The Health August 2021 | Page 15

| Eye Care |



What is Myopia ?

Optometrist at Eyestreet conducting eye examination .
The journal predicts that by 2050 , almost 50 per cent of the global population will have some level of myopia .”
which includes slit lamp , tonometry and fundoscopy .
Adapting to the new normal during the pandemic , they also provide digital consultation and direct to patient deliveries of optical aids . “ However , we still prefer patients or customers to have a proper appointment and come over to have a full eye examination .” — The Health
MYOPIA is the medical term for nearsightedness , which is a vision condition whereby one can see near objects clearly , but further away objects appear blurry .
Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long , or the cornea is too curved . As a result , the light entering the eye is not focused correctly , focusing in front of the retina , the light-sensitive part of your eye , instead of directly on the retina , resulting in distant objects looking blurry . Myopia may be inherited , and thus if a parent has myopia , most likely their child may have it as well .
Environmental factors and other health problems may also cause myopia . Environmental risk factors include doing work that involves focusing on close objects or greater time spent indoors .
Symptoms of myopia may also be a sign of variations in blood sugar levels in people with diabetes or perhaps an early indication of a developing cataract .
Types of myopia
Mild myopia or low myopia is the most common form of myopia in an otherwise normal eye .
More severe myopia is known as high myopia and it will usually stabilise between the ages of 20- 30 years old . High myopia can be corrected with glasses , contact lenses or refractive surgery . Degenerative myopia , also known as pathological or malignant myopia , is a rare type of myopia usually genetically inherited . The eyeball gets longer very quickly and causes severe myopia , usually by the teenage or early adult years and can get worse far into adulthood .
Those with degenerative myopia may have a higher chance of having a detached retina , abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye and glaucoma .
The main noticeable symptom for myopia is the blurry far distance vision .
For children , behavioral symptoms include inability to focus in class due to having trouble reading the blackboard at school .
These symptoms may become more obvious when children are between ages 8 and 12 years old .

More action on myopia needed

THERE is a need for more awareness on the increasing prevalence of myopia in Malaysia .
Vice President of the Association of Malaysian Optometrists ( AMO ) Cheah Wen Tye who is an optometrist from Eyecon Midvalley , and President of the Malaysian Association of Practising Opticians ( MAPO ) Edmund Teng who is an optician from Bond Optometry Sdn Bhd , feel that there should be active involvement of all parties in educating the public , especially the younger age group .
Both Cheah and Teng , an optometrist and an optician respectively , lamented that the awareness level on eye diseases among the public was quite low .
Groups affected by myopia
Cheah said : “ Based on previous studies , we can say that myopia cases in Malaysia have been increasing over time .
“ Myopia can come at any age , whether to a child , teen or adult .”
Teng added that in recent times myopia has developed at a much younger age , as young as three years old .
He continued : “ Apart from age , studies have also shown that certain ethnicities are more prone to be myopic compared to others .
“ So , irrespective of age and ethnicity , myopia is indeed a public health issue .”
Said Cheah : “ Many assume that
myopia only affects the vision and is about wearing another type of glasses . However , progression of myopia needs to be monitored annually because high myopia will start to damage the inside of the eye , not just the vision .”
Why myopia is more common now
Genetics was initially the main contributing factor for the development and progression of myopia some time back .
But in recent times , Teng said , lifestyle and environment factors are the main contributing factors for myopia .
“ Nowadays everything is indoors , with prolonged near work and increased screen time on digital devices .”
He added that with the lockdowns and Movement Control Orders ( MCOs ), adapting to the new lifestyle , working from home and online classes have increased digital devices screen time exponentially . And with the lack of outdoor activities , myopia is most likely to progress faster .
“ During this pandemic , we can see some children with myopic progression of -1 diopter in just three months , which was mostly unheard of previously ," said Cheah , as observed in his practice .
Foreseeable risks of myopia
Cheah noted that undetected and uncontrolled myopia is a sight threatening condition .
“ When the myopia progresses further , with -5 diopters and above , there is risk of developing other eye diseases and problems such as retinal tear or detachment .
Teng added that myopia will also affect one ’ s productivity and lifestyle and stressed that early detection and correction is crucial to avoid these risks .
Profession development and eye care awareness
Formed in 1984 , AMO unites optometrists throughout the country to promote the advancement of the science of optics in its application to the preservation of sight .
MAPO was established in1985 and provides opportunities to its members and eye care practitioners to upgrade knowledge and skills through various activities .
Both AMO and MAPO conduct Continuing Professional Development ( CPD ) programmes for optometrists throughout Malaysia to upgrade their skills and update on the latest technologies from around the world .
Since its inaugural event in 2016 , the National Eye Health Awareness ( NEHA ) campaign has been AMO ’ s major event in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care and Essilor Malaysia Sdn Bhd .
“ Throughout the campaign , we focus on public education and awareness programmes . This year , we will be having our first virtual NEHA ,
Cheah Wen Tye , Vice President of Association of Malaysian Optometrists .
Edmund Teng , President of Malaysian Association of Practising Opticians .
titled ‘ Eyes under lockdown ’ to be announced soon .”
According to Teng , MAPO also work closely with the Malaysia Society of Ophthalmology ( MSO ), industry partners and suppliers on the latest updates on eye diseases , products and equipment developments .
“ We also work with NGOs and universities to create awareness and conduct public eye screening ,” added Teng , who runs his optometry business with his wife who is an optician and daughter , an optometrist .
Teng stated : “ We need to be more aggressive in promoting awareness on myopia and other eye diseases in the mass media and social media .
“ We also need the active involvement and action from all parties , from the government down to schools and families . Everyone has their part to play in educating the public , especially the younger age group .”