bed in illness. If you are overweight, fi nd the
means to lose weight. If you are overworked,
fi nd the time to let loose. And if you are
smoking, well, no time is more suitable than
now to start quitting.
Take care of your health as you do your
loved on es, and see that your dreams come
true sooner or later.
Norman Hussaini
Traditional massage has numerous benefi ts.
No pain
no gain
Ovarian failure in women
30 and 40 years old
Poor nutrition and stress a leading factor
Infl uenza in children
Infl uenza is a common disease but children
are severely impacted
• Ear pain in children
• Doctor forbids using ear buds
on children
Bringing back fertility
through traditional
Traditional Chinese medicine is one way to
help women with menstrual issues
Planning motherhood
years in advance
Developments in women’s fertility science
help women plan ahead for parenting
• Pelvic fl oor dysfunction
• Incontinence during – after
Obesity in Malaysia
The shocking truth
Rising from poverty to
a revered tycoon
The success story of Professor Tan Sri Dato’
Paduka Dr Fhg Ah Seng
Diff erent
HEN young men talk about massage, two
things come to mind. It’s either an exciting
session with a ‘happy ending‘ or it’s a seriously
painful aff air.
Whichever the perception is, one thing for sure — both
have got its benefi ts.
For me a seriously good massage is one that can help to
rejuvenate one’s body and soul. Most of us do not take it
seriously as the myth is that it is addictive once you start
to let your body go through the motions of the massage.
I know many friends who continue to look youthful and
healthy with lots of energy to take them through the day
especially after retiring from active employment.
My friends tell me that they have to go through a good
traditional massage at least once a month to keep with the
punishing demands of the role. Th ere are many serious and
family type spas that employ qualifi ed masseuse which one
can patronise. Th e blind masseuse services in Brickfi elds
and all over the country are also very good value for money.
For the last two weeks or so I was suff ering from pain
every time I raised my left hand. I realised it was due to a
number of heavy loads I was carrying, including my two-
year-old grandson.
I went to my regular acupuncturist and was informed
that it’s a condition called frozen shoulder. After one
treatment of 10 needles I felt better the next day but I was
advised to come back for a few follow up sessions.
My 40-year-old nephew who was also suff ering from
the same ailment and had gone through a few acupuncture
sessions was advised to go to a traditional masseuse in
Kampung Baharu. After one session he was completely
relieved and was actively cycling every weekend and had
just returned from a cycling trip to Bali.
Th at was testimony enough for me to try this man out.
He explained that the main nerve or artery located around
the shoulder blade is not aligned with another main nerve.
Using just one fi nger pressing on that nerve he pushed
till it became realigned. Th is process was very painful but
after that the pain was gone. He continued to press upon
the main nerve on the neck and massaged it down to the
upper arm, lower arm and palms. You can actually feel the
bubbles of air trapped within the nerves being released
until there was no more pain
In the end I could fi nally raise my arms without much
eff ort or pain. Amazing! I was advised not to sleep on the
left side as it may trigger the condition again.
Th ose who suff er from diabetes are also likely to suff er
from frozen shoulder which typically limits your shoulder’s
range of motion which can go on for months. Using pain
killers will not solve the problem.
Such is the power of traditional massage. The key
is to ensure the entire blood fl ow in your body is kept
unrestricted and oxygen is carried through to all the vital
organs. Pain killers only provide temporary relief. Th ere is
no substitute for a good (albeit painful) traditional mas-
sage. No pain, no gain. – Th e Health
ADI SATRIA – A veteran in the marketing communications
industry thinks that your body needs to be in tip top condition
through exercise and proper nutrition. Yet a good traditional
massage may release and relief the blockages and misalignment
of the muscles, nerves and arteries of the body keeping it supple
and fi rm.