“ Do not mischief on the earth , after it has been set in order , but call Him with fear and longing ( in your hearts ): for the Mercy is ( always ) near to those who do good ” ( Quran , Ar-Rum , 30 : 41 )
The principle of using nature is derived from the prophetic declaration , “ There shall be no damage and no infliction of damage .” In Islam , the right to benefit from essential environmental elements and resources such as water , minerals , land , forests , fish and wildlife , arable soil , air , and sunlight is a right shared by all members of society .
The foundation of the Islamic code of living is based on the fundamental principles of the code of conduct . These are known as Maqasid or objectives , vision , and mission to be pursued as guidance in one ’ s activity . Maqasid al-Shari ’ ah involves human wellbeing by enhancing the welfare or benefit ( maslahah ) of the people on the one hand and preventing harm ( masfsadah ) on the other . The ultimate objective of shariah is to promote and protect the well-being of the people and nature , which lies in the safeguarding of five ( religion , life , intellect , progeny , and wealth ) fundamental objectives of shari ’ ah as lifelong vision as shared values by an adherent of faith ( Berghout & Ahmad , 2023 ). In addition to the aim , Figure 1 illustrates the connection between Maqasid al-Shari ’ ah , environment , and economy to promote spirituality and sustainability .
The objectives set by the United Nations , especially those addressing climate action , resilient communities , and environmental
sustainability , are highly relevant to the current surge in environmental crises . For example , SDG 13 emphasises the importance of tackling climate change and its repercussions , which is evident in the escalating frequency of natural calamities like hurricanes , floods , and wildfires . This underscores the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement strategies for adapting to climate-related risks . Additionally , environmental disasters profoundly impact SDG 15 , which focuses on conserving terrestrial ecosystems and promoting sustainable land use . For instance , wildfires and deforestation contribute to habitat loss , biodiversity decline , and ecosystem degradation , hindering efforts to manage natural resources effectively and sustainably .
Considering the profound impacts of natural calamities on coastal communities and marine environments , SDG 14 ’ s emphasis on Life Below Water remains highly relevant . For instance , oil spills threaten coastal livelihoods and aquatic biodiversity , emphasising the critical need for marine preservation and sustainable ocean governance . Additionally , SDG 11 ’ s focus on fostering inclusive , safe , resilient , and sustainable cities and human settlements aligns with the socioeconomic dimensions of environmental crises . Disadvantaged populations bear disproportionate burdens during hurricanes and floods , highlighting the imperative of equitable access to resources , infrastructure , and disaster preparedness initiatives .
Environmental catastrophes also highlight how interrelated the SDGs are and how crucial it is to approach sustainable development from a comprehensive perspective . Achieving some SDGs , such as those
“ Islam promotes sustainable development both socially and economically . This is because Allah will never change the grace He bestows on the people until they change what is in themselves .” |
on health , gender equality , poverty eradication , and economic development , depends on addressing climate change , fostering environmental resilience , and lowering the risk of disasters .
Hence , as the ongoing environmental crises underscored , it is imperative to advance the Sustainable Development Goals , specifically those targeting climate change mitigation , environmental protection , and community resilience . By uniting efforts to address ecological challenges alongside broader sustainable development objectives , we can shape a more resilient , equitable , and sustainable future for all .
The current prevalence of natural disasters and the efforts to mitigate their impacts are intertwined with the principles of Maqasid al-Shari ’ ah , providing a framework for achieving the overarching goals of preservation . These examples illustrate how the ethical conduct of adherents to Islam can contribute to sustainability across various domains . The primary aim of shari ’ ah is to uphold and safeguard the welfare of both people and the environment , which is encapsulated in preserving five essential aspects : religion , life , intellect , progeny , and wealth .
Islam promotes sustainable development both socially and economically . This is because Allah will never change the grace He bestows on the people until they change what is in themselves . A sustainable tomorrow would entail the spiritual understanding of using natural resources to prevent the exploitation and destruction of the environment , climate , and loss of biodiversity . – @ green