The HEALTH : February 2019 | Page 3

february, 2019 | Th e HealtH Opinion that out of all the people who entered their resolutions, a measly 9.2 percent actually pulled through. Th at means 92.8 percent failed to keep the promises made to themselves. I fi nd it a bit ironic when we make resolutions, we desire to break out of our damaging habits. Yet, not keep- ing up with our own resolutions has become a damaging habit on its own. Perhaps we need to dive deeper into ourselves to see what needs to change. Be it smoking, drinking, spending too much money, or just being too caught up with work – these habits cannot be broken if we can’t break our habit of n ot breaking habits. Perhaps what we need, is to start smaller. norman Hussaini Editor Yoga, the trend e Obesity aff ecting fertility in us Being overweight or obese lowers women’s chances of getting pregnant. TCM can be an option for treatment • TCM can be for all 26 ageing with grace Th e ageing population of the Land of Th e Rising Sun can be made an example for Malaysians • Malaysia’s platinum: Defying the odds 27 Diet for cancer patients 28 BY adi satria  after sports recovery Adi Satria, a veteran of the communications industry was introduced to yoga by a law lecturer during police detention due to his university stu- dent activism in the 70’s. Th e yoga exercises helped him and other detainees to face the stressful days of interrogation and fi ghting boredom during periods of idleness. Regular practice keeps him focused and strong as it can be easily practiced anywhere. Each of us who are active in sports needs at least two to three days a week of rest, maybe even more • Active for 150 minutes a week 29 Seaweed for bone health Osteoperosis is a dangerous degenerative disease. Two students from Monash University are looking into the prevention through their scientifi c project • Is it as good as it can ‘bee’? 30-3 Diff erent Strokes Portion control in food is the ideal way for us to eat healthily, and it rings especially true for cancer patients • Almond milk recipes Th e wonder woman of Malaysia Linora Low is on a journey to smash stereotypes that strong isn’t feminine 03 Yoga helps release stress and keep one’s wellness at optimum level. • Facts about vitiligo 25 03 VERYONE have heard of yoga. But like every- thing else that involves the improvement and health of body and mind – most people don’t really bother. In my condominium there is a regular yoga session at least twice a week. It started with about 12 women but it went down to a regular six or sometimes three person. No matter what, the instructor continues as she feels it is part of her daily health routine anyway. And the regulars have benefi tted from this consistency. I have a former colleague who is now in her 60’s. When I saw her again after over 15 years I was surprised to see that she has not aged. In fact she looked even more radiant and confi dent. He secret was her yoga practice which she took up after she almost suff ered a heart attack. Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath and mind by using physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to improve overall health. In our stressful envi- ronment, some turn to prayers and exercise to reduce stress. However yoga does more. It helps you to relax, improves self-confi dence, concentration, coordination, lowers blood pressure and heart rate and aids digestion. All these will help one to sleep better. Th e yoga gurus today are just like your average Joe except that they look younger than their age. While material things are not the ultimate goal in life, they don’t abandon them altogether because it is still a nice thing to have. No need to go to a cave and meditate. You can do it at home. For those interested, there are many yoga centers in the city and you can start with a beginners’ class. To enjoy yoga you need to look for an instructor you can enjoy working with and do not push you to do things you may not be comfortable with. Th ere are three basic things you need to do; Breathing – this is important and training to breathe right is key. Poses – these are a series of movements that help boost strength, fl exibility and balance. Th ey range in diffi culty from lying fl at on the fl oor to diffi cult balancing poses. Meditation – A short period of meditation is usually done at the beginning and at the end of the session as it quiets the mind and helps you relax. Yoga is usually done early in the morning or in the eve- nings. (during sunrise and sunset is best) Wear clothing that allows you to move freely. Start slowly and learn the basics before pushing yourself too far. No need to push beyond your comfort level. Listen to your body and if you feel pain or tired stop and rest. I realised that many of my friends who are beyond 50 have many health problems. Most of it are related to nutrition and inactivity. But attitude seems to be the dominating cause of all this. Th ey feel it is the age that they need to relax and not do any physical activities whatsoever. Th e reality is the older you get, the harder you have to work on your physical and mental health. Spiritual activities like prayers are only part of it. It is quite a surprise that some religious people have even declared yoga to be haram for Muslims. It has nothing to do with religion or one’s faith. Mental attitude, physical movement and breathing all contribute to a healthier lifestyle, calmer personality and defi nitely a happier disposition free of stress. Is this not what life should be. — Th e health