JULY, 2018 | The HEALTH
Second point to
healthy ageing
he second point for healthy ageing is
social interaction. This basically means
a connection between two human
beings who have a relationship and
friendship. Many social studies have
shown that people who are closer to their spouse
and children, who have stronger bond with
relatives and friends seem to be healthier and live
longer. This could be due to the fact that humans
are actually social beings and interaction with
other humans probably have some influence on
our mind and spirit.
The thousand centenarian
study in Okinawa presented by
Professor Suzuki at the World
Congress in Healthy Ageing in
Kuala Lumpur a few years ago,
explained the importance of social
interaction and bonding as one of
the important components for
their longevity. This centenarians
were still looked up to by the
society and were still respected.
They also had close relationships
both with family and friends.
The other interesting studies
in longevity were those relating to
long life and faith. These studies
showed that people who believe in
god or a higher power live longer
than people who do not. I suppose
this could be because this some-
how involved the “spirit” part of
us humans. Like a wise man said
‘we are spiritual beings having a
human experience’. After read-
ing this studies I started praying
In his book “Life is Tremen-
dous”, Tremendous Charlie wrote,
you will exactly be the same as you
are now and in five years except
for the books you read and the
friends you keep. Though it was
more in the context of success
especially financial success, I
believe this also holds true in
wellness and healthy ageing.
If we want to stay healthy, than
the people who we surround our-
selves with can either help us or
can lead us the wrong way. Macho
cries like ‘life is short so have fun’
or even ‘might as well be dying if
Studies showed
that people who
believe in god or a
higher power live
longer than people
who do not. I
suppose this could
be because this
somehow involved
the “spirit” part of
us humans.
we cannot enjoy’ can sometimes
lead people up the wrong path
towards disease instead of health.
We cannot change our family but if
we have friends that we feel might
not be that encouraging towards
wellness and health than we
either have to help change them
or if not make new friends. This
might sound harsh but if you are
serious about your health than this
is important.
Also learn to read books and
health related articles. However
make sure they are from a repu-
table source.
Remember our health is in
our hands. The choice is ours. I
see a lot of regrets later on in life.
People who have done very well in
all areas of their life except health.
It is not just premature death but
sometimes the chronic suffering
and disability which is worst.
Dato Dr Rajbans Singh is the
Malaysian Wellness Society presi-
dent and Pantai Hospital Kuala
Lumpur consultant physician and
geriatrician. He can be contacted
A focus on
ageing and sex
ne of the most important needs of
mankind is to relate emotionally
and physically and that includes
the ability to have effective sexual
relationship. Probably the main
purpose of sexual relationship is procreation
and only at a later stage, when the family is
formed and the relationship is stable that one
becomes drawn towards sexual relationship
for recreation.
When this happens sexual rela-
tionship will take a different turn
from a more penetrative sexual
relationship to a non-penetrative
type. This is not the norm for most
couples especially, when the male
partner is still virile and consid-
ers penetrative form of sexual
relationship the only approach
to sexual expression. Touch, is a
basic form of communication and
can be sexual when two loving
couples embrace in any manner
other than genital intercourse.
Ageing has an impact to sexual
relationship. Problems of sexual
dysfunctions both in men and
women occur when men and
women aged and experience dete-
rioration in their health. Physical
disability is also another negative
As far as the sexual organs are
concerned, the less they are used
the less effective they become or
otherwise if they are regularly
used. If they cannot be used then
appropriate medical interven-
tion is recommended. Alas most
men and women prefer to suffer
in silence because of feeling of
shame, least they get branded as
As far as the
sexual organs are
concerned, the
less they are used
the less effective
they become or
otherwise if they
are regularly used.
lecherous old men or women.
Those who feel that sex is not
‘dirty’, rather a natural expression
of love and care will make an effort
to seek remedy.
For men with ED, the causes
for ED need to be evaluated and
appropriate treatment provided.
The options are plenty and
involves improving blood flow
into the penile musculature.
Viagra or the other equivalent
namely Cialis and Levitra maybe
another option provided the ther-
apy is safe for the patients. Herbal
supplement like standardised
water-soluble extract of Tongkat
Ali can be used to provide general
wellness and maintain health and
For women, if the problem is
related to low sex drive, testos-
terone therapy can be provided
along with estrogen therapy and
if there is less lubrication, water-
based lubrication can provide the
Dr Mohd Ismail Mohd Tambi is
Damai Service Hospital’s Clinical
Andrologist consultant.