@Halal July/August 2024 | Page 15

July-August . 2024 | @ Halal


tion to promote the concept of justice . Hence , tourism players and service providers , including those involved in Islamic tourism , can take this challenge by offering products and services at fair and just prices , reflecting through tour packages , hotel rates , and service charges .
Insha-Allah , this will lead to baraqah ( an increase in that given bounty , blessings or Divine Gift from Allah the Almighty , which continues with firmness and stability towards increases ) to the revenue earned and open wider opportunities , productivity and success . In practice , we must also allocate our revenues for zakat , infa ’ and waqaf as our obligations to ummah and social justice .
Effective promotion is another crucial marketing mix in tourism , which is needed to create and enhance awareness , demand , sales and revenues . Destinations used to spend extensively on promotions , advertising , public relations , sales missions and business visits .
Now , due to high costs and advancements in technology , changes in travel policy , tastes & preferences in information dissemination , they must be precise and intelligent in spending through market segmentation and product differentiation .
A destination and players need to evaluate and formulate promotional strategies to attract purchases . The promotional channels must be relevant and effective in today ’ s context , especially in terms of digital technology and online , such as AI ( Artificial intelligence ).
In respect of halal tourism , the contents of the promotional materials like TV commercials , video clips , advertising creatives and slogans , language and attires must comply with the code of ethics , advertising and communication codes , halal standards and other relevant requirements . The message and promises must be factual , honest and not misleading .
Place leadership is known as a distribution
channel , and the methods have grown over the years with new technology , logistical procedures and policies . Tourism industries have developed specific distribution models involving intermediaries like tourism wholesalers , tour operators and retailers , travel agents , sales representatives and travel counsellors .
Apart from selling and marketing tour packages and ticketing , there is also another critical channel , i . e ., licensed and registered tourist guides , who play a significant role in the travel industry .
With the technology in place , a destination and travel supplier may leverage the digital platforms for promotional and sales campaigns more efficiently and effectively .
This is in addition to the still needed word of mouth and face-to-face sales visits and product familiarisations . Today , travel information and promotions are expected to be made available on Facebook , Instagram , TikTok , Meta , etc .
Again , while the technology hardware and software are expected to be produced according to manufacturing reliable standards , the contents developed and processes involved must observe and fulfil the Sharia compliance , laws and regulations . It is critical not to slander , discriminate , lie , and be disrespectful .
Apart from physical and technological capacities for marketing and business purposes , leaders must also develop their social-emotional intelligence and cognitive capacity to become knowledgeable and skillful in dealing with their team members and stakeholders .
The mindset of a destination manager , product or marketing manager has to be guided and enhanced by the clear and right worldview , principles and purpose of life together with the best ethics , practices and governance .
Leadership is about leading and managing people effectively and efficiently . It is not demonstrated by giving orders and speaking
loudly solely but more towards having a profound and practical listening ability to people ’ s issues and solving them together .
A leader does not know all and everything . They depend on other people too to succeed and cannot work in silo . No matter how big the corporate size and business are , we have no choice but to deal with people in the designed system .
Hence , the leaders in the industry must have the right attitude and behaviour . In today ’ s terms , leaders must have the transformative mind , the right social-emotional intelligence and cognitive development stage to face reality and constant changes .
In developing halal tourism to an advanced stage , leaders have the challenge to strike a balance between both the physical and spiritual needs of Muslim travellers during their travels .
It is a reality that halal tourism co-exists with conventional tourism , which has been firmly rooted in the market . While we strive for better economic returns , we must not lose sight of the importance of value creation among the people we serve .
The yield must be commensurate with the value , experience , meaning , and quality of life of both suppliers and buyers ( tourists ) when they transact businesses such as in accommodation , tour packages , visits and logistics , and after the travel completes .
All the above leadership traits , qualities and characteristics are crucial to the leaders themselves , companies and organisations . Still , more importantly , all of them contribute significantly to the well-being of the society and country we live in and beyond our borders .
This observation and reflection mark the end of my article in this issue . Upon Allah is our reliance , and He alone grants success . Thank you . See you again in next issue , insha- Allah . Wassalam . Let ’ s celebrate and reflect our 66th National Day on Aug 31 with dignity , unity and responsibility . –
“ Leadership is about leading and managing people effectively and efficiently . It is not demonstrated by giving orders and speaking loudly solely but more towards having a profound and practical listening ability to people ’ s issues and solving them together .”