@Halal May/June 2024 | Page 35

May-June . 2024

Islamic Tourism

Two of ITC ' s signature recognition programmes to drive the MFTH ecosystem .

The next big opportunity

Muslim-friendly tourism offers promising economic benefits that Malaysia should not overlook

THE Muslim tourist market is projected to contribute at least 230 million in global international tourist arrivals with a spending of US $ 225 billion by 2028 . This forecast has prompted many popular destinations to come up with innovative offerings to attract Muslim tourists .

The Muslim tourist market is a goldmine for Malaysian businesses across various industries . Muslim tourists currently constitute about 20 % of the total tourist arrivals to Malaysia , which contributed about RM14.7 billion to the local economy in 2023 .
However , there is rising competition from other destinations , particularly from neighbouring countries such as Indonesia , Singapore and Thailand , which are also aggressively promoting their Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality ( MFTH ) products and services .
Recognising the rising competition from regional countries and the vast potential of Muslim tourists , the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism , Arts and Culture ( MOTAC ), is stepping up its efforts to strengthen Malaysia ’ s position as a top Muslim-friendly destination .
ITC introduced the Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition ( MFAR ) and Muslim-Friendly Tourist Guide ( MFTG ) programmes to ensure quality products and services , enhance tourist confidence , and open new market opportunities .
ITC established MFAR in 2019 , which is the first government-backed recognition for businesses offering Muslim-friendly services in the following areas : Tourist Accommodation ; Spa and Wellness ; Travel Agencies ; Medical Facilities ; Transportation Hubs ; Tourism Products ; Shopping Malls ; Theme Parks ; Rest and Refresh Centres at highways ; and Convention and Trade Centres .
ITC sees the importance of Muslim-friendly tourism and hospitality standards as a way to attract Muslim travellers and enhance their experience in Malaysia .
ITC Director-General Nizran Noordin says : “ Just like how Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia ’ s ( JAKIM ) halal certification has been helpful for Muslims in their decision-making when it comes to food and consumer goods such as medicine and cosmetic products , for example , MFAR aims to provide the same recognition fo tourism products and services .”
According to Nizran , the purpose of MFAR is to optimise tourists ’ satisfaction and experience in Malaysia , enabling them to explore the country ’ s cultural , natural and other attractions .
“ This is where we see our MFAR and MFTG recognition programmes playing a key role in gaining the trust and confidence of Muslim travellers ,” he says .
Although it emphasises Muslim-friendly tourism , MFAR recognition does not mean that the recognised premise rejects non- Muslim patrons .
“ The MFAR is simply a marketing tool to communicate that the business operator can provide value-added services or facilities that Muslims may look for such as prayer facilities , water for ablution and halal food ,” Nizran says .
“ Increased Muslim tourist arrivals means that there will be demand for a variety of faithbased goods and services during the vacation period .
“ Muslim tourists on holiday will look for activities and recreation that do not go against their faith obligations .”
Therefore , ITC sees opportunities for businesses in Malaysia to offer Muslim-friendly and family-friendly entertainment , activities and events , as well as spa and wellness services that are gender-conscious and provide privacy to their clients .
Malaysia has topped the ranking for Muslim-friendly destinations in the Mastercard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index ( GMTI ) since it was first published in 2015 . In 2023 , Malaysia was named “ Muslim- Friendly Destination of the Year ” and “ Muslim Women-Friendly Destination of the Year ” at the Halal in Travel Awards 2023 .
All these recognitions point to Malaysia ’ s continuous attraction as a Muslim-friendly travel destination , along with its good transport infrastructure , communication proficiency , ease of entry for travellers from top Muslim outbound destinations , stakeholder awareness , safety , extensive halal dining options , availability of prayer places and Muslim-friendly accommodation options .
“ These recognitions give ITC further motivation to reach out to more tourism industry players and inform them of the opportunities in Muslim-friendly tourism and hospitality ,” Nizran says .
For the upcoming Visit Malaysia 2026 , targeted tourist arrivals and receipts are 35.6 million and RM147.1 billion respectively .
In addition , MOTAC aims to position Malaysia as an Umrah hub in Southeast Asia , East Asia and Oceania to increase Muslim tourist arrivals in Malaysia .
“ It ’ s clear that there are many opportunities for tourism industry players and entrepreneurs to take advantage of this development and create products and services for this market ,” Nizran says .
He emphasises that the growth of the Muslim tourist market may well sustain sectors such as banking , finance and insurance through offerings of payment gateways , digital wallets and travel insurance products for the Muslim tourist market .
The updated MFAR recognises Muslimfriendly tourism products based on globally accepted standards developed by Malaysia ( MS2610 ), including the welfare of workers and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( UNSDGs ).
MFTG , on the other hand , recognises MOTAC-licensed tourist guides who have undergone a three-day ITC training session and passed the assessment on understanding the Muslim tourist market .
To make it easier for hotels to apply for MFAR recognition , ITC has developed a rating system where businesses can attain either silver , gold or platinum MFAR recognition , depending on their level of commitment and compliance with the guidelines .
“ ITC hopes industry players will adopt all these recognitions to provide greater assurance to Muslim tourists , especially as we prepare for Malaysia to be an Umrah hub for
Southeast Asia , East Asia and Oceania ,” Nizran says .
By the end of year 2025 , ITC endeavours to recognise 350 hotels with MFAR and 150 licensed tourist guides with MFTG . This shall bode well with Malaysia ' s plan to be an Umrah hub .
The industry ’ s dedication in making Malaysia a safe and worry-free destination for Muslim tourists has not gone unnoticed , as the country continues to receive recognition from its peers . Some highlights include : i . Top-ranking Muslim-Friendly Destination ( OIC ), Mastercard-CrescentRating ’ s Global Muslim Travel Index ( GMTI ) Report ( 2015-2024 ) ( No reports released in 2020 ), Mastercard-CrescentRating ii . Top Destination of the Year , Halal in Travel Awards ( 2022-2024 ) iii . Top Muslim Women-Friendly Destination , Halal in Travel Awards ( 2023 ) iv . No . 1 Muslim-Friendly Travel Destination , DinarStandard ’ s State of the Global Islamic Economy Report ( 2014-2015 , 2017 , 2019-2022 ) Looking ahead , ITC remains committed to advancing training modules and recognition initiatives , empowering local businesses and entrepreneurs to tap into this sector . An endeavour that promises mutual benefits for the economy , tourists and Malaysian stakeholders . – RnR