@Halal Sept/Oct 2019 | Page 11

11 september-october. 2019 | @Halal ‘sertu’ on the production line without using actual clay. A discussion between Duopharma Biotech and Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) took place, and it was decided that they had to do a combination of Good Manufactur- ing Practice (GMP) cleaning, and to use what was essentially sterilised clay to perform ‘sertu’ on the production line. “We cleansed the production line with the sterilised clay, and did another round of GMP cleaning afterwards to ensure the best possible hygiene,” Leonard says. The ‘sertu’ method included in the halal pharmaceutical standard was based on this case study. An aspiration that gels According to Leonard, Duopharma Biotech is currently in collaboration with a Korean research and development team to develop a soft gel capsule made out of plants instead of gelatin. “As of now, our soft gel capsules are sourced by halal certified suppliers, who supplies bovine-based gelatin to be made into said capsules. But if we are able to completely replace the capsules from an animal-based source to a plant-based one, it would dismiss any range of doubt that comes with using animal-based products.” HALAL IN HEALTH: Leonard says. He continues; “JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) can play a significant role through good thought lead- ership, and by expanding the boundaries of what can be certified as halal.” To Leonard, halal is more of a lifestyle rather than an outcome of a product. “You have to be more holistic when it comes to halal, because it also incorporates the concept of Tayyiban. It’s not just about the what but also about the how.” “Therefore if you only focus on the out- come of your product, but fail to recognise the actual environment the product is being developed, than you have lost the gist of halal altogether.” HALAL TO THE CORE: a manufacturer of products, until we move away - well, not entirely away, from this space and look more into R&D. Until such time arrives however, we will continue to look for partners with products in need of commer- cialisation,” says Wan Amir-Jeffrey. The company is moving beyond where the country is in terms of halal pharmaceuticals - and the overall halal ecosystem for that matter. Wan Amir-Jeffrey says that the aim is to always look for better solutions to meet the needs of consumers, and to be halal-certified to strengthen their position in the global market. Halal-certified pharmaceuticals has become Duopharma Biotech’s main differentiator in the pharmaceutical industry. The complete concept of halal “I have always maintained that the reason why the halal initiative in Malaysia has always seen as exemplary by other coun- tries is because of the thought leadership,” pharmaceuticals Selecting the right one Halal as a differentiator Collaborating with various partners is all well and good, however the company does not have endless resources to rely upon. “There are companies that would be looking for a com- mercialisation partner, in which they have developed the technology and product but are in need of a partner that can manufacture and possibly, market said product. That is where we come in. And then there would also be companies that would like for us to invest on their R&D and such. We are open to invest on a product, as long as it fits into the company’s overall strategy.” Duopharma Biotech’s strategy is to look into niche specialty products for example in the area of regenerative therapies and new therapeutic areas that the company believes fit into what they are currently working on. Therefore partnerships and collaborations must be chosen carefully, to ensure that the product to be manufactured fits into the company’s strategy. Halal is the one thing Duopharma Biotech has that separates it from other pharmaceutical manufacturers. It is what makes the company unique and a step ahead of the industry where halal pharmaceutical is concerned. As coined by Wan Amir-Jeffrey, “Halal is the differentiator we hold as a company. We are differentiating ourselves by becoming the company of choice in terms of providing halal solutions to pharmaceutical products. We have positioned ourselves as the key industry halal champions in Malaysia.” Duopharma Biotech has established itself to be pioneers for a lot of things. They were the first company to provide over-the-counter products with halal certification through the food and beverage standards, and also the first to provide halal prescription drugs as well. “We have been talking about being the first for a while, now it really is the matter of how we move forward from there,” Wan Amir-Jeffrey expresses. “Duopharma Biotech is and always will be Duopharma Biotech is the pioneer in providing halal solutions for pharmaceuticals, and Wan Amir-Jeffery says that they aspire to offer more in the future.