This incredible journey is coming to an end . I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the new friends I met here , and I also want to thank the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) and the Ministry of Tourism , Arts , and Culture ( MOTAC ) for their hospitality . When I go back home , I will share my experience with my colleagues , especially about the charm and beauty of Malaysia . – Mairam Sadykbaeva , Assistant to the President , Kyrgyz Association of Tour
Operators , Kyrgyzstan
This programme was really interesting for me . As the saying goes , there is no age limit for education and learning . I learned a lot , and I would like to thank the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) as well as the staff for their efforts . Thank you very much .
– Mustafa Korkutata , Cultural and Tourism Affairs Counsellor , Embassy of Turkiye Tourism and Information Office ,
I want to express my gratitude to the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) for organising and providing such an excellent programme . I received many positive emotions here . For example , I got to know the local culture and met people from different countries .
– Nurcha Birnazarova , Specialist , Department of Tourism under the
Ministry of Economics and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic , Kyrgyzstan
I like the nature here ; everything is so picturesque and stunning . The service and people are warm and friendly , welcoming us with love and great care , with an open heart , generosity and kindness , along with its beautiful nature , showing us what true hospitality is ! – Laura Kultayeva , Tutor , Laura Prof , Kazakhstan
It is really a fantastic opportunity to be here . Thank you so much , Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ), for providing us with a chance to be in this wonderful land of Malaysia . There are two things that I want to mention here now : if you really want to create a Muslim-friendly tourism environment anywhere in the world , one is halal food , and the other is having surau or prayer facilities , which is very important . – Hafiz Maqsood Ahmed , Editor-in-Chief ,
Halal Times , Japan
This is my first time visiting Malaysia . Malaysia is a wonderful country with various cities , such as Perak , Ipoh , Langkawi , and Kuala Lumpur . Alhamdulillah , it always welcomed us warmly .
– Fares Dif , President , Develop ' ment ' Voyages , France
Terima kasih ITC . Jumpa lagi . – Azizkhon Maksumov , Head of Domestic and Pilgrimage Tourism , The State Committee of Tourism Development of
Uzbekistan , Uzbekistan