@Halal September/October 2024 | Page 38

06 Muslim Travellers

06 Muslim Travellers

September-October . 2024

Understanding the diverse Muslim travellers

NOOR Ahmad Hamid , CEO of the Pacific Asia Travel Association ( PATA ), shed light on the importance of recognising the diversity within the Muslim traveller demographic .

“ It is not entirely wrong for anyone to think that a Muslim traveller will look Middle Eastern , simply because the majority of the people who live in the Middle East are indeed Muslims . However , what many people do not know is that significant Muslim populations reside in non-Muslim-majority destinations . Therefore , one must recognise that Muslim travellers are diverse . Muslims live in every part of the world , and its rich diversity is certainly part of their identity ,” Noor elaborated .
He highlighted the Muslim travel sector ’ s vital role in the tourism economy and urged stakeholders to deepen their understanding of this market . With one in four people worldwide identifying as Muslim , this market extends beyond religious journeys to include leisure and business , representing a significant , diverse segment that shouldn ’ t be overlooked .
“ It is essential for destinations , especially National Tourism Organisations ( NTOs ), to invest in understanding this market . By studying its demographic , purchasing power , areas of interest , frequency , seasonality , and diversity , they can tailor their offerings
Noor Ahmad Hamid
just as they would for any other travel segment .
“ At PATA , we believe that an in-depth study can provide destinations with the insights needed to develop products and services that are inclusive to Muslim travellers .”
Noor underscored the importance of education within the tourism industry to address the common misconceptions about Muslim travellers .
“ One of the general misconceptions is that Muslims will only travel for religious purposes . This overlooks the fact that , just like everyone else , Muslims travel for a variety of reasons , including holidays , adventure , shopping , sports , culture , heritage , and more .
“ The second misconception is about the provision of Halal food to Muslim travellers , with some mistakenly believing that vegetarian curry and rice are equivalent to offering a halal meal .”
He noted that the entire tourism value chain , including airlines , hotels , and tour operators , could better cater to this segment by collaborating with
Muslim community leaders . Noor also encouraged the Muslim travel community to help destinations see how they could contribute to economic development through tourism .
Noor said tourism was a force for good , with all travellers deserving respect , a
Common Misconception :
• Muslim travellers are often assumed to be Middle Eastern due to the region ’ s majority Muslim population .
Significant Populations in Non-Muslim-Majority Destinations :
• India : 13 % ( approx . 120 million )
• Ethiopia : 33 % ( approx . 28 million )
• China : 1.6 % ( approx . 20 million )
• Europe : Home to approx . 50 million Muslims
• Russia : 15 % ( approx . 26 million ) principle in the Association ’ s Code of Ethics . He urged tourism stakeholders to collaborate with experts like the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) of Malaysia to enhance products through cultural and religious understanding .
“ Training , certification and communication can play a significant role in increasing the confidence of Muslim travellers to travel to a certain destination and purchase their tourism products . In order to be more inclusive , many destinations already offer services such as prayer rooms at airports and shopping centres , lists of halal restaurants and the certification of Muslim-friendly hotels . However , there is a rising need to focus on Islamic financial compliance , ensuring that services such as travel insurance , credit card payments , and currency exchange meet Islamic guidelines , as these are becoming an integral service to the Muslim community .”

Connecting with modern Muslim tourists

MUD Orange Head of Strategy Arif Miah addressed the common misconceptions surrounding Muslim travellers , particularly those living in non- OIC countries . He emphasised the diversity within this demographic , highlighting that they often lived ambi-cultural lives , blending their faith and ethnic backgrounds with the cultural nuances of their local environment .

“ A common misconception is the assumption that they share the same identity , cultural and lifestyle experiences as the countries of their ethnic backgrounds — whether that ’ s South Asian , Middle Eastern , or West African ,” Arif explained .
He pointed out that this overlooked the reality of unique cultural identities such as British-Muslim , American-Muslim , or German-Muslim , each with distinct needs and desires when it comes to travel .
Arif stressed the importance of representation in travel marketing for these travellers . He mentioned that they were accustomed to seeing non-Muslim faces in travel advertising , which creates a strong desire for brands to specifically resonate with them .
“ Travel brands need to be cautious in using generic imagery
Arif Miah
• Focus on Authenticity & Community-Building : Collaborate with content creators and influencers who resonate with the Muslim community .
• Tailored Campaign Messaging : Address specific concerns like halal dining , prayer facilities , and modest fashion tips .
• Enhance Travel Planning : Provide tools and resources , such as visa guides and curated lists of Muslim-friendly excursions .
• Embrace Digital Platforms : Connect with the growing Muslim traveller demographic , making their experiences more accessible and enriching . and messaging . It won ’ t suffice for these populations . To engage this demographic authentically , it ’ s vital to consider the diversity within the Muslim community and tailor communications that genuinely resonate with their travel appetite and lived experiences . “ Digital engagement plays a pivotal role , particularly through the social media platforms like TikTok . Over the past few years , these platforms have been instrumental in breaking down barriers and forging the digital global Muslim community .
“ And for travel , social media content by creators has filled a huge information gap for Muslim travellers by providing raw ,
authentic , and diverse travel content that goes beyond traditional travel brochures or mainstream media .”
He cited a survey where a participant stated , “ I search what other Muslims have said on TikTok . I need to make sure I don ’ t waste money on a horrible experience ,” underscoring the central role of digital platforms in how Muslims plan their travel .
Arif noted that while some brands had made tactical , direct efforts to connect with second and third-generation Muslim travellers in non-OIC countries , there has yet to be a major above-the-line campaign that truly champions the Muslim traveller . He mentioned that , with the growing demand for authentic representation , significant progress was on the horizon , and it ’ s something his agency is actively working on .
Arif also discussed the specific amenities and services that second and third-generation Muslim travellers in non-OIC countries seek when choosing a travel destination . He identified access to halal dining options as one of the most significant factors .
“ The availability of halal food can make or break a travel experience ,” Arif stated , adding that 44 per cent of British Muslims would be more inclined to explore new countries if they had reliable information or guidance on halal options .
Beyond food , he emphasised the importance of Muslim-friendly activities and the availability of prayer facilities , noting that the unknown element of venturing into a new country without this information can be intimidating . – RnR