What you need to
know about hormone
replacement therapy
ENOPAUSE marks the end of menstruation in
a woman’s life. It is a natural event that marks
the end of the reproductive years, just as the
first menstrual period during puberty marks the start.
Most women experience uncomfortable symptoms
before and after menopause including hot flushes, night
sweats, sleep disturbance and vaginal dryness. These
symptoms and physical changes can be managed in vari-
ous ways, including lifestyle changes such as healthier
eating and increased exercise and by hormone replace-
ment therapy (HRT).
Also known as hormone therapy (HT) or menopausal
hormone therapy (MHT), hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) can help relieve sweating, hot flashes, and other
symptoms of menopause.
KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital Consultant
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr Patricia Lim Su Lyn
emphasised that HRT is only prescribed to women who
have very severe symptoms hot flushes, insomnea, mood
swings and depression.
Pubic lice caused
by poor hygiene,
MILLIONS of people get infected with pubic lice also
known as crabs every year. The lice which look like tiny
version of the crabs at the beach – live on the skin and
coarse hairs around your genitals, and they feed on your
KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital Consultant
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr Patricia Lim Su
Lyn explained that poor hygiene such as reusing soiled
undergarments, poor living conditions as in overcrowd-
ing in a house where the bed is shared with a person who
has them, sheets that are unchanged, using an infected
person’s clothes or towels and personal contact with
someone who has them are all contributing factors to
getting infected.
However, crabs don’t spread through quick, casual
touching like handshakes or hugs. And it’s rare to get
crabs from a toilet seat as crabs don’t live very long when
they’re away from a human body and they can’t hang
onto smooth surfaces.
“Pubic lice symptoms include pretty intense itching and
visible bites in the pubic (hair bearing area) and when
examined the eggs and lice are visible.”
This however can be get rid of with over-the-counter
medications such as anti-lice agents, practicing good
hygiene and cleanliness.
wonder women
“We do not dispense it like candy
because there are side effects associated
with HRP. Physicians would get a good
detailed history where they should not
have a history of cardiovascular problems
and cancer. If they have a background risk
of one per cent, putting them on HRT
would only increase that risk again by
another per cent.”
“For ladies who have very severe
symptoms – we advocate the lowest dose
of hormones and for the shortest duration
which would give more relieve to the
patient without the added side effects.”
This however, is not the only option.
There are always alternatives to HRP
such as herbal based preparations such
as red clover which is suitable for hot
flushes and topical creams to relieve
vaginal dryness.