@Green XTRA November/December 2024 | Page 4

04 @ greenXtra | November-December . 2024
Al-Sultan Abdullah Shah giving his speech at COP28 .
Critical to recognise the significant role of nature-based solutions in combating climate change
Al Sultan Abdullah Shah and Turkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdogan .

A call to action

AS THE threat of climate change looms , urgent action is imperative . Each passing day is crucial to the planet ’ s future , and we must act now .

Energy transition has always been a hot topic for debate in combating climate change . Malaysia is no different on this road to a just energy transition .
Sultan of Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Shah was King of Malaysia when he attended COP28 in the United Arab Emirates last year .
He had said then that Malaysia was already experiencing the brunt of climate change , ranging from heavy rainfall to scorching heat and the dreaded floods .
The latest reports from the UN ’ s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change state that we must be resolute in our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ( GHG ) by 43 per cent by 2030 compared to 2019 .
This reduction in GHG is imperative to prevent the dreaded 1.5 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures by the end of this century to avoid the worse impacts of climate change .
COP28 was a historic summit because it brought more than 100 countries , more than 50 oil and gas companies , six industry associations and more than 35 companies from heavy-emitting industries , finance institutions and high-level leaders to collectively commit to working together to deliver valuable progress towards closing the GHG gap by 2030 through a just and responsible transition .
“ Without exception , every country must contribute to combat climate change , based on the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities ( CBDR ),” expressed Al-Sultan Abdullah when he opened the Malaysia Pavilion at COP28 .
“ Malaysia has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions intensity by 45 per cent by 2030 compared to 2005 . Furthermore , we have set our aspiration