The HEALTH | JAN/FEB, 2020
is not
individual right
Th e spread of belief that vaccines are causing
diseases instead of protecting us from them is
a dangerous misinformation, and can lead to
terrible outbreaks
BJeCTION against immuni-
sation began since the
development of the smallpox
vaccine in 1796. Religious
groups were concerned that
these measures were against
the God’s will and providence. To no one’s sur-
prise, disease outbreaks have been reported in
religious communities for centuries.
According to Consultant Paediatrician and
Neonatalogist Datuk Dr Musa Mohd Nordin:
“except for few religious sects, virtually
all religious beliefs has no qualms towards
immunisation. Th e religious beliefs of indi-
viduals or communities may not refl ect the
theological teachings of their religions. Since
vaccines did not exist when the holy books
were written, exegesis of the texts will frame
their view.”
“The majority of our people accept
immunisation as an important and essential
healthcare interventions,” he continued.
Th ere are however, misguided individuals
in rural communities; being swayed by anti-
vaxxers’ propaganda.
“Th e rural communities who are simply
misinformed that vaccines contain prohibited
content. With that element of doubt, the
Muslims begin to shun vaccines believing
that they made the better choice for their
off spring. Th is leads to conservative religious
scholars who pass religious edicts which pro-
hibit immunisation and claim that there are
part of the western ploy to weaken and harm
the Muslims.”
The anti-vaxxers are mostly
composed of those who
were misinformed by the
internet. Dr Musa suggest
that the readers do their own
research before accepting
something as the truth.
Some parents also
feel that vaccines are
no longer necessary
today because we no
longer see children
being infected by
According to Dr Musa, through the eff ort Vaccination law
of active promotion by the Ministry of health One of the most discussed topic last year
(MOh), Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia was the vaccination law. To implement such
(JAKIM), and Lembaga Tabung haji Malaysia measure, it will require time to study the
(LTh), the general public understands the implementation.
vitality of vaccinating their children.
“Th e Ministry of health needs to cus-
“Th ere has been very good advo-
tomise it to the needs and demands
cacy by professional bodies such
of our countries. however, there
as the MPA, Malaysian Society
is an opportunity to study the
of Infectious Diseases and
various permutations of man-
Chemotherapy, (MSIDC) and
religious groups
datory vaccination policies
Islamic Medical Association
which have been practiced in
Were concerned
of Malaysia (IMAM). Not to
other countries.”
ThaT These measures
mention the social media
Th ere may be immediate
Were againsT The
presence by the likes of
measures that needs to be
god's Will and
done promptly to address the
outbreaks of diphtheria and
Impact to
measles. Th is includes “mopping
the society
up” campaigns whereby door-to-door
Th ere is a growing trend of vaccine hesitancy immunisations are carried out.
and refusal due to misperceptions about
“Priorities areas include those where cases
parental rights (to not vaccinate their have been found where healthcare access is
limited over the previous three years.”
To this, Dr Musa comments: “Parents who
Th e caring society will also need to play
refuse immunisation does not realise that their part. “In the interim, owners of nurs-
it involves the whole community. Th e issue eries, child care centres, and kindergartens
involves our children and all the children needs to be informed to verify the status of
in the world. It takes only one person to their enrolment. If they fi nd the candidate
be infected or to be a carrier for a vaccine- lacking, the family needs to be referred to the
preventable disease to spread.”
nearest healthcare centres.”
“So please do not say that refusing vaccina-
And if these various measures fail to reverse
tion is in your rights. It is also my children’s the declining trends of immunisations, then
right to play without the fear of catching a Dr Musa thinks it would be pertinent to
preventable disease from friends whose consider mandatory vaccinations.
parents rather believe the internet than the
“We should not prolong this issue as what
doctors. Freedom of choice is a good thing… happened in Romania – where 224,202 chil-
But the freedom to harm others is not,” he dren aged nine months to nine years were not
immunised against measles which led to an
outbreak, killing 32 children and was recorded
to be the worst outbreak in europe.” — Th e
So please do not say that refusing vaccination is
in your rights. It is also my children’s right to play
without the fear of catching a preventable disease
from friends whose parents rather believe the
internet than the doctors.” - Dr Musa