 60 Johor Plantations employees and is in recognition of the recent celebration of World Environment Day .
Furthermore , this campaign is a precursor to Johor Plantations ’
Southern Sustainability Summit to be held in July , which marks a significant step towards Johor Plantations ’ commitment to promoting environmental sustainability and active stewardship of our natural resources .
Mohd Faris Adli Shukery , Managing Director , Johor Plantations said : “ As a responsible player in the agriculture sector , we are committed to planting one million trees over the next 10 years to help conserve the environment .
“ By doing so , we are raising awareness about the importance of ESG and sustainability to Johor Plantations , enhancing our environmental credentials through sustainable development , fostering environmental responsibility and collective action towards a greener and more sustainable future .”
NANOMALAYSIA Berhad , Malaysia ’ s leading agency in nanotechnology and advanced solutions commercialisation and a company limited by guarantee ( CLBG ) under the Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovation ( MOSTI ), has announced its commitment to adopting the United Nation ’ s Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) as guiding principles in its corporate strategy , culture and day-to-day operations .
Many of NanoMalaysia Berhad ’ s key activities and projects have already aligned with the SDGs , including aquaponics for food security , Graphene cooling liquids for energy and environmental technologies , energy storage development and improvement and security of sustainable materials through the creation of biomassbased advanced materials under the Biomass Innovation for Circular Economy Programme ( BICEP ) with intellectual properties ( IP ) created from these projects
NanoMalaysia Chief Executive Officer Dr Rezal Khairi Ahmad said : “ As a business entity that energises industries and the national economy , we aim to contribute to all 17 goals by realigning our existing sustainability strategies to meet SDGs and green corporate goals .
“ We will take a focused , strategic and robust approach to address local and global issues , which will help attract future investments and funding .
“ We are already operating on a quadruple helix-based Venture Builder model to support the government , research institutes , industry , and communities to deliver our mandate towards commercialising and developing sector and people-centric nanotechnology solutions , local EV and hydrogen technology for the nation ’ s sustainable economic growth ”. – @ Green