TheHEALTH July/August 2024 | Page 14

14 Eye Health

14 Eye Health

The HEALTH | July-August . 2024

Elevating eye care

The crucial role of Continuous Professional Development in optometry

IN THE rapidly evolving field of optometry , Continuous Professional Development ( CPD ) is paramount for Eye Care Professionals ( ECPs ) to maintain high standards of practice and deliver exceptional patient care .

Visioncare Global Sdn Bhd Managing Director and Optometrist Ahmad Fadhullah Fuzai said : “ CPD is essential for keeping optometrists up to date with the latest technologies , diagnostic techniques , and treatments .”
Muhibbah Opto Eye Care Managing Director and Registered Optician Christopher Tai Foo Siang echoed this sentiment . He stated : “ CPD mainly is for ECPs to get updates regarding the industry , regarding new technologies , and new methods to handle various cases related to vision care .”
CPD programmes are designed to upgrade the level of service provided by ECPs , enhancing their ability to offer the best care to their patients .
Participation in CPD programmes significantly bolsters the credibility of ECPs .
Ahmad , the President of the Association of Malaysian Optometrists ( AMO ), added that CPD was crucial for ensuring evidence-based practice and improving professional competence .
“ It helps optometrists understand and use evidence-based practices in their clinical work , which is vital for providing effective and safe care to patients ."
Meanwhile , Tai , who is also President of the Malaysian Association of Practising Opticians ( MAPO ), said : “ The more CPDs you attend , the more information you will get . This knowledge can be applied to your work , giving more confidence to your patients . They will trust you to
Ahmad Fadhullah Fuzai
manage their vision effectively .”
By continuously updating their skills , ECPs can build more vital trust and rapport with their clients , leading to better patient outcomes .
One of the most significant advantages of CPD is the networking opportunities it provides .
Ahmad highlighted the importance of professional networking , which CPD activities facilitate .
“ CPD activities often involve interaction with colleagues and experts in the field of optometry , allowing optometrists to build a professional network that can provide support and collaboration opportunities in the future .”
Tai emphasised : “ Before the pandemic , we had to attend CPD programs face-to-face , which allowed us to network and communicate with other practitioners . Sharing knowl-
Christopher Tai Foo Siang
edge with others can enrich your understanding and ensure you ’ re on the right track .”
Manufacturers like Johnson & Johnson play a pivotal role in supporting CPD through a Learning Management System ( LMS ) like the upcoming online learning platform JNJVISION PRO .
Ahmad noted the significant impact of the JNJVISION PRO platform on ECPs ’ continuous learning .
“ The platform provides 24 / 7 access to various learning materials , including e-learning modules , videos , articles , and case studies , allowing ECPs to study at their convenience .”
The JNJVISION PRO platform offers various learning formats and customised content , ensuring that ECPs can choose the learning method that best suits their style and professional needs .
“ The system allows ECPs to track their learning progress , record completed courses , and plan future learning , which helps ensure they meet their CPD requirements ,” Ahmad added .
He also pointed out the costeffectiveness of using JNJVISION PRO platform as it reduces the expenses associated with travel and accommodation or physical courses .
Tai highlighted the importance of having the right speakers and mentors : “ If they only use internal speakers , it can seem like a selling activity . However , third-party speakers sharing their experiences can have a better effect , providing real-life examples and boosting confidence in the products .”
Ahmad offered sage advice for ECPs hesitant about CPD : “ CPD can open up new career opportunities and improve job satisfaction and motivation ,” he said , suggesting starting with small , accessible courses and gradually engaging in more extensive programmes .
Tai advised understanding the importance of CPD in staying current with the latest developments in optometry .
“ While some practitioners may feel they know enough , staying stagnant means you get left behind as the world moves forward . Continuous learning is essential to keep up with advancements and provide the best care .”
CPD is a vital component of professional development in optometry . It enhances the knowledge and skills of ECPs , fosters networking and knowledge sharing , and ultimately leads to improved patient care .
In the future , platforms like the JNJVISION PRO provide valuable resources and flexibility , ensuring that ECPs can continuously enhance their knowledge and skills . By staying committed to continuous learning , ECPs can maintain their professional reputation , remain at the forefront of the optometry field , and deliver top-notch vision care . – The HEALTH
Process of obtaining Continuous Professional Development ( CPD )
� Registering for CPD activities : Eye care professionals ( ECPs ) need to register for activities or courses recognised by the Malaysian Optical Council ( MOC ). CPD activities can include workshops , seminars , conferences , online courses , and hands-on training .
� Attend CPD activities : ECPs must attend and participate in registered activities . Total attendance is usually required to gain CPD points .
� Collect certificate or proof of attendance : After attending the CPD activity , the ECPs will receive a certificate or proof of attendance stating the number of CPD points obtained .
� Submitting evidence to MOC : ECPs need to submit a certificate or proof of attendance to MOC for verification . It is usually done through an online system provided by MOC .
� Recording CPD points : MOC will review and record CPD points obtained by ECPs .
These CPD points will be kept in the ECP ’ s professional record .
� Ensuring sufficient CPD points : ECPs need to ensure they achieve the required number of CPD points within a certain period ( usually every year or two ) to maintain their licence .
� Reassessment : Periodically , MOC may conduct audits to ensure the accuracy and validity of reported CPD points . ECPs should keep a record of their CPD for reference during audits .
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