may-june. 2020 | @Halal
Foreign News
can never interfere in halal food
What does the European Union want to do?
By Dr Huseyin Kami Buyukozer
Patron of WHC
Halal is an Islamic term and it
belongs only to Muslims!
CEN (European Committee for
Standardization) has set about
a project on Halal Standards
for food products’ packages in
Europe and International markets. This is
Islam has been sent to Prophet
Muhammed (p.b.h) and it is the last religion.
Islam is based on Quran-al Karim and
Prophet (p.b.h) sunnah.
Allah (swt) has protected this last religion
for the past 1400 years, and will definitely
continue to maintain it.
Halal is a pure Islamic term and only
belongs to Muslims. Halal isn’t just a
technical issue which Europeans can
make up standards, formula and regulations
as much as they wish. Muslims have
responsibilities to Allah (swt). Allah has
already set up all necessary rules and regulations
We are concerned by what Europeans are
doing about Halal Standards and Certification.
As Muslims, we are not going to allow
non-Muslims to interfere in our religion.
CEN has to stop working on Halal standards.
Muslims already know what they can
consume or not. We don’t need to learn our
religion from non-Muslims. In the afterlife,
we will account for what he have done and
obeying the EU norms and rules for Halal
will not save us.
In 2013, Poland passed a bill in its parliament
about ban of ritual Muslim and Jewish
slaughter of animals. This means Poland
does not respect the rights of people who
would like to live his religion. And the same
Poland is a member of CEN! How come the
CEN will be able to prepare a Halal standard
where its members even don’t care about
beliefs and values of people?
Some European based private and official
bodies are also said to contribute for the
development of so-called “European Halal
Standards”. It is not possible to have European,
Asian or African standards separately.
Islam is a world religion granted by Allah and
thus it is open to all people.
Ethnicity, region, race or any other factor
cannot be a factor for discrimination. Muslims
are the members of one single body :
the Ummah. So there can be only a Halal
Standard that will embrace the Ummah
worldwide and this Standard can only be
handled by Muslims.
Muslims and non-Muslims have to understand
that the New World Order will only
rise on Halal and Tayyib!
Antabax and MYDIN
raise funds for charity
Antabax, producer of Malaysia’s No 1
halal antibacterial personal care range, will
join MYDIN Corporate Social Responsibility,
MYDIN Prihatin: Zahirkan Kesyukuran,
Semarakkan Keriangan 2020 to raise funds
for charity.
The fundraising initiative will run from
April 13 to June 21, 2020, and will see 10 sen
from the sales of all Antabax products from
all MYDIN outlets nationwide channelled
towards providing the necessities to Asnaf
(groups of Zakat beneficiaries) and orphanages
registered with the Department of
Social Welfare.
Antabax is among the five brands participating
in the second MYDIN Prihatin
charity fundraising initiative. This year, the
funds collected will be donated to underprivileged
families, orphanages and old
folks homes in conjunction with MYDIN’s
63rd Anniversary in August and in time for
the Back to School season in December.
The Covid-19 pandemic is having a
staggering impact on the global economy.
Among the hardest hit are those who are
most at risk, especially the underprivileged.
To flatten the curve of transmission,
washing hands frequently with soap and
water, using sanitisers and showering upon
returning from crowded areas are recommended.
Antabax shower creams, hand
soaps, bar soaps, gel and spray sanitisers
and antibacterial wipes offer 24-hour antibacterial
protection from 99.9 per cent of
harmful germs and are available at MYDIN
outlets, nationwide. All Antabax products
are certified halal, giving Muslims full
confidence in using them.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in
increased demand for Antabax’ products as
frequent handwashing, sanitising hands
and surfaces, bathing and showers are recommended
to flatten the curve. As a caring
corporate citizen, we would like to give
back to communities in need during this
time,” explained Francis Ng, Senior General
Manager at Antabax.
Through the first MYDIN Prihatin
initiative in 2019, Antabax contributed
approximately RM18, 000 towards 14 charity
homes, nationwide.
“We truly appreciate the support of
Antabax in joining this noble initiative
to reaching out the underprivileged. The
previous MYDIN Prihatin has successfully
collected more than RM 150,000 for charity,
and we hope to bring more smiles this
year, especially during these challenging
times” said Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin, Managing
Director of Mydin Mohamed Holdings
“Contributions in cash and in-kind have
reduced tremendously since the Covid-19
pandemic started because times are tough
for everyone. We are thankful for the
MYDIN Prihatin initiative and the support
we received from Antabax. For us, these contributions
make so much difference, and we
feel very grateful for the contribution,” said
an NGO representative.