The Health May/June 2022 | Page 3



| The Health says ... |

Don ’ t let your guard down

Autism : Awareness , empathy and support It is important for parents to realise that autism is not a disease like a specific bacterial infection which can be eliminated with a course of antibiotics
From birthmarks to cancer treatment In his pursuit to improve strawberry birthmark treatment , Dr Swee Tan discovered potential effective and affordable cancer treatment
Does Parkinson ’ s start in the nose ? Two novel intranasal medications have reduced inflammation and inhibited the spread of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson ’ s disease in mice models
F-1 ambulance drivers Are ambulance drivers trained to drive and handle an ambulance at high speeds ?
Approaching cancer holistically A cancer patient ’ s journey , from choosing to be a thriver instead of a survivor to helping others approach cancer holistically
May Day ! May Day ! The management of this whole pandemic , or “ plandemic ” as some describe it , has left many questions unanswered
Add years to life and life to years By keeping your body healthy , you can slow the natural ageing process and live healthily and independently
Running the race Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul on how friends , family and colleagues pledged to raise funds if he completed the Tokyo Marathon
Bridging healthcare access in Malaysia There needs to be greater synergy between the various healthcare stakeholders within the government , private sector and civil society groups
P31 People
• Harjeet appointed Health Ministry Secretary-General
• Malaysian doctor volunteers at a shelter for Ukrainian refugees
• Emeritus Professor titles for top academics

MALAYSIA ’ S transition from the Covid-19 pandemic to the endemic stage seems to be working quite well – for now at least . The number of new infections appears to be under control , with a decline in active cases and ICU admissions . The daily death rate has also reduced significantly in recent weeks .

Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin is happy and even praised Malaysians for their good behaviour in the transition to the endemic phase . He said they knew when to wear masks and isolate themselves if they had symptoms .
He said that there was no longer a need to enforce laws such as issuing compound notices and others with this good compliance . But this is worrying .
If we remember , Khairy , when announcing the relaxation of the SOPs effective May 1 , said while it was no longer compulsory for MySejahtera check-ins , premises must still check for those with “ high risk ” status and those placed under House Surveillance Order ( HSO ).
Unfortunately , almost all premises do not bother doing this . Shouldn ’ t the relevant authorities at least conduct spot checks and impose compounds on those flouting the law ? Are we waiting for another spike in new infections before enforcing the law ?
The fact remains that the number of daily new infections is still in the four-figure category . Many countries are also seeing the emergence of the BA . 4 and BA . 5 Omicron subvariants , leading to another wave of infections .
A third subvariant called BA . 2.12.1 has also emerged . Lest we forget , the more deadly Delta variant is still around . It means we must not let our guard down .
As it is , we are seeing a sudden , alarming surge in Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease ( HFMD ) among children . In just a few weeks , a staggering 40,000 cases were reported .
And then , we have the Monkeypox outbreak , which has spread to more than 10 countries . Then we have 17,000 dengue fever cases in the first five months of 2022 compared to 11,000 cases during the same period last year . Even the increasing cases of TB are alarming .
With these health threats , the last thing we need is another surge in Covid-19 infections . Our healthcare system will surely buckle under the severe strain .
The relevant authorities must step up their enforcement and vigilance before it is too late .