The Health March/April 2022 | Page 8

However , when making changes and adjustments to your medication regimen , there are a few things to keep in mind


THE HEALTH | MARCH-APRIL , 2022 Supported by

| Cover Story ( Medication & Fasting ) |

Fasting during Ramadan boosts health and wellbeing

However , when making changes and adjustments to your medication regimen , there are a few things to keep in mind


RAMADAN IS the Islamic calendar ’ s ninth month , during which Muslims observe a month of fasting , prayer , reflection , and community . Fasting is one of Islam ’ s five pillars , and it is observed yearly by practising Muslims .

Fasting every day from dawn to sunset during Ramadan has spiritual , physical , and psychological benefits .
“ As Muslims , we must try our best to complete our obligation of fasting for 30 days . We must be disciplined and take care of our health to help observe the fast ,” said Muhammad Farahi ' Arif bin Tajul Ariffin , a pharmacist and entrepreneur who owns the Farmasi Al-Arif chain of community pharmacies in Selangor , Kelantan , Terengganu , and Negeri Sembilan .
“ There are numerous health and mental benefits of fasting . Fasting is an opportunity to focus on our physical and psychological wellbeing .
“ First and foremost , the body can redirect all of the energy normally used for digestion to other bodily functions .”
Benefits to the body and mind
It frees up the body ’ s enzyme system to focus on quickly and efficiently detoxifying and breaking down toxins in the body rather than heavy food digestion .
“ Secondly , fasting aids in body weight management . It aids in the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease , diabetes , and hyperlipidemia by maintaining healthy body weight .
“ Fasting also promotes neuronal autophagy , which protects our brain .
“ Neuronal autophagy is a natural way for damaged cells to be eliminated . This natural process promotes good memory , learning , and thinking skills .
“ In terms of the mind , fasting helps develop a healthy eating habit , in which we only eat when we are physically hungry .
“ This is because the leptin ‘ full ’ hormone and ghrelin ‘ hunger ’ hormone are regulated during fasting ,” said Muhammad Arif .
Leptin is a hormone that suppresses appetite and signals when to stop eating . On the other hand , ghrelin increases appetite , causing hunger and initiates meal consumption .
He said fasting also instilled gratitude and humility in one ’ s attitude . It serves as a reminder that those living in poverty are forced to fast every day due to financial constraints and a lack of food security .
“ We will learn to be more grateful with our life and be more compassionate toward the poor .
“ Fasting also teaches one to be more patient . Fasting during Ramadan necessitates the control of one ’ s hunger , anger , and desire . It is a month of training so that we can control and better ourselves .”
Medicines during fasting
During Ramadhan , all types of medication and supplements are permitted , but not during the fasting period , according to Muhammad Arif .
“ Those who take medication or supplements regularly can do so outside of fasting hours , which are before Subuh and after Maghrib .”
However , he pointed out a few things to keep in mind when making changes and adjustments to the medication regimen .
The first is whether the medication or supplement renders the fasting ineffective , determined by the mode of administration or how the medicine is consumed or used .
There are a few types of medication administration that will cause fasting invalidation ;
• Consuming through the mouth such as tablets , capsules , suspensions and syrups
• Inhaler for asthmatic patients
• Pessaries ( insert through the vagina ) and suppositories medicine ( insert through rectum ) “ Another consideration is the medication ’ s frequency of administration , which can be once , twice , three times , or four times per day . We also need to know if the medicine should be taken before or after a meal .
“ Pharmacists should be aware of the Ministry of Health ’ s ( MoH ) medicine usage guidelines . They must also take the initiative to explain and educate patients on proper medication administration .
“ As pharmacists , we must do everything possible to understand our patients ’ conditions and assist them in solving their problems .”
Patients with chronic diseases need to consult GPs or pharmacists before starting Ramadan fasting . This is to ensure :
• Their compliance with medication .
• They control the disease within the targeted parameters .
• They do not suffer complications from their chronic condition due to the change in the medicine intake routine .
Community pharmacy business during Ramadan
Muhammad Arif runs 16 community pharmacy outlets , and all the pharmacists he employs are well-versed in Ramadan medication guidelines .
“ Patients and clients are welcome to consult us during Ramadan about their health and medication management .
“ We offer consultation services both in-person and online , with patients and clients having the option of visiting one of our locations or contacting us via WhatsApp .
“ Our engagement with the suppliers operates as usual during the month of Ramadan ,” he said , adding that medicine stock supply is normal during Ramadan .
“ We make sure that our clients ’ supplements and medications , which they usually take and purchase , are always available .
“ We usually have a shortage during Chinese New Year , so we have to stock up on medications a week or two before the festivities begin .”
Take care of your body
“ Patients must also be responsible for their wellbeing . They must ensure they take medications and follow the healthcare professionals ’ regimens and the MoH ’ s guidelines .
“ We must be disciplined to ensure that we are healthy to continue observing the fast . Make sure to take your medications and stick to the regimen prescribed by your healthcare provider and the MoH ’ s guideline .”
He said patients must be disciplined to healthy enough to keep the fast going .
“ Secondly , do not skip Sahur , the pre-dawn meal . It is vital as it provides the body with enough energy and resources to function throughout the day .
“ Finally , have faith in your pharmacists and healthcare practitioners . Do not hesitate to visit a nearby pharmacy or healthcare facility .
“ We are eager to assist with medication management and help patients observe fasting safely ,” he said . — The Health