@Halal July/August 2024 | Page 2

@ Halal | July-August . 2024


@ Halal says ...

Halal for all , all for halal

WITH halal products and services progressively seeing demand , more businesses are looking into penetrating the halal market .

Though rooted in Islamic Shariah law , the appeal of halal products and services has transcended beyond the Muslim community . This is evident in the growing consumption of halal products by non-Muslims .
While halal products and services are made to cater to Muslims ’ dietary and ethical requirements , their standards of sustainability , animal welfare , food safety and hygiene , and transparency have a universal appeal .
However , halal goods are often being marketed as exclusively for Muslims , which risks alienating non-Muslim consumers who also subscribe to these standards .
These days , consumers are more socially conscious , especially Generation Z ( Gen Z ) consumers . Since the oldest members of Gen Z are now in the workforce and beginning to gain purchasing power , they will soon represent the most significant consumer demographic .
That said , the halal industry needs to start focusing on aligning its brands with Gen Z ’ s values . Gen Zs prioritise representation ; they want to see themselves reflected in the brands they support .
A greater understanding of cultural and religious diversity , as well as a commitment to authentic representation in branding and marketing strategies , are crucial .
Businesses should include cross-cultural messaging in their marketing campaigns . Instead of using strictly religious terminology , focus on language that highlights quality , sustainability , and other relevant terms that make halal products more approachable to non-Muslims .
Besides that , inclusive visuals should be incorporated to portray halal products as suitable for everyone . Showcasing diverse groups enjoying halal products is critical to dismantling the notion that halal is exclusive to a single religion .
Through this approach , halal can be positioned as a high-quality choice for conscious consumers everywhere .
P04 | FOREIGN NEWS Philippines seeks Qatari investments The Philippines targets growth in halal and other vital sectors with potential investments from Qatar .
Shariah-compliant and paperless Offa ’ s BTL finance service creates investment opportunities for British expatriates .
P06 | LOCAL NEWS Empowering future financiers Bank Muamalat and INCEIF University to provide financial support to students studying Islamic finance .
Transforming Tanjung Manis Tanjung Manis Halal Hub is expected to be the catalyst for agro-investment .