@Halal September/October 2023 | Page 53

Islamic Tourism Symposium 2023 paves the path for industry advancement and enhances the visibility of Islamic tourism



A transformative event

Islamic Tourism Symposium 2023 paves the path for industry advancement and enhances the visibility of Islamic tourism
Islamic Tourism Symposium 2023 aims to facilitate dialogue and networking beyond traditional boundaries . BY FATIHAH MANAF

IN THE dynamic landscape of the global tourism industry , research stands as a paramount pillar , offering insights that fuel innovation and drive progress , especially in areas with massive potential , like Islamic tourism .

Serving as the driving force behind the growth of this segment in Malaysia , the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) is all set to host the highly anticipated 4th Islamic Tourism Symposium ( ITS ) on Nov 14 to 15 , 2023 , in Kuala Lumpur .
According to ITC Research & Training Director Nur Alyssa Coraline Yussin , the symposium aims to bridge the gap between academia and the masses , focusing on engaging participants from Malaysia and across the ASEAN member countries .
“ Symposiums are sometimes associated with a more serious tone , but we ’ re dedicated to cultivating an engaging atmosphere for our ITS 2023 ,” said Alyssa .
“ We aim to foster meaningful collaborations and partnerships by bringing together individuals from academia , the tourism industry , government bodies , and the private sector – to facilitate dialogue and networking beyond traditional boundaries .
“ Interactions can lead to joint research initiatives , developing new business models , and implementing best practices that benefit the Islamic tourism ecosystem .”
In addition to research paper presentations , ITS 2023 introduces poster presentations , fostering one-to-one discussions and pitching opportunities to industry and potential investors . Complementing this , a mini exhibition of research publications and books aims to encourage a reading culture and support the national agenda for scientific literacy . The event also features esteemed international speakers from Turkey , the Philippines , Indonesia and South Africa , enriching the symposium ’ s diverse perspectives .
Nur Alyssa Coraline Yussin
Recognising the pivotal role of research and academia , ITC extends its support through the Islamic Tourism Research Grants ( ITRGs ) to institutions and research centres that study distinct subjects within Islamic tourism .
The findings derived from this research are intended to contribute to Islamic tourism ’ s broader growth and development .
The ITRGs presently focus on addressing the current needs and challenges within Islamic tourism and Muslim-friendly tourism and hospitality ( MFTH ) and span 10 key areas : 1 . Sustainability , green , regenerative tourism 2 . Medical , health , and wellness tourism 3 . Edutourism 4 . Social and community tourism – women , youth 5 . Mosque tourism 6 . Smart / ICT / Digital tourism 7 . Destination and product management 8 . Communication and branding
9 . Culture and heritage
10 . General trends in Islamic tourism / MFTH Alyssa said to facilitate the research commercialisation , ITC would connect researchers to work directly with industry experts to refine and implement ideas .
“ We will assist researchers and innovators in seeking additional funding or investment from potential investors , venture capitalists , or government grants – secure and obtain adequate funding to scale up the development and marketing of new products , services or initiatives .”
Additionally , ITC would organise networking events , conferences , and exhibitions wherein researchers present their innovations to potential partners , investors , and customers within the Islamic tourism industry .
The agency would also provide guidelines and policy advice to ensure research findings and their development align with current needs and regulations . They are adaptable , usable , and beneficial to the industry and community .
Alyssa highlighted three particularly promising research findings resulting from previous ITRGs . The first pertains to a Muslim-friendly travel app ; the second revolves around ‘ Mapping of SDGs to Maqasid Syariah and MFTH ’; and the third is the pondokstay programme .
“ The Muslim-friendly travel app is a digital application that enables travellers to plan their journeys ,” explained Alyssa .
“ Interestingly , the researcher has received inquiries from potential investors regarding acquiring this application , not once but twice . It demonstrates the app ’ s substantial potential .
“ As a result , we are contemplating allocating more funds to enhance its offerings and features before presenting it to potential investors .”
Concerning the research titled ‘ Mapping of SDGs to Maqasid Syariah and MFTH ,’ Alyssa highlighted that many organisations and individuals had placed significant emphasis on sustainability .
These organisations can establish themselves as sustainable entities by aligning the elements of MFTH with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( UNSDGs ), particularly within the tourism industry .
The UNSDGs and the Maqasid Shariah share common principles and objectives related to human well-being , social justice , and environmental sustainability . By integrating the principles and objectives of both , the development of Islamic tourism and MFTH can lead to more holistic , sustainable , and culturally sensitive tourism practices that benefit communities , promote social well-being , and respect Islamic values .
“ The pondokstay programme is a new Islamic tourism product we discovered through research . It seamlessly blends edutourism with community-based tourism . We have observed individuals arriving in Malaysia with a keen interest in experiencing a stay in a pondok .
“ When the researcher unveiled these findings , our objective shifted towards the development and promotion of this concept as an experiential tourism product – a concept wherein individuals can visit traditional Islamic educational and religious institutions , immersing themselves in the daily life of the Muslim community .”
She said ITC aimed to establish comprehensive guidelines for the pondokstay programme , enabling other interested pondoks to adopt standardised procedures . This approach ensures a consistent framework .
When asked about her hopes for the upcoming ITS 2023 , Alyssa said : “ I hope this event grows to become a catalyst for the advancement of both knowledge and practices in the field of Islamic tourism .”
“ Hopefully , the symposium will continue to serve as a platform for exchanging cutting-edge research and innovative ideas , contributing to expanding understanding of the dynamics and trends within Islamic tourism .
“ This accumulation of knowledge can then inform and shape the strategies and decisions made by industry professionals and policymakers .”
Ultimately , she hoped that ITS 2023 would serve as a transformative event that accelerates the growth and development of the Islamic tourism sector by fostering a culture of collaboration , knowledge sharing , and innovation . — R & R