The HEALTH : July 2018

IRON MEN: ELECTRIC CHILDREN: Iron Men: Disability and sex, is it possible? p22 Bed wetting in children. Control can be achieved p20 WONDER WOMEN: 04 | MONTH OF JULY, 2018 RM5.00 | PP19292/03/2018 (034850 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Hormones that lead to weight gain p24 HIGHLIGHT: Medical negligence: Know your right as a patient p14-15 PULSE OF THE NATION FITNESS: Passion for golf never fades MMCGamuda KVMRT (PDP) Sdn Bhd’s Dato’ Ir Wong Wai Ching speaks of his game since 1987. p28 EXCLUSIVE: Saving limbs with Maggot Debridement Therapy Dr Nazni Wasi Ahmad speaks of saving the lives of diabetic patients using Maggot Debridement Therapy and her experience winning the 2018 Dr LEE Jong-wook Memorial Prize during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland Full story on p30-31 ISSUE: HEPATITIS Fatty liver disease Characterised by access fat in the liver, the disease is divided into two; alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease occurs in a person that doesn’t consume significant amounts of alcohol. p13