@Halal September/October 2024 | Page 20

20 Finance

20 Finance

@ Halal | September-October . 2024

Lending a helping hand

Anwar says Malaysia can help in Islamic banking and halal industry

MALAYSIA ’ S well-established experience in Islamic banking and its flourishing halal economy are perfectly positioned to complement Russia ’ s growing interest in these sectors .

Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim , who is in Vladivostok , gave this assurance to Rushan Hazrat Abbyasov , who is the Deputy Mufti and the First Deputy Chairman of the Russia Muftis Council and Religious Board of Muslims .
He stated that these are among the topics that were covered during the meeting .
At the moment , Anwar is in Russia to attend the 9th Eastern Economic Forum ( EEF ), and he is expected to deliver a speech during the plenary session of the EEF .
During the discussion with Abbyasov , other topics that were discussed were issues with training and capacity building , as well as the exchange of expertise and cooperation with a variety of institutions in Malaysia .
These institutions included the International Islamic University , the Islamic Art Museum , Bank Negara Malaysia , and others .
“ Our shared values and mutual respect can lay the groundwork for a partnership that will benefit not only our Muslim communities but our nations as a whole ,” he said on Facebook , according to Bernama .
“ This partnership will benefit ourselves as well as our Muslim communities .”
Minister of Foreign Affairs Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan and Jamal Sirenevich Garifullin , the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Russia ’ s Far Eastern Federal District , were also present at the meeting .
During the conference , Anwar reaffirmed the need to instil moral and ethical upbringing in society and the importance of instilling family values . This is especially important when nations improve in terms of material progress .
“ The importance of the teaching of inclusiveness and peace was not one that I overlooked . In the same line , I emphasised the importance of our fundamental ideology of nationhood , which is known as Malaysia Madani , as the foundation for the achievement of such objectives .
“ Russia is home to more than 25 million Muslims , which is even larger than Malaysia ’ s Muslim population ,” the Prime Minister remarked .
He added the meeting was also a striking reminder of the profound links that exist
Anwar being greeted warmly by Abbyasov ( left ) in Vladivostok .
“ Our shared values and mutual respect can lay the groundwork for a partnership that will benefit not only our Muslim communities but our nations as a whole .”
– Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
between Muslim communities despite the vast distances that separate the two countries .
Because of this , there is potential to develop even closer ties .
“ This meeting is critical , and its significance cannot be overstated . I am energised by the opportunities that are yet to come , and I am looking forward to cultivating this connection as we investigate the numerous ways in which Malaysia and Russia may collaborate for the welfare of the Ummah ,” Anwar added .
Abbyasov referred to Malaysia as a highly developed Muslim nation , saying that there is a great deal to learn from Malaysia .
During the discussion , he emphasised President Vladimir Putin ’ s strong support for Muslims in Russia , underlining the President ’ s love for the faith and the Holy Quran .
Throughout the meeting , Abbyasov expressed his deep admiration and fondness for Malaysia , reflecting the warmth and respect in the relationship between the two nations .
A shared commitment to solving global issues that are hurting the Muslim community was reflected in the fact that both leaders reiterated their solidarity with the Palestinian cause . –