The Health November 2022 | Page 19

Gout is a form of arthritis that is complex and can be avoided through exercise and avoiding certain foods

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“ I can gout no satisfaction !”

Gout is a form of arthritis that is complex and can be avoided through exercise and avoiding certain foods

OVER a recent weekend I was in Ipoh to attend a three-day symposium on the music of the 60 ’ s era . I was asked to present a paper on my teenage experience during that decade when Elvis Presley , Cliff Richard and The Shadows , and The Beatles influenced our lives with their music and electric guitar instruments . The local Malay pop music then was dubbed “ Era Pop Yeh – Yeh 60an ”, after the Beatles hit song “ She Loves You ( Yeh ! Yeh ! Yeh !)”.

As in most conferences , food and drinks were abundant , and exercise was far from my mind . As it was also raining , it was a convenient excuse not to exercise , although the hotel had a complete gym facility .
I was gouging beef curry , chicken , fish and prawns . And on my return to Kuala Lumpur , I had an attack of gout on my left foot , something I have not had for a long time .
I knew that to reduce the inflammation , I had to go vegetarian for the next few days , drink lots of water , and of course , return to my cycling routine to sweat out the toxins from my system . It also helped by taking 10 pills of colchicine , using a brand that was herbal-based . At only RM2.40 , I took two pills every two hours and the next morning , the swelling and pain had subsided .
The same thing happened last year during the lockdown when I had too much to eat and lacked exercise .
Nonetheless , I still had to stay away from beef and protein for a few more days .
Most people do not understand the cause of gout . My brother has been having chronic gout for the past 10 years . Although he is a fitness buff , he has a problem with food – the wrong kind .
Although he runs and does taichi to sweat on a daily basis , he also tends to overdo it . This inflicts stress on his joints and that triggers the inflammation . When that happens , he will suffer in pain and be bedridden for a few days .
Gout is a condition that affects many people , especially men . It is a form of arthritis that is complex . It affects one or more joints , mostly the big toe . It is painful and characterised by swelling and redness of the affected areas .
Sustaining a gout-free condition
This happens when there is too much uric acid in the body . The uric acid is made by the body when it breaks down purines found in certain foods .
These foods include sugary drinks , organ meats , red meat and certain seafood including herring , mussels , tuna , trout and codfish . My doctor and dietician advised me to avoid anchovies , mackeral , catfish , patin fish and even stingray , as they have high purine content . It ’ s quite a challenge to avoid eating these as they are found at our local food stalls and in our favourite foods such as nasi lemak and nasi kandar .
We must also avoid eating nuts and green beans and even spinach . How to avoid satay and its gravy of nuts ?
Well , the way I manage these foods is to consume them in moderation and a change in my lifestyle which I practised more than 15 years ago when I had my first gout attack . It was my boss at that time who told me about the problem as he was already affected . Small wonder given that he was already overweight and besides his diabetic condition , was on drugs and medication .
At that time , I refused to accept drugs as a cure , and my dietician advised me of the lifestyle change and to exercise . The fastest way to sweat it out was to take a long ride on my motorcycle to Penang . After a few days there , minus the nasi kandar temptation , I did not have to worry about gout anymore .
The tip for sustaining a gout-free condition is to ensure a healthy weight that fits your height as overweight people are prone to not just gout but also diabetes . It is true when they say , gout is an early sign of diabetes which can also lead to high blood pressure and stroke .
One must drink at least two litres of water daily to flush out the toxins . And sugar free and regular caffeinated coffee also help lower gout risks .
Ginger is known to help with indigestion , ease nausea , and help with inflammation . In one animal study , it was found that ginger helps to lower uric acid levels in subjects who consume ginger regularly . I drink ginger water on an empty stomach every morning .
Lemon juice also helps balance uric acid levels and makes the body more alkaline . Tumeric , broccoli and bak choy are also recommended . Definitely , these are not popular
ADI SATRIA , a veteran of marketing communications , believes in a balanced and healthy lifestyle , achieved in moderation and will not let a little gout get in the way .
among foodies and as my elders used to say , the best cure for any ailment is food that is not so delicious and not popular . Papayas , cucumbers and avocados are a tastier alternative .
Do things in moderation
Recently , I went to a kenduri with my classmate who was reluctant to drink water while we were driving because he wanted to avoid going to the toilet .
That clearly is a mistake as he also has heart problems , is definitely overweight , and refuses to admit it . His body is certainly toxic as he consumes a cocktail of pills daily . And these are seen in the symptoms that he suffers from – tiredness , vertigo , swollen feet and so on . Exercising or walking at least 5,000 steps daily is not in his vocabulary .
He will not even walk to his neighborhood shop or the mosque only 100 meters from his house . He rides his Honda . It is an attitude problem .
I always point out to them the example set by our grand old man , the 97-year-old Tun Dr Mahathir who is still healthy , cycles , drives and throws a mean punch , politically speaking . His famous motto when it comes to food is – berhenti sebelum kenyang - stop eating before your stomach is full .
At the end of the day , life should be treated with moderation . As we grow older , we should be calmer and more patient to avoid stress , as that too can cause gout .
When I look at my friends during our class reunions , weddings or even at funerals , the topic will always turn to health issues . I feel lucky and thankful to be able to feel as fit and active as I was , 15 years or more ago .
Never let our mind take over our body by saying that I need a rest or its too hard to do physical work . I always take it as a challenge that I can overcome it - and that is where the satisfaction is achieved .
I guess Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones are still rocking it around the world because they “ can get no satisfaction !” Setting high standards for themselves make them the most happening rock group in the world and the grandad of rock . – The Health