@Halal May/June 2024 | Page 7

May-June . 2024 | @ Halal

Local News

Langkawi as potential ‘ Preferred Muslim Destination ’ triggers debate

Labuan IBFC and Qatar Financial Centre launch publication

DEPUTY Tourism , Arts , and Culture Minister Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan has proposed positioning Langkawi as a ‘ Preferred Muslim Destination ’ This initiative seeks to boost the State ’ s competitiveness for the upcoming Visit Malaysia Year 2026 ( VMY2026 ).

It aims to attract more Muslim tourists by focusing on family-friendly and spiritual tourism .
Khairul addressed the Dewan Rakyat , emphasising the need for Malaysia to focus on niche sectors to compete with other regional islands . He noted that while Langkawi may struggle against other popular destinations , it could stand out by catering specifically to Muslim tourists .
Seputeh Member of Parliament ( MP ) Teresa Kok Suh Sim raised concerns about the potential negative impact of state-level policies on tourism . These policies , such as prohibiting alcohol drinking and wearing shorts , are not seen as tourist-friendly .
Said Khairul : “ The situation is well and under control .”
Khairul does not believe this concern warrants significant attention or intervention , labelling it as a ‘ trivial matter ’.
Yet , Khairul ’ s proposal sparked concerns among various stakeholders . Former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim expressed scepticism , questioning the practicality of this approach .
Zaid pointed out that Muslim-friendly destinations like Kuala Terengganu and Kota
Bharu and international cities such as Jakarta and Dubai already cater to this market .
He argued that Langkawi might struggle to attract Muslim tourists unless significant changes are made , such as segregated beaches for men and women and reducing the availability of certain types of entertainment .
Industry players in Langkawi have also voiced their reservations .
Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) of a boat charter company , Alexander Isaac , and Malaysian Association of Hotels ( MAH ) Kedah and Perlis Chapter President Eugene Dass stressed the importance of upgrading existing facilities rather than imposing new religious guidelines .
Dass argued that focusing on one specific demographic will not necessarily make Langkawi more competitive as a tourist destination .
“ Even if we can push to become a ‘ preferred Muslim destination ’ now , our facilities are not ready ,” he added .
Meanwhile , tour operator Pishol Ishak dismissed the proposal as a marketing gimmick , arguing that Langkawi should remain open to all tourists to maximise its appeal .
“ Once we focus only on wooing Muslim tourists , we will lose out ,” he said .
This viewpoint adds to the ongoing debate about the future of Langkawi ’ s tourism sector , underlining the crucial importance of considering all perspectives and finding a balanced approach that caters to the diverse needs of all tourists .
Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan
THE LABUAN International Business and Financial Centre ( Labuan IBFC ) and the Qatar Financial Centre ( QFC ) released a joint publication titled “ Mutual Cooperation Towards Global Connectivity ”.
The launch was accompanied by a masterclass series that included panel discussions on Shariah-compliant leasing and wealth management solutions .
This publication follows the two organisations ’ Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU ) from last year . The MoU aims to strengthen cooperation between Asia ’ s leading economic and financial hubs . The non-binding MoU will remain in effect for three years .
The publication is an invaluable resource for industry stakeholders interested in Islamic finance . It emphasises the significance of global connectivity in shaping the development of Islamic finance in Asia and beyond .
Labuan IBFC Inc . Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ), Datuk Iskandar Mohd Nuli , expressed confidence in the collaboration : “ We are confident that this publication is a significant step towards ensuring both Labuan IBFC and QFC are active participants in the push for the digitalisation and globalisation of Islamic finance .
“ This is underscored by the introduction of the Islamic Digital Asset Centre in Labuan IBFC , which acts as a Shariah-compliant digital gateway .”
QFC CEO Yousuf Mohamed Al-Jaida emphasised the shared vision between the two organisations : “ This partnership exemplifies our shared vision to advance Islamic finance solutions across sectors and regions , promote closer collaboration , and bridge markets , ultimately driving economic growth in our respective jurisdictions .”
A strategic relationship between the two financial centres will increase the adoption of Islamic products in Asia and the Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) regions . Moreover , it will enable fintech and its supporting ecosystems to thrive in new markets .

Malaysia and Senegal strengthen ties with talks on halal industry

MINISTER of Foreign Affairs Dato ’ Seri Utama Mohamad Hasan made an official visit to the Republic of Senegal on May 6-7 .
It was noted that this is “ the first visit by a Malaysian Foreign Minister since Malaysia and Senegal established diplomatic relations in 1986 ”.
The Foreign Minister had a meeting with his Senegalese counterpart , Yassine Fall where they discussed bilateral ties and important global matters . Both Foreign Ministers agreed to work closely together for the greater good of both countries .
Trade , agriculture , education , renewable energy , the halal industry , Islamic finance , waqf and zakat , healthcare , and digitalisation are important sectors for this cooperation .
Both countries have sought to increase trade and investment opportunities across these sectors . This indicates a mutual understanding of the potential for growth and its role in reinforcing economic ties .
In 2023 , Senegal emerged as one of Malaysia ’ s key African trade partners , accounting for RM1.04 billion . The trade volume increased by 16 per cent over the previous year .
The Foreign Minister also met with Senegal ’ s President , Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye . This interaction allowed Malaysia and Senegal to display their commitment to strengthening their friendship .
In addition , the foreign minister met with members of the Malaysian diaspora in Dakar and Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme ( MTCP ) graduates .
The visit to Senegal would later lay the groundwork for meaningful partnerships across various sectors . It paves the way for future collaborative endeavours to benefit both Malaysia and Senegal .