@Green November/December 2024 | Page 23

• Column 23 the largest conferences in the world , attended by over 100,000 delegates from around the globe , including 156 heads of State and government , as well as 22 leaders of international organisations .
November-December . 2024 | @ green

• Column 23 the largest conferences in the world , attended by over 100,000 delegates from around the globe , including 156 heads of State and government , as well as 22 leaders of international organisations .

A total of 700 Malaysian delegates were registered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability to participate in COP28 .
While the delegates meet to discuss the issues of climate change , the large number of travellers contributed to carbon footprint ( amount of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emissions associated with all the activities of a person or other entity ( e . g ., building , corporation , country , etc ).
It was also reported that high-level delegates travelled using private jets , which are the least fuel-efficient and most carbon-intensive mode of transport ( Apolitical , 2023 ).
The event , though it was an excellent collective effort , it seemed to contradict actions towards sustainable climate action .
The halal tourism industry is an essential component of the larger tourism ecosystem , which encompasses a range of stakeholders and activities , including travellers , lodging providers , and transportation providers .
Similar to conventional tourism , halal tourism also incorporates these features . Still , it is designed to fulfil the needs of Muslim travellers by following Islamic principles in services like food , lodging , and recreational activities .
This guarantees that the services and tourism infrastructure adhere to halal principles , providing a complete halal vacation experience .
Tourism is a highly income-elastic sector ; thus , as economic development grows , consumers increase their demand for tourism faster than other products and services .
While this is economically attractive , tourism activities are known to contribute to carbon footprint .
For instance , tourism is responsible for about eight per cent of the global carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emissions , which is one of the greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions ( Lenzen et al ., 2018 ).
In 2019 , the World Tourism Organisation International Transport Forum highlighted the expectation that the tourism sector will be one of the top GHG-emitting industries due to its expansion , with an anticipated increase in both international (+ 50 per cent ) and domestic (+ 49 per cent ) tourists from 2016 to 2030 ( Casals Miralles et al ., 2023 ).
Many components in the tourism ecosystem contribute to the carbon footprint . The key contributors include food consumption , mainly imported items and dining out , as well as the energy used in hotels and resorts for heating and laundry .
Transportation methods like air travel and cars add significant emissions . Water-intensive amenities , such as pools and golf courses , further strain resources . Additionally , events and infrastructure development raise emissions through construction and logistics .
As the reflection on the challenges of sustainable halal tourism , the guidance from the words of Allah Al- Mighty from surah Al-Mulk verse 15 described : “ He is the One who made the earth easy for you , so walk in all directions and eat some of His sustenance . And only to Him are you ( returned after ) resurrected ” ( Quran , Al-Mulk , 67:15 ).
This verse shows that Islam allows tourism activities and highlights the importance of governing it based on the principles shari ’ ah ( Firdaus et al ., 2021 ). To this end , managing carrying capacity is one of the good practices that can implemented .
By subscribing to this practice , the authorities can regulate the number of visitors to a particular area or attraction to prevent environmental degradation and ensure sustainable tourism .
This approach helps avoid overcrowding , minimises negative impacts on ecosystems , and enhances the overall sustainability of tourism in a region .
At the same time , the quality of the visitor experience can be improved while preserving the destination ’ s integrity . As the industry grows , it must address these concerns by promoting eco-friendly practices like reducing waste , conserving water , and encouraging the use of green technologies . By adopting sustainable approaches , halal tourism can reduce its environmental impact while maintaining the core values of halal principles . – @ green