J & J Vision shows unwavering commitment to innovation , research and education for improved eye health
| Symposium |
We are committed to ensuring that ECPs have the most up-todate understanding and knowledge of our products and the general industry trends . Our professional education team is available to support contact lenses practitioners and optometrists whenever needed . This team serves as a valuable resource for them to tap into .”
– Luke Cahill
Advancing eye health in the Asia Pacific
J & J Vision shows unwavering commitment to innovation , research and education for improved eye health
THE GLOBAL contact lenses market was valued at US $ 17.14 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 8.9 per cent from 2023 to 2030 .
The rising prevalence of eye conditions fuels the demand for contact lenses worldwide . Major market players like Johnson & Johnson Vision ( J & J Vision ) are actively engaged in research and development , contributing to technological advancements in the industry .
J & J Vision ’ s Associate Director of Strategic Medical Affairs for the Asia Pacific Region , Luke Cahill highlighted the rapid transformation in the contact lenses industry . He said some of the innovations in the industry provide more possibilities in terms of vision outcomes .
“ What we ’ ve seen in recent years is the development of new materials or new designs , which has opened up the opportunities for those wearing contact lenses , and maybe those who are considering wearing contact lenses .
“ It opens up more possibilities in terms of the comfort of wearing contact lenses , addressing the potential health risks from wearing contact lenses , and limiting those risks as best we can while also enhancing vision .
“ J & J Vision is committed to innovating and continuing to invest in research and development of contact lens materials . This ensures that we keep pushing forward with new and exciting innovations for the future .”
Cahill shared that J & J Vision has invested considerable time and effort in knowledgesharing and educational initiatives in the Asia Pacific region . The company is involved in educating eye care practitioners ( ECPs ) through events like the recent Johnson & Johnson Institute Symposium ‘ Beyond 2023 : Revolutionising Patient Eye Care & Management ’. Additionally , it also provides support for major optometric conferences throughout Asia .
The company strives to bring valuable research to these conferences , ensuring optometrists receive education both at independently run events and J & J Vision ’ s own conferences . At the end of the day , Cahill said , the goal was to provide wearers with the best possible experience wearing contact lenses .
“ As a significant healthcare company , we have the resources to understand all the emerging research in the field . A
Luke Cahill good example is myopia management , a relatively new field of study with significant implications for future eye health .
“ We have the opportunity to conduct our own research and also to understand broader research . This allows us to organise the symposium to educate ECPs and provide them with the evidence base for the benefit of their patients .
“ We are committed to ensuring that ECPs have the most up-to-date understanding and knowledge of our products and the general industry trends . Our professional education team is available to support contact lenses practitioners and optometrists whenever needed . This team serves as a valuable resource for them to tap into .”
While technological advancements can enhance the experience of wearing contact lenses , Cahill emphasised that the first step for individuals who want to wear them is always consulting with ECPs . This initial consultation is essential to understanding and assessing eye health , ensuring that individuals are appropriate candidates for contact lenses , and addressing any concerns related to their eye health .
“ There are a lot of different choices for contact lenses in the market these days . ECPs can make an individual assessment for the patient and provide recommendations based on the patient ’ s needs .
“ Certainly , it ’ s the first step , but it ’ s also about ongoing care , ensuring that as innovations come to the market , there ’ s an opportunity to inform wearers about the changes in contact lenses technology ,” said Cahill .
He revealed that J & J Vision was actively addressing key trends and challenges in the contact lenses industry . A notable concern is the significant dropout rate among contact lenses wearers . To tackle this , Cahill shared that the company focuses on improving comfort and vision , drawing inspiration from customer feedback .
Additionally , the company also addresses the rising myopia pandemic through extensive research and development , bringing global insights to ECPs in the Asia Pacific region . This commitment reflects J & J Vision ’ s dedication to customer satisfaction and continuous innovation in the contact lenses industry . – The Health