@Halal September/October 2024 | Page 8

08 Cover Story

08 Cover Story

@ Halal | September-October . 2024

Driving export excellence

MATRADE ’ s journey of growth , innovation and global impact

AS Malaysia strives to establish a competitive foothold in the global market , the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation ( MATRADE ) emerges as a pivotal force , steering the nation ’ s export strategy and bolstering its international presence .

MATRADE has solidified its role as the national trade promotion agency , working tirelessly to elevate Malaysian businesses onto the international stage .
The mission is clear : to develop , promote , and provide vital information to Malaysian exporters .
MATRADE ’ s Chief Executive Officer , Datuk Mohd Mustafa Abdul Aziz , underscores the agency ’ s unwavering commitment to Malaysian exporters .
He stated : “ At MATRADE , our core functions are centred around three primary areas - Exporters Development , Export Promotion , and Trade & Market Information .”
This comprehensive approach is designed to equip Malaysian businesses with the tools , knowledge , and connections they need to succeed globally .
These pillars form the foundation of MATRADE ’ s efforts to position Malaysian businesses favourably in the highly competitive international market . “ Firstly , in the domain of Exporters Development , we recognise that the international market is an exceptionally sophisticated and competitive arena .”
To address these challenges , MATRADE has launched a variety of programmes designed to equip Malaysian exporters with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the global marketplace . These initiatives include comprehensive training programmes and advisory services that guide businesses in meeting international standards .
“ We focus on areas such as technology , product design , packaging , and health and safety regulations , ensuring that our exporters can not only survive but thrive in the sophisticated and competitive international market .”
In the realm of Export Promotion ,
“ We focus on areas such as technology , product design , packaging , and health and safety regulations , ensuring that our exporters can not only survive but thrive in the sophisticated and competitive international market .”
– Datuk Mohd Mustafa
Abdul Aziz
MATRADE is instrumental in helping companies establish and enhance their presence abroad . Through trade missions , export acceleration missions , and international trade fairs , MATRADE creates opportunities for Malaysian companies to connect with foreign importers .
“ As the national trade promotion agency , MATRADE often serves as the initial reference point for inquiries and visits by foreign importers , facilitating matches with local partners who can provide the desired products and services ,” he emphasised .
Finally , the Trade & Market Information division ensures that Malaysian companies are equipped with the latest market intelligence . By providing timely and pertinent information , MATRADE gives businesses the competitive edge they need to succeed in the ever-evolving global trade environment .
2023 was a landmark year for MATRADE , marked by significant achievements in various domains .
“ We assisted 3,750 companies through 51 export promotion programmes and facilitated 1,312 business meetings with foreign buyers ,” Mohd Mustafa noted .
Additionally , MATRADE ’ s training initiatives saw substantial participation , with 9,077 participants across 53 exporters ’ training programmes .
The agency also provided vital financial support through the Market Development Grant ( MDG ) and the eTRADE programme , benefiting 4,375 and 339 companies , respectively . These efforts reflect MATRADE ’ s commitment to nurturing Malaysian businesses at every stage of their export journey .
MATRADE also celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023 with the launch of a significant rebranding initiative . This was more than just a superficial change . It was about repositioning MATRADE as a dynamic and forward-thinking organisation .
The rebranding was symbolised by a new logo , unveiled by Prime Minister Dato ’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim during the 2023 Global Halal Summit .
The new logo , which creatively combines the letters ’ M ’ and ‘ A ,’ represents the collaboration between public and private sectors in driving Malaysia ’ s economic growth . The arrow within the letter ‘ A ’ signifies MATRADE ’ s commitment to excellence and enhancing Malaysia ’ s status as a leading trading nation .
The choice of colours - ‘ Mustard ’ for diversity and creativity and ‘ Blue ’ for strong partnerships - reflects the organisation ’ s renewed focus on innovation and international trade advancements .
However , the rebranding was not just about a new logo .
“ When I talk about rebranding MATRADE , it ’ s about positioning MATRADE as the national export promotion agency of the government of Malaysia . Who we are , what we are doing is basically different from other agencies ,” Mohd Mustafa elaborated .
This rebranding has also been about forging new partnerships with major global players like DHL , Amazon , and Facebook , as well as extending collaborations with government agencies , further strengthening MATRADE ’ s international presence .
A particularly noteworthy achievement under this rebranding initiative was securing the naming rights to the Loftus Road Stadium
in London , now known as the MATRADE Loftus Road Stadium . This move , along with the acquisition of the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre ( MITEC ), has cemented MATRADE ’ s brand on the international stage .
The Malaysia International Halal Showcase ( MIHAS ) stands out as one of MATRADE ’ s flagship events , playing a crucial role in promoting Malaysia ’ s halal products and services to the world .
“ MIHAS 2023 marked our largest event since the inception of the showcase in 2004 ,” Mohd Mustafa proudly shared .
The event featured 1,890 booths from exhibitors representing 44 countries , with the International Sourcing Programme ( INSP ) attracting 501 buyers from around the globe .
The 2023 showcase set a new benchmark , generating RM3.2 billion in export sales - a testament to the growing global demand for halal products and the success of MIHAS as a premier platform for international trade .
As MIHAS celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024 , the event will be themed “ Globalis-ing Halal Innovations ,” highlighting its role in driving sustainable growth and fostering international partnerships within the global halal industry .
A notable addition to MIHAS 2024 is the introduction of a new cluster focused on Halal Ingredients , expanding the current 13 clusters that include sectors such as Food and Bever-ages , Modest Fashion & Lifestyle , and Islamic Finance & Fintech .
Mohd Mustafa also revealed that MIHAS 2024 will see the most extensive media par-ticipation to date , with representatives from 16 countries set to cover the event .
Looking ahead , MATRADE is committed to continuing MIHAS in a hybrid format , combin-ing physical and digital elements to enhance accessibility and participation , ensuring that everyone can be part of this global event .
“ This year ’ s event will build on our previous success , featuring the same four key compo-nents : the showcase , International Sourcing Programme ( INSP ), Knowledge Hub , and MIHAS Awards ,” shared Mohd Mustafa .
In addition to MIHAS , MATRADE has sev-eral high-profile events planned for the year , including the Malaysia-China Summit 2024 ( MCS 2024 ). This event , commemorating the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations , will be held on Dec 17-19 this year at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibi-tion Centre ( MITEC ).
As MATRADE continues to support Malaysia ’ s export sector , the agency is also actively pursu-ing revenue generation initiatives to sustain its operations and fund its programmes .
“ By generating revenue , MATRADE can sustain its operations and fund programmes designed to help Malaysian businesses enter international markets , broaden their export opportunities , and boost their competitive-ness ,” Mohd Mustafa stated .