The HEALTH : May 2019

VOL 2: 13 | Month of May, 2019 | RM5.00 | PP19292/03/2018 (034850) | PULSE OF THE NATION The issue of individuals not being able to claim for insurance over mental health issues is a problem needed to be discussed.” – Prof Dr Amer Siddiq, University of Malaya Medical Centre There are no existing anti-discriminatory laws in Malaysia to protect the rights of people with mental health illnesses.” – Anushia Subramaniam, Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management I don’t see the reason why individuals with mental health illnesses should be discriminated against.” – Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz, Mental Health Foundation Insurance providers stated that the demand for mental health coverage is lacking in Malaysia.” – Dr Sangeeta Kaur, Mental Health Experiential Conference 2019 As we speak, we know that the insurance industry is considering the n eed to have medical coverage for mental health problems.” – Prof Datuk Dr Andrew Mohanraj, Malaysian Mental Health Association We will need signifi cant research to defi ne and quantify mental health issues before coming up with coverage. We want to make sure that we could create something that is impactful.” – Anusha Do we have insurance coverage for mental health? Th e rise in mental health issues in Malaysia means that individuals with mental health problems need all the support they can get, but so far insurance coverage for mental health is close to none. Is one in the works? Only time will tell. – pg10 & 11 Thavarajah, AIA Bhd Tech & Innovation Better cancer treatment through precision medicine – p20 Exclusive Nana Al Haleq: Empowering the world through fi tness – p30&31