@Green September/October 2024 | Page 10

• COP 29


• COP 29

@ green | September-October . 2024

Mountain to climb

Advanced economies have multiple levers to pull , including as shareholders in development banks

THE Bonn Climate Change Conference in June saw two weeks of intensive work across a range of issues where progress is needed on the path to the UN Climate Change Conference ( COP29 ) this November in Baku , Azerbaijan .

“ We ’ ve taken modest steps forward here in Bonn ,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell in his closing speech . “[ But ] too many items are still on the table . . . We ’ ve left ourselves with a very steep mountain to climb to achieve ambitious outcomes in Baku .” Areas of progress in Bonn included :
• Parties streamlined content going into the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance . Clear options and the substantive framework of a draft decision must be finalised before COP29 .
• Parties took steps towards adaptation indicators that are forward-looking , effective , and scientifically sound .
• Progress was made towards a better functioning international carbon market , but further work remains to be done .
• Parties worked together for transparency and supported each other in planning stronger climate action plans .
The June meetings hosted a technical expert dialogue ( TED10 ) to enable an in-depth examination of the elements of the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance ( NCQG ) – including how to make sure it is ambitious , optimally structured , transparently reported on , and improves the quality of
climate finance to developing countries .
Parties also spent several days working on developing a substantive framework for a draft negotiating text for consideration at COP29 , outlining the text here in Bonn .
Stiell also noted the need for further progress on climate finance issues outside of the UNFCCC process , including by the G7 . “ Advanced economies have multiple levers to pull , including as shareholders in development banks .”
The co-chairs invited Parties to submit their consolidated and updated views on the NCQG so that they can produce a new input paper with options for TED11 and the third meeting of the ad-hoc work programme , which will be held back-to-back in October . A high-level ministerial dialogue on the NCQG will also be held in October to help pave the way for an outcome at COP2
At COP28 in the United Arab Emirates last December , Parties agreed on measures for the Global Goal on Adaptation , which created thematic targets that highlight forwardlooking global priorities .
At the June UN Climate Meetings , Parties took important steps towards indicators for each of these thematic targets , which will be inclusive , transparent and scientifically sound . Notably , Parties made progress on what was needed next , including how these indicators will be decided , and the technical work ahead .
As part of the outcome of the Global Stocktake , UN Climate
Change is urging Parties to develop National Adaptation Plans ( NAPs ) by the end of 2025 and to make progress in implementing them by 2030 .
Only 58 developing countries have submitted a NAP . The secretariat has asked more countries to have a plan by 2025 and make progress on implementing them by 2030 . Over the coming months , UN Climate Change will work directly with countries to accelerate the formulation of NAPs , including through its Regional Collaboration Centres .
UN Climate Change has already trained more than 1,100 experts from 150 countries , building the capacity of thousands of practitioners , including across other intergovernmental organisations .”
The incoming COP Presidency asked Parties to submit their Biennial Transparency Reports ( BTRs ) ahead of COP29 in Baku . These reports will help Parties build the stronger evidence base for ambition .
Several events took place during the June Meetings on the support
available to developing countries , including the In-person Workshop on ETF Support and the In-session Facilitative Dialogue on ETF Support .
Later this month , the UN Climate Change will deliver new Enhanced Transparency Framework reporting tools that integrate the tracking of greenhouse gas inventories , as well as action and support . In partnership with Microsoft , UN Climate Change is also developing a new Climate Data Hub to bring this data to life .
UN Climate Change has already trained more than 1,100 experts from 150 countries , building the capacity of thousands of practitioners , including across other intergovernmental organisations .
Training sessions on the new reporting tools will be held in the African , Latin American and Caribbean regions ahead of COP29 , as well as at COP29 .
Parties are required to deliver their next round of Nationally Determined Contributions ( NDCs ) early next year , aligned with the 1.5 ° C limit and covering all sectors and all greenhouse gases .
At the June Meetings , UN Climate Change and the NDC Partnership launched the NDC 3.0 Navigator to help Parties access information that can help them develop new NDCs with a focus on implementation . – @ green