@Green May/June 2023 | Page 30

Avant Wood ’ s advanced technology enhances the density and quality of wood while addressing sustainability


@ Green Xtra | MAY-JUNE , 2023

Delivering innovative wood solutions

Avant Wood ’ s advanced technology enhances the density and quality of wood while addressing sustainability

In today ’ s rapidly changing world , sustainability is crucial for consumers , businesses , and governments . However , the timber industry has traditionally been associated with unsustainable practices , hurting the environment .

Avant Wood recognises this challenge and is committed to providing innovative , eco-friendly solutions of the highest quality . By leveraging cuttingedge technology and a deep commitment to sustainability , Avant Wood is leading the industry towards a greener future .
“ As a global forerunner in wood modification , our company can convert practically any wood species to meet market requirements . For example , Revotropix Paulownia grows quickly and stores carbon well . Still , its low density has made it challenging to use in certain applications , such as the construction industry ,” said Pekka Ritvanen , founder and chief executive officer of Avant Wood .
“ However , with our Avant Wood technology , we can enhance the timber ’ s properties for various applications worldwide .”
Avant Wood provides innovative Thermo Mechanical Timber Modification solutions ( TMTM™ ) and associated process control software and hardware technology . The Avant Wood TMTM™ - LOCK-WOOD trademark is protected globally .
When using wood , he said it was crucial to first address its high initial moisture content to prevent mould and termite damage . This can be achieved through drying .
“ The thermal modification method is rapidly gaining popularity . Enhancing the mechanical properties of the timber , such as strength , hardness , dimensions , and stability , involves a complex interplay of various factors .
“ By densifying the timber , we can increase its mechanical strength properties accordingly . The higher the density , the better the strength properties .”
Avant Wood has collaborated with Ecopeneer to test and develop Revotropix Paulownia , achieving specific properties suitable for various applications .
“ Paulownia is very lightweight , with a density of around 320kg / m3 , but we can increase its density through our mechanism . Additionally , we can simultaneously dry the timber , improve and enhance its mechanical properties , and perform thermal modification to give the wood a darker colour ,” explained Ritvanen .
Ritvanen said Avant Wood ’ s products and solutions were globally scalable . The company has conducted numerous tests with customers in Europe , New Zealand ,
Pekka Ritvanen
Australia , Indonesia , and Vietnam .
“ There is tremendous potential in Malaysia for our technology . The country boasts numerous wood species , including acacia and rubber wood , which can be utilised efficiently .
“ However , the biggest potential lies in the palm oil industry . Oil palm trunks ( OPTs ) are typically considered waste and pose a challenge for the palm oil industry . But with our technology , we can OPTs into excellent materials suitable for various applications ,” Ritvanen elaborated .
He mentioned that oil palm could be found in Malaysia , Indonesia and some parts of Africa and that the annual volume of trunks from plantation clearings amounts to over 100 million m ³. Treating it as waste results in carbon emissions through rotting or burning , which releases CO2 or methane gas .
“ Our solution can transform this
Pekka Ritvanen , Founder of Avant Wood and Sami Sillgren , CFO of Avant Wood .
waste into end products that bind CO2 and harmful gases , preventing them from being released into the atmosphere for many years .”
According to Ritvanen , conventional mechanical wood processing produces only a few standard products as commodities and sells them globally . However , Avant Wood ’ s approach is different , allowing customers to request specific wood products and modify the timber accordingly .
The company ’ s advanced system is flexible , and modification parameters can be accessed based on customer needs , which sets its technology apart from conventional wood techniques .
“ The customers can specify the desired output of the modified timber ; in some cases , they may want an annual production . Knowing the wood species , we can determine the modification speed and estimate the batch size required to meet the desired annual volume capacity .
“ Our integrated system offers several advantages over conventional methods , as all the processes are integrated into one . For instance , it may take up to a year for Eucalyptus to dry using traditional methods before it can be marketed as a wood material . In contrast , our system can achieve this in a week or less , cutting the production time by up to 80 or 90 per cent . This offers customers greater flexibility ,” he explained . •