@Halal September/October 2020 | Page 19

The Al-Quran guides consumption of halal food in Malaysia
September-october . 2020 | @ Halal

Industry Talk

By Azmi Abd Aziz Technical Assoc Director , Global Haltech

Factors influencing Muslim intentions

The Al-Quran guides consumption of halal food in Malaysia

The global demand for halal

products will continue to increase . Figures show the global halal industry will grow between US $ 3 trillion ( RM12.21 trillion ) and US $ 4 trillion ( RM16.28 trillion ) within the next five years , from the current US $ 2 trillion ( RM8.14 trillion ).
In a report released by Pew Research Center ’ s Forum on Religion and Public Life , 79 countries will have a million or more Muslim inhabitants by 2030 . The world will start to realise the need for Muslims dietary requirements and eating known as halal .
Countries with high Muslim population such as Saudi Arabia , Indonesia , Turkey , Brunei and Malaysia , on the one hand , and non-Muslim countries like Thailand , Singapore and the United Kingdom have different approaches on the practices of halal .
In the third phase ( 2016-2020 ) of the Malaysia Halal Master Plan , local companies were supposed to broaden their global presence . It should not pose a problem as local halal food products can gain easy access to other halal markets . For example , Malaysia ’ s halal certification is globally recognised .
The halal certification issued by JAKIM benefits manufacturers and food operators as an assurance that their food or products are halal-compliant and a benchmark for safety and quality assurance to consumers .
Therefore , halal certification is crucial in building consumers ’ confidence in the halal food that they consume and viewed as a powerful marketing tool . Muslim consumers look for halal certification before they purchase products or services .
Technically , halal food ought to be prepared , processed and manufactured hygienically so that it is safe for human consumption . These include the process of slaughtering , storing , displaying and preparation of the food .
Yusuf al-Qaradawi conceptualises the concept of halal as lawful and permissible , which technically refers to the food permitted by Allah SWT and no restriction from any reliable sources in Islam .
The word halal is mentioned together with the word “ tayyib ” several times in the Quran . “ Tayyib ” is an Arabic word which means pure , wholesome and of good quality . It reflects the character of halal where food should be wholesome , of good quality and not harmful to consumers .
Factors influencing Muslim consumers to consume halal food in Malaysia
1 . RELIGION Generally , Muslim consumers are influenced by their religion . Religion is an essential factor
in deciding food purchases and developing food habits of individuals and societies .
The influence of religion on food consumption is closely related to religious teachings and people ’ s interpretation of the religion itself . From the Islamic point of view , the dietary food regulation on halal food is prescribed in the book of al-Quran and al- Sunnah , the practice of Prophet Muhammad .
Al-Quran , the holy book for Muslims , mentions many times about halal food consumption . Religion helps Muslim customers understand and face the journey of life by offering guidance , support and hope .
BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Food consumption is related to attitude , social pressure and behavioural control of the individual . Also , a social structure such as people ’ s origin and generation differences play a part in predicting dietary preferences of Muslim consumers by considering the demographic factors like religiosity , educational background and the state of origin in Malaysia .
Studies found religion strongly influenced
Muslims ’ behavioural intention to choose halal food . Concerning the influence of education , formal and informal religious education was found to be essential in determining halal food consumption among Muslims .
As such , Muslims , who acquired religious education formally in religious school , were more concerned about halal food consumption compared to those who did not receive formal religious education . ( Golnaz , R ., et al . 2009 ).
3 . FOOD LABELLING Product ingredients and the halal logo stated in the food labelling influenced the purchase intentions of Muslim consumers . Religious belief , exposure and symbol certification were determinants in predicting halal awareness among Muslims .
Malaysia ’ s ‘ Halal Certified ’ stamp on a label is seen as a sign of trustworthiness indicating genuineness by Muslims . For halal certification , Malaysia practices with the association of MS – standards 1480 , food safety according to hazard analysis and critical control point system and MS 1514 .
It is about acceptable manufacturing practices . These two essential standards guarantee good and clean products for believers .
4 . HEALTH REASON Health reasons were the most significant factor that contributed to the awareness among Muslims on halal food and products . ( Abdul Raufu , A . et al ., 2012 ). It is not only religious motives that determine Muslims ’ awareness , but also health issues related to religious identity and degree of acculturation in whatever they consume daily .
For example , it is vital to ensure the meat comes from a healthy animal so that people can be healthy ( Bonne , 2007 ). Rice ( 1993 ) asserts that much modern ill-health is attributable to poor nutrition and unhealthy state of what consumers take daily .
5 . HALAL BRANDING Halal branding was used to attract Muslim consumers and very common in influencing Muslim consumers to purchase products and services such as “ halalan tayyiban food ” ( Wilson , J . A ., 2010 ).
From the above , many factors have influenced Muslim consumers in consuming halal food . This information can be used as a guide to manufacturers , suppliers and product owners when dealing with Muslim consumers in choosing halal food .
Government and marketers may incorporate these factors in their halal food campaigns and advertisements to enhance halal product consumption in Malaysia .