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17 macros you are consuming . Only then can we make the necessary changes to improve and achieve the desired physique .
What is optimal nutrition ? This differs from individual to individual . It depends on the starting point of the athlete . They have to design their nutritional plan accordingly . For example , if someone is underweight with a lower body fat level and lesser muscle mass , their goal would be to make gains . They would have to consume more kcal , and the carb intake will also be higher . Someone with a higher body fat level would probably have to go on a kcal deficit to drop their body fat level .
Will a cheat day affect me ? It will affect you but is the effect good or bad ? Well , that depends . If the person has been on a kcal deficit for a certain period and has reached a low body fat level , having a cheat meal occasionally would be good . It ’ s more like a re-feed and increases their metabolic rate .
Can I become a bodybuilder without watching my diet ? It ’ s almost impossible to become a bodybuilder without watching your diet .
Do I need to take steroids to get bigger ? No .
DR ARVIN Should all bodybuilders be on a special diet ? If by special you mean a highly nutritional diet with a protein focus , then yes . Hypertrophy only happens if the environment is suitable for the muscles to grow . You can have the best blueprint of a house and all the workers , but it is useless when there is inadequate raw material .
What is the optimal diet ? For hypertrophy , the athlete ’ s diet not only has to fuel the muscle growth , but it also must fuel the training and the entire physiological milieu that makes this growth possible . That means all macro and micronutrients have to be adequate . Of course , adequate protein intake is a given , with research showing 1.4 – 2.2g / kg body weight being ideal . However , carbohydrates and fats are other macronutrients which have their roles in growth and fuelling training performance . On the other hand , the micronutrients support the body ’ s other physiological functions , including hormonal function .
Is protein intake the most critical factor in mass muscle gain ? Yes . What is a calorie deficit ? Calorie deficit means eating lesser than what the body expends in a day .
What are the possible side effects of steroid use ? The extent of steroid side effects depends on dosage and duration of usage , polypharmacy amongst anabolic steroid users and , of course , the quality of products that are abused .
The androgenic side effects can be things like hair loss , acne , oily skin , high blood pressure , raised low-density cholesterol levels , increased body hair ( hirsutism ), deepening of the voice ( female users ), altered mood ( aggressive behaviour , depression and manic like symptoms ) and addiction to anabolic usage . It also affects the liver ( tumours and cysts ), kidney ( acute , chronic and end-stage renal failures ) and heart function ( increased risk
Dr Arvin Raj working out .
of heart attacks and clots ). It causes fertility issues like azoospermia or oligospermia in males and menstrual irregularities in females . Besides that , it can cause shrinkage of testicles and gynaecomastia .
INJURY KUMARES What is the most common injury seen in bodybuilders ? Shoulder injury , most commonly the rotator cuffs . This is probably because the shoulder is the most used part .
What is the worst injury you have sustained ? The worst injury I have sustained in bodybuilding was when I tore my left biceps tendon .
Do you continue to train with an injury ? Yes . What do you do to try to prevent injuries ? Since then ( injuring my biceps tendon ), I ’ ve given a lot of importance to dynamic stretching before I start training . I also ensure that the eccentric movement is always in control . I avoid carrying too much weight until I start compromising on my form .
Is physiotherapy an essential part of your training regime ? It ’ s imperative to me . I do it every week .
DR ARVIN Are bodybuilders more prone to injuries ? Not necessarily . A study by Keogh et al in 2017 showed that bodybuilders have 0.24 – 1 injury per 1000 hours lifted , whereas strongmen have 4.5 – 6.1 injuries per 1000 hours , and sports like rugby and football can have 15 – 81 injuries per 1000 hours . So , it is safe to say it is a relatively safe sport , and most injuries are self-inflicted , unlike contact sports .
What is the most common type of injury seen in them ? Muscle strains are the commonest , from minor strains to tears usually surrounding the lower back , shoulder , and knee complex . Ligaments can also get injured , with sprains usually affecting the elbow , wrist , hip , and knee .
How to prevent injuries in bodybuilders ? Proper training technique , load and volume management and adequate recovery .
What is tendinopathy , and is it common among bodybuilders ? Tendinopathy describes a clinical condition characterised by pain , swelling , and functional limitation of the tendon and contiguous anatomical structures ( Loiacono et al ., 2019 ). It commonly affects the rotator cuffs , biceps tendons and hamstring muscles in bodybuilders , likely due to the shear loads lifted and the training intensity .
What are stress / fatigue fractures ? Are bodybuilders prone to such
Dr Jonas Fernandez is an Orthopaedic Surgeon at Putrajaya Hospital . He is also a member of the Malaysian Arthroscopy Society ( MAS ). injuries ? Stress fractures can be either due to fatigue reaction or insufficiency reaction . In athletes / military , fatigue reaction is more common as normal bones are subjected to abnormal loading volume that leads to these microfractures . Insufficiency reactions are everyday stress on abnormal bones . Fatigue fractures are not common in bodybuilders .
COVID-19 KUMARES How did Covid-19 affect your training ? It did but only for a week . I was able to get back to training immediately after .
Has it been challenging to get back to training ? Initially , yes , it wasn ’ t easy . But now I ’ ve almost forgotten that I once had Covid .
Have there been any long-term effects ? No , I ’ ve not experienced any effects .
DR ARVIN How does Covid-19 affect bodybuilders / athletes ? Like any person , Covid-19 infection affects athletes due to their inability to train , reduced training capacity post-infection and the possible long Covid side effects .
Are there possibilities of long-term effects ? Yes . Long Covid is defined as Covidrelated symptoms three months after the initial infection . Like many others , athletes can be victims of this as well . As Covid affects the cardiopulmonary systems , some athletes have reported persistent asthma symptoms and reduced exercise tolerance , eventually affecting their performance . Some even have to quit as they could not return to previous levels over six months to a year . Even more concerning was the cardiac inflammation the infection caused ; there are case studies that showed individuals with no symptoms at rest but had ongoing cardiac inflammation on MRI . Exercising at high intensity with an ongoing Covid -19 related myocarditis can be life-threatening . Once diagnosed , athletes will be side-lined for 3-6 months , which can be career-ending for some .
Should one be wary about returning to sports too soon after a Covid infection ? What about after the Covid vaccination ? Yes , once infected , it is best to err on the side of caution and follow the return to sports protocol that has been outlined . Most individuals will gradually be able to return to previous levels of activity with no issues .
Covid-related myocarditis can be life-threatening . Those with premorbid like diabetes , hypertension or previous cardiac issues have more reasons to consult a physician to guide them back to previous activity levels .
High-level athletes may follow guidelines outlined by establishments like the British Journal of Sports Medicine ( Graduated Return to Play after SARS-CoV 2 infection ).
As for the vaccine , especially the mRNA vaccines , it is best to reduce the intensity of training 1 – 2 weeks postvaccination . If there are no worrying symptoms like chest pain , breathing difficulties or fever , they may return safely to the previous training intensity . – The Health