@Halal R&R - Rest & Rehlah March/April 2023 | Page 14

Al-Islam Specialist Hospital a step forward for Muslim-friendly recognition
Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur , opposite the Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru , the hospital was erected to provide the best medical services to its patients physically and spiritually ."

14 | MARCH-APRIL 2023


The Ibadahfriendly concept

Al-Islam Specialist Hospital a step forward for Muslim-friendly recognition

AS the Muslim travel market expands , it is safe to say that the needs of Muslim travellers will also continue to grow .

While many National Tourism Organisations ( NTOs ) on the global stage are taking initiatives to provide accommodations for a more Muslim-friendly experience , some sectors are lacking in that provision , notably the health sector . Granted , hospitals and clinics offer good medical services for their patients , yet some hospitals lack a particular aspect that assists Muslim patients on their road to recovery .
However , despite this , one hospital has done its duty to not only provide medical services to cure the physical ailments of its patients but also to provide assistance to the spiritual aspect of its patients .
Formerly known as Kampong Baru Medical Centre ( KBMC ), Al-Islam Specialist Hospital was founded from humble beginnings in 1996 as part of the Da ’ wah Bil-Hal Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia ( ABIM ). Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur , opposite the Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru , the hospital was erected to provide the best medical services to its patients physically and spiritually .
Founder and Director of Al-Islam Specialist Hospital , Dr Ishak Mas ’ ud , stated that even before Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC )' s initiative to improve its Muslim-friendly recognition programme to be more inclusive , the mission and vision of his hospital was , and has , always been to be an Islamic hospital .
He mentioned that the initiative undertaken by ITC aligned with the hospital ’ s vision and mission to accommodate patients that adhere to the teachings and practices of Islam , and he welcomes any form of support from ITC to promote the notion of Muslim-friendly hospitals and vice versa .
Al-Islam Specialist Hospital stands out because of its concept of “ Mesra Ibadah ”, a worship-friendly hospital . Dr Ishak stated that this concept focused on the holistic care methods and treatment of its patients .
The hospital will consider all aspects of the patient ’ s well-being , including physical , mental , psychological , and spiritual . The hospital has provided the necessary facilities to accommodate Muslim patients to ease the burden of their physical ailments and to assist them with their spiritual needs , such as prayer rooms .
The hospital also has a dedicated academy that trains its staff to assist patients with their spiritual needs . A ustaz and ustazah ( or chaplains ) will be assigned by the hospital to assist their wards in their worship . Furthermore , the chaplains will also help patients recite prayers to ease their burdens .
“ Essentially , the dignity and the spiritual needs of the patients are well-taken care of ,” said Dr Ishak on the academy and the duty of the chaplains .
He added that should the need arise or when appropriate , family members could visit their
Dr Ishak Mas ’ ud
loved ones in the hospital and lend a helping hand .
Dr Ishak emphasised there was a reason why many foreign Muslim patients make their way to Malaysia for medical treatment as even before the start of the pandemic , Al-Islam Specialist Hospital had already accommodated many foreign Muslim patients .
Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur , opposite the Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru , the hospital was erected to provide the best medical services to its patients physically and spiritually ."
The facilities in Al-Islam Specialist Hospital .
One of the rooms at Al-Islam Elderly Care Centre .
During his journey as a physician , Dr Ishak witnessed the systems of foreign hospitals , especially those established in less developed nations . The consensus was that foreign hospitals do not adhere to the principles and teachings of Islam , resulting in many Muslim patients hesitating to seek medical attention .
This also rings true for hospitals in first-world countries , as even though their medical systems are leagues ahead of our own , they lack in the spiritual aspect of patients .
Consequently , many foreign Muslim patients from Somalia , Aceh and other Middle Eastern countries flock to Malaysia for treatment . They find the healthcare practices in Malaysia adhere to Islamic teachings . Coupled with Malaysian Muslim doctors ’ ethical treatment of their patients , foreign Muslim patients have formed trust within the Malaysian healthcare system and confidence that their physical and spiritual needs are met .
In essence , Dr Ishak stated this underlying reason was more than enough cause for the “ Worship-friendly hospital ” concept they are spearheading . He added that if ITC held firm to this concept , it would benefit hospitals in Malaysia .
Recently , Al-Islam Specialist Hospital also made plans to improve its facilities by erecting another block to accommodate more patients and sharing its concept with the Health Ministry and other hospitals .
“ We are also confident that Al-Islam Specialist Hospital will provide the best services for Muslim patients , uphold the ethics of healthcare , and uphold the trust and confidence of Muslim patients . We also wish to uphold the good image of Islam in the eyes of the people , especially foreigners ,” said Dr Ishak . — R & R