The HEALTH : April 2020 | Page 21

april, 2020 | The healTh | Hot Topic | person exhibits symptoms after exposure are currently believed to be as few as two days or as long as 14 days based on information released by the CDC. What is the treatment for patients infected with Covid-19? Currently, there is no vaccination or specifi c treatment for human coronaviruses infections. Most of those infected usually recover on their own. Pain, fever medicines and adequate hydration by drinking plenty of fl uids are the mainstay treatment for most. The story of Covid-19 in a nutshell by ASSOC PROF DR TAN TOH LEONG T he world was stunned when in December 2019, an outbreak of lung infection (pneumonia) cases caused by a novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), emerged in Wuhan, China. the virus and the disease were later renamed to SARS-CoV-2 and Cororonavirus Disease-19 (Covid-19) respectively. At the time this article was written, Covid-19 has claimed over 3000 lives and infected over 86,000 people in China and is proving to be a grave public health threat. What is SARS-CoV-2? SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Coronavirus group, so named because they appear like crowns (coronas) when viewed under the electron microscope. they are everywhere, are zoonotic of origin (can be transmitted between animals and humans) and are responsible for about a third of all common cold cases. there are four major coronavirus categories namely alpha, beta, delta and gamma. Most infect only their specifi c animal host. Only alpha and beta coronaviruses are known to evolve and infect INSIDE: 04-07 08-09 13 14-16 17-21 22-23 24-31 LOCAL NEWS FOREIGN NEWS ISSUE INSIGHT HOT TOPIC INTERVIEW ISSUE 16 | Reducing the cost of kidney disease treatment through biosimilars humans causing widespread outbreaks such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle east Respiratory Syndome (MeRS) and now Covid-19. What are the modes of transmission? Covid-19 originally emerged from an animal source but is now spreading from human-human. transmission of this virus occurs through the air by coughing and sneezing, close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands and touching of surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching the mouth, eyes or nose. Other modes of transmission are still being investigated. What are the main symptoms caused by Covid-19? Symptoms have been found to vary in severity ranging from mild general symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and muscle aches to more serious presentations such as pneumonia leading to sepsis, multi-organ failure and death especially in persons with other concurrent illnesses and in the elderly. the time that a 17-21 | Special Feature: Covid-19 Did we handle it right? 04 MONTH OF APRIL, 2020 RM5.00 | PP19292/03/2018 (034850) Top Glove Corporation Bhd Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee Chai believes good health is the key to wealth and success. 10-12 My Health is My Wealth SEPSIS ALERT Revon Media Sdn Bhd Revongen Corporation Centre Level 17, top Glove tower, No.16, Persiaran Setia Dagang, Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul ehsan, Malaysia. tel: +6 03 3359 1166 Fax: +6 03 3358 0303 by DR DIAN NASRIANA What can I do to protect myself and my family? everyone should play their part in reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission by following the general measures described below. • Frequent handwashing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub after contact with ill people, before, during or after preparing food or eating and after handling animals or animal waste. • Practice respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth and nose with fl exed elbows or tissue (not hands) when coughing or sneezing (cough etiquette) and immediately disposing off the tissue into closed bins afterwards followed by hand washing. • Maintain social distancing of at least one metre between yourself and other people especially those who exhibit signs of respiratory illness to prevent transmission of airborne virus in the respiratory droplets. • Avoid unprotected contact with live animals including poultry and birds. • Ensure proper cooking of meats before consumption. • Don face masks properly whenever you’re experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness. • Seek immediate medical attention if you start feeling any respiratory illness within 14 days after returning from travels especially from China. If you have no symproms, some experts have advised to self-isolate, not going to public places and not sharing food or personal utensils for at least 14 days. • Seek information from reputable sources (WhO, CDC,and KKM). • As always, prevention is better than cure. — The Health Associate Professor Dr Tan Toh Leong is a Consultant Emergency Physician, Faculty of Medicine, UKM and Dr Dian Nasriana Nasuruddin a Pathology Department, PPUKM, HTCM. 21