It is essential to support adolescents who show self-harming behaviour with the right treatment
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THE Ministry of Health Malaysia recently released its National Morbidity and Health Survey 2022 , which also contains a specific survey on adolescents ’ health issues .
Among the important findings highlighted was the mental health status of Malaysian adolescents surveyed in the study . What was striking in the overall survey was the rise in almost all domains of mental health studied , including the prevalence of social isolation , depressed mood , suicidal ideation , plans , and attempts among respondents in the range of 13 – 17 years of age compared to the two previous findings .
For example , the prevalence of depression increased from 18.3 per cent in 2017 to 26.9 per cent in 2022 . A similar trend was also seen in the prevalence of suicide attempts ( 9.5 per cent ) in 2022 , compared to 6.8 per cent ( 2012 ) and 6.9 per cent ( 2017 ). Another worrying aspect of the survey was related to protective factors for adolescents . The perception of connectedness with parents has declined from 42.6 per cent to 33.4 per cent .
Self-harming conduct was one of the mental health conditions affecting teenagers that required significant care . Teenage self-harming is a distressing issue that calls for a sympathetic and compassionate response .
Self-harming behaviour , commonly referred to as self-injury or selfmutilation , describes intentional acts in which people harm their bodies . It entails harming oneself physically as a coping mechanism for emotional anguish , overpowering thoughts or feelings , or a feeling of inner turmoil . Self-harm techniques that are most frequently used include cutting , burning , scratching , striking , and bashing . Most of the time , self-harming behaviour is not an attempt at suicide but rather a technique for people to externalise and manage their emotional distress or regain control over their lives .
Young people frequently use selfharm as a coping strategy to manage intense emotions and psychological suffering . A comprehensive strategy that addresses the underlying causes , offers therapeutic interventions , and creates a support network is necessary to support adolescents who engage in self-harming behaviour . Here are some strategies that can be implemented to assist those affected . 1 . Understanding the underlying cause Developing a thorough grasp of the problem is critical to support adolescents who engage in selfharming behaviours . Learn about
A compassionate approach
It is essential to support adolescents who show self-harming behaviour with the right treatment
self-harm , its various manifestations ( such as cutting , burning , or scratching ), and the emotional challenges that underlie this practice . Discover the causes of adolescent self-harm , such as emotional anguish , a need for control , or a lack of ability to communicate feelings . This can entail having a candid discussion with them about what happened without passing judgement , stigmatising them , or treating them with disrespect .
It ’ s also critical to note that causes might be subtle , complex , and multivariate and may not always be obvious . Encourage open and non-judgmental communication by creating a safe environment for adolescents to discuss their selfharming behaviour .
Source : NHMS 2022 , IKU , Ministry of Health
Foster trust and confidentiality , allowing them to express their feelings without fear of reprisal . To improve and restore their relationship with their damaged child , parents must be willing to discuss freely their parenting style . 2 . Building a therapeutic relationship Supporting teenagers with selfharming behaviour requires building a solid therapeutic relationship . Encourage them to seek expert assistance from mental health professionals , such as therapists or counsellors skilled in dealing with adolescent self-harmers .
Create a therapy strategy in collaboration with the patient that emphasises resolving underlying problems and creating effective coping
Dr Rozanizam Zakaria is a psychiatrist and Assistant Prof in Psychiatry , Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , Faculty of Medicine , International Islamic University Malaysia ( IIUM ). skills . Help teenagers understand and effectively control their emotions using evidence-based therapies like dialectical behaviour therapy ( DBT ) or cognitive-behavioural therapy ( CBT ). In situations where family dynamic factors are in place , family involvement is also vital in the therapeutic process . 3 . Teaching coping skills Encourage teenagers to replace selfharm with healthy coping strategies . Healthy coping refers to using adaptive and constructive strategies to manage and navigate stressful or challenging situations .
These coping mechanisms promote resilience , emotional well-being , and effective problem-solving . Teach them other coping mechanisms for hefty emotions , such as art therapy , deep breathing techniques , or participating in physical activity .
Pursuing creative outlets that can be used as emotional outlets and stress relievers is encouraged . Encourage self-care activities like meditation and exercises in self-compassion . 4 . Involving family and supportive networks Supporting teenagers who self-harm requires involving their families and social networks . Encourage open conversation and educate parents and other adults who are responsible for children about self-harm . Give them the resources they need to assist in their child ’ s recovery . The family unit can be strengthened and communication improved with family therapy . Make use of the assistance of friends , mentors , and teachers who may act as motivators and positive role models for the adolescent . 5 . Encouraging help-seeking behaviour and providing ongoing support Self-harming people should have their mental health , including sadness and anxiety , checked out . This covers evaluations for developmental disorders , academic difficulties , and family-related issues .
Those who need additional evaluation should be directed to speciality psychiatry centres with experience treating young people with psychological problems . Adolescents who injure themselves should receive continual support . To ensure ongoing development and relapse prevention , provide follow-up appointments , support groups , or regular check-ins .
Assist teenagers in creating a safety plan that provides methods for coping with upsetting circumstances or triggers . Encourage them to create a network of reliable people who can help them when things get tough .
Supporting adolescents who self-harm needs compassion , comprehension , and a multifaceted strategy . We can empower teenagers to stop self-harming and support their mental health by creating a complete support system that includes education , treatment , coping skills , and involvement of family and support networks .
Keep in mind that recovery takes time , and setbacks are possible . Adolescents need constant support , patience , and these qualities to help them on their path to recovery . Together , we can foster an atmosphere where young people feel heard , appreciated , and given the resources they need to be more resilient . – The Health