@Halal + XTRA November/December 2021 | Page 5

Ambank Islamic recognised at the global banking & finance awards 2021
November-December . 2021 | @ Halal

Local News

AMBANK ISLAMIC Berhad ( AmBank Islamic ) recently received three awards at the Global Banking & Finance Awards 2021 , including Best Islamic Corporate Bank Malaysia and Best Islamic SME Bank Malaysia for the second year in a row .
Meanwhile , Eqhwan Mokhzanee , AmBank Islamic ’ s Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ), has been appointed as Islamic Banking CEO of the Year Malaysia .
“ We are truly honoured to be conferred with these prestigious awards , which reflect our commitment towards customers , especially as we face the Covid-19 pandemic ,” stated Dato ’ Sri Abdul Hamidy Abdul Hafiz , Chairman of AmBank Islamic .
“ We are also indeed heartened for the continuous recognition accorded to the role played by Eqhwan in leading AmBank Islamic and in the Islamic banking industry .”
Dato ’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir , the Group Chief Executive Officer of AmBank Group , added the accolades were a testament to their relentless effort to support their customers .
“ We provide our customers with banking solutions to meet their specific needs , which are even most pertinent during these challenging times .”
The Global Banking & Finance Awards have reflected the global financial community ’ s innovation , achievement , strategy , progressive , and inspirational advancements since its inauguration in 2011 .
FUSIONEX , a global leader in artificial intelligence and big data technologies , recently announced a collaboration with Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad to expand the bank ’ s Halal in One programme .
Halal in One is a halal ecosystem that provides services to business owners tapping into the halal market . In addition , the programme assists SMEs in obtaining halal certification , business advice and matching services .
Market access and personalised finance for certification expenses , premises refurbishment , equipment rental purchase , or working capital were included in their services .
Dato ’ Seri Ivan Teh , Chief Executive Officer of Fusionex Group , stated the company were pleased to collaborate with Alliance Islamic Bank on Halal in One program to nurture and develop the halal SME segment through digitalisation .
CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad and CIMB Bank Berhad ( CIMB ) were named Best Islamic Bank and Best Bank for SMEs in Malaysia at the Asiamoney Best Bank Awards 2021 .
The awards recognise the leadership of CIMB Group ’ s Islamic Banking and Commercial Banking divisions , which have cooperated to demonstrate their continuing adherence to innovation , as well as an emphasis on viability , growth , and improved customer experience .
The launch of CIMB ’ s OctoSavers Account-I eliminates the need to visit a branch . It enables customers to complete account onboarding digitally

Feather in the cap

Ambank Islamic recognised at the global banking & finance awards 2021
From left – Dato ’ Sulaiman Mohd Tahir , Group Chief Executive Officer , AmBank Group , Dato ’ Sri Abdul Hamidy Abdul Hafiz , Chairman , AmBank Islamic and Eqhwan Mokhzanee , Chief Executive Officer , AmBank Islamic .
The awards were implemented to identify companies of all sizes that excel in specific areas of competence and accomplishment in the financial industry .
The awards widened its scope to acknowledge those who have Banking , Foreign Exchange , Insurance , Hedge Funds , Pension Funds , Compliance &
Advisory , Corporate Governance , and Brokerage & Exchanges .
Also included are Project Finance , Binary Options , Investment Management , Technology , Asset & Wealth Management , Islamic Finance , Exchange Traded Funds , Real Estate , Corporate Social Responsibility , and other categories .

Fusionex , Alliance Islamic Bank accelerate SMEs ’ halal business growth

Ivan Teh
Rizal IL-Ehzan Fadil Azim
“ This will take their businesses from offline to online , adopt a hybrid business approach and utilise omnichannel strategies to expand their market reach – future-proofing operations to weather challenges that may come their way ,” said Ivan Teh .
This collaboration has introduced new ecosystems and connectivity that generate new revenue streams , alter the business conducted , and allow SMEs to reach their fullest potential .
Rizal IL-Ehzan Fadil Azim , Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Islamic Bank , firmly believed in the strength of collaboration to support the growth of SMEs as Fusionex offers numerous digital solutions that help SMEs stay competitive .
He said : “ Their analytics intelligence provides insights into customer segments , enabling our Halal in One clients to boost their business performance , agility and growth using the data provided .”
Fusionex provides local SMEs with the chance to customise shopping experiences to suit ever-changing consumer demand by using intelligent technologies to understand its consumers better .
It enables SMEs to manage resources , create customised marketing campaigns , and increase sales by replacing guesswork with solid insights gained from complex data .
CIMB receives Best Islamic Bank and Best Bank for small businesses
via electronic Know-Your-Customer (“ e-KYC ”) and EVA , a business chatbot that merges the convenience of consistent support for SME owners with access to Covid-19 relief schemes and other financing products available in Malaysia , were highlighted .
The CIMB MicroBizReady programme , which drew on the experience of CIMB ’ s Islamic and Commercial Banking divisions , exemplified CIMB ’ s efforts to empower micro-SMEs .
This initiative paved the way for the enhancement and sustainability of community livelihood , especially those from the B40 group on improving the entrepreneur ’ s business acumen covering financing , digitalisation and e-commerce , business strategy and emotional well-being .
Commercial Banking and SME customers were also introduced to CIMB ’ s HalalBizReady , a comprehensive solution , which helps connect businesses to global halal trade across the entire value chain .
CIMB ’ s GreenBizReady initiative integrates businesses to an ecosystem of “ green ” enablers , including government agencies and specialists , to help them get started on their sustainability journey .

UOB Malaysia taps Prudential ’ s virtual face-toface feature

UOB MALAYSIA and Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad ( PAMB ) have announced a partnership to provide customers with a digital suite of insurance solutions via a new Virtual Face-to-Face ( VF2F ) feature on Pulse , the insurer ’ s allin-one health and wellness app .
UOB Malaysia is the first Bank in Southeast Asia to implement the VF2F function , allowing currents to handle their insurance needs digitally and efficiently , especially during the current epidemic .
The VF2F function on the Pulse app allows UOB Malaysia ’ s 360 sales representatives to connect with their clients through chat or video calls and provide insurance advisory services , such as proposing life insurance products that are appropriate to their needs .
Customers may also use the VF2F functionality to electronically submit required paperwork and forms , removing the need to fill out a paper questionnaire .
Customers may address their protection and wealth planning needs in a more straightforward , smarter , and faster manner by completing the entire process on the app , from receiving financial counselling to applying for and verifying their insurance coverage .
Ronnie Lim , Managing Director and Country Head of Personal Financial Services UOB Malaysia , said the partnership demonstrated the bank ’ s commitment to providing customers with progressive and convenient solutions relevant to their lifestyle needs and preferences and in the manner they prefer .
“ With more consumers using smartphones to manage their financial needs , we hope that one in every two customers will benefit from this new feature and sign up for the protection or wealth solutions that we offer together with PAMB ,” stated Lim .
Customers can apply and use Covid-19 Medical Plan Coverage Campaign to be get reimbursed for medical expenditures incurred at a hospital while treating Covid-19 once their eligible medical plans are in force .
In addition , customers are also eligible for an RM500 cash relief under the Post Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign if they are hospitalised for adverse reactions from immunisation ( AEFI ) within seven days after receiving an effective Covid-19 vaccine .
The campaign will run until Dec 31 , 2021 , or until the maximum claims limit of RM1,000,000 is reached , whichever comes first . As part of the agreement , UOB Malaysia customers will receive a package of benefits when they use the Pulse by Prudential app . Access to an AI-powered symptom checker , health assessment , and online medical consultation services are among the benefits .
PAMB and UOB Malaysia are marking the 10th anniversary of their strategic bancassurance collaboration , in which the bank distributes PAMB ’ s life insurance products to its retail clients .