MAY-JUNE. 2020 | @Halal
Thus, can
we still say
DNA is the
only solution
for halal
analysis? The honest
answer is even though
DNA method is the most
established method and
the only one allowed
by authorities, we
still need to think of
alternative ways to
trace porcine in the
item in which the DNA
no longer exists.”
the result is detected when using ELISA and
polypeptide methods. As for glycerin product,
porcine-based ingredients can only be identified
using ELISA test but can’t be detected
using DNA and polypeptide methods. In other
merchandise such as lip balm, ageing soap
and pork fat, both DNA and ELISA methods
can be used for tracing of porcine-based
ingredients in the finished products.
So, it is obvious here to say that the method
picked is essential to ensure halal and haram
status. The method of analysis chosen
depends on the ingredients in the finished
products. This is also supposed to be aware
by authorities that the method for Halal
analysis is not just using DNA test, but has to
extend to other alternative methods as long
as the method has been verified, validated and
ISO17025 accredited.
Halal science is always there to assist with
halal certification. Halal science can help
to get trust. The trust comes from stringent
verification as the integrity can be based on
trust but verified. That’s the importance of
halal science. That’s the value of the halal
logo, and that’s the beauty of Islam. Halal is
brought by Muslims, but for Muslims and