@Halal September/October 2022 | Page 25

Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council focuses on rebuilding the healthcare travel industry

Healthcare is a right , not a privilege

Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council focuses on rebuilding the healthcare travel industry

THE reopening of the international border has led to an increase in healthcare travellers returning to Malaysia . There is a pent-up demand from the patients , and Malaysia ’ s healthcare providers are ready to receive and provide quality treatment , especially for the continuity of care .

Puan Norhaslina Othman , Vice President ( Facilitation ) of Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council ( MHTC ), said the agency was moving towards the second part of its Malaysia Healthcare Travel Industry Blueprint 2021-2025 . It is the rebuilding phase after recovery , focusing on Malaysia ’ s healthcare brand and market .
MHTC developed the blueprint to address the disruptions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic . It maps out strategies and frameworks for healthcare travel industry stakeholders until 2025 , anchoring on high quality , affordability , seamless journey , and accessibility factors at each touchpoint in the healthcare travel ecosystem .
Norhaslina said factors that attracted international patients to choose a destination for their treatment are - quality , affordability and accessibility .
“ Malaysia , in that regard , is appropriate and poised because we have all these three . Our medical facilities are of top quality . We have doctors trained in many parts of the world , including Malaysia . Our facilities are all accredited by recognised international institutions like Joint Commission International , the Australian Council of Health , etc .
“ In terms of affordability , Malaysia has the advantage where the Ministry of Health regulates our professional fees . There ’ s a cap on the maximum that our physicians or clinicians can charge ,” she said , adding that the wavering currency also makes the treatment in Malaysia more affordable .
There are a few aspects of Malaysia ’ s accessibility , Norhaslina noted . First , Malaysia ’ s connectivity makes it easy for international patients to come . Second , there is no waiting time for them to get an appointment . Third , there are various hospitals available throughout Malaysia . Finally , there is almost no language barrier when patients seek treatment in the country as Malaysians , and some hospital staff speak many languages .
Touching on Islamic Tourism from the perspective of the healthcare travel industry , she said : “ It is not just at the healthcare providers level . It is more on the whole ecosystem .
“ As a Muslim-friendly destination , it is
Norhaslina Othman easy to find prayer rooms and halal food everywhere in Malaysia . With the availability of halal medicines and many female doctors , Malaysia has a unique environment where Muslim healthcare travellers can feel at ease .”
Norhaslina highlighted that MHTC was looking at building an ecosystem to ensure a seamless journey for healthcare travellers . Being a Muslim-friendly country , most hospitals in Malaysia also cater to the needs of Muslim patients .
Aside from serving halal food , the hospitals would also take care of the religious requirement in the case where the patients , unfortunately , passed away .
“ In terms of infrastructure and services , our hospitals are doing it already - halal food , halal medication , qibla direction , prayer rooms , segregated areas , etc . But , we are also working with the Islamic Tourism Centre and the Department of Standards Malaysia to see whether Muslim-friendly guidelines for accommodation can be applied to our hospitals . They are already in place but not formally recognised .
“ For us , healthcare is a right , not a privilege . Accommodating the needs of Muslim travellers creates a culture of inclusivity . We are considering their needs . We ’ re preparing and providing whatever they need . We want to create a space for our Muslim healthcare travellers to receive healthcare or medical alternatives and medications aligned with Islamic values and ethics .” — R & R
To learn more , catch Norhaslina Othman at Session Three : Islamic Tourism Economy Forum on Day 1 of WITC , on Oct 17 .