Chinese traditional medicine
Enhancing fertility treatments with herbs, acupunctures and Moxibustion
ECORDED as one of the oldest
healing systems to date, tradi-
tional Chinese medicine has long
been in continuous practice for
decades. The method of treating sees each
and every structure of the body as an inte-
grated whole focusing on the Qi and blood.
Application of traditional Chinese med-
icine plays a role in fertility enhancement
while the patient is going through fertility
treatment such as Intrauterine Insemina-
tion (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
Using treatment choices such as natural
herbs, acupunctures and Moxibustion,
4:41 PM
XI Fertility TCM Centre, leading
physician, Yuan Ting.
TRADITION TRUMPS INFERTILITY: Success rate of traditional medicine treatment
based on a recent study conducted by the International Medical University (IMU) Chinese
Medicine Programme.
With increasing scientifi c evidence sug-
gesting that method such as acupuncture
increases the chances of pregnancy during
the time of IVF and Intra-cytoplasmic
Sperm Injection (ICSI), there are several
conditions that can be improved through
the therapy. This includes improvement of
the function of the ovaries, strengthen the
immune system and reduce stress as well as
improve semen quality and one’s lifestyle.
Traditional Chinese methods
Acupuncture involves the penetration
of the skin with needles to stimulate cer-
tain points on the body. It is an important
element of treatment and is currently
widely accepted as a complementary
health approach. Moreover, acupuncture
treatments involves stimulating specifi c
acupuncture points as it corrects imbal-
ances in the fl ow of qi through channels
known as meridians.
The method is capable of increasing the
chances of pregnancy either naturally or
through any of the fertility treatment as
mentioned. The timing of the acupuncture
sessions in relation to embryo transfer
diff ers from one trial to another and each
session lasts around 30 minutes.
When it comes to using herbal medicine,
XI Fertility TCM Centre, leading physician,
Yuan Ting said that all herbs are imported
from Taiwan in powder form. Using a
combination of diff erent forms and types
of medicines to form a prescription, the
method tailors to the patient’s specifi cs and
individual conditions.
Moxibustion on the other hand is a tech-
nique that involves the burning of mugwort
to facilitate healing, strengthen the blood,
stimulate the fl ow of qi and maintain gen-
eral health.
A combination of the three techniques
will help to prepare the body before an
IVF/ICSI session. This includes strategies
to improve blood fl ow to the ovaries and
uterus thus improving ovarian functions as
well as enhance the condition of the lining
of uterus to implantation rates.
During IVF or ICSI treatments, acu-
puncture and herbs can be used to improve
egg quality as well as the quantity. Chinese
medicine is also noted to help improve
uterus environment during egg retrieval
and improved implantation after embryo
With patients being as young as 30 years
old, Yuan said that traditional Chinese
medicine will be able to help older women
as long as they still have their follicles.
However, this depends on the condition of
the body. The method is also known to have
helped men with low sperm count as well.
physicians are able to increase chances of
success for couples looking for solutions to
treat any existing fertility issues.