TheHEALTH July/August 2024 | Page 27

Column 27
July-August . 2024 | The HEALTH

Column 27

Go green ( tea )

Our bad eating and drinking habits are the leading causes of non-communicable diseases among our population


HAVE been consuming green tea for a few years now , and it has helped me maintain my weight , health , blood pressure and sugar levels . It is advisable to drink green tea a couple of hours before bedtime . While most of us consume only black tea , one may wonder what the difference is .
One thing for sure is that both of these teas are made from the leaves of the same plant . The difference is that black tea is oxidised , and green tea is not . When the leaves are rolled and then exposed to air , the oxidation process is triggered , and that is how black tea is produced .
Research has shown that green tea has more potent antioxidant properties than black tea . However , a study also found that both are equally good .
Nevertheless , in terms of nutritional benefits , green tea has more . It has better antioxidant properties than black tea as it contains more polyphenols and several types of catechins , which are a group of flavonoid compounds that help prevent cancer .
Green tea is naturally low in calories and contains less caffeine than black tea and coffee . So it is also advisable to drink it in moderation as too large an amount , especially late at night , can cause sleep disturbances .
Black tea is also beneficial as it promotes heart health , reduces the risk of stroke , improves focus , and lowers blood sugar levels and the risk of some cancers . Hence , drinking tea , green or black , is beneficial to your health .
What about teh tarik , Malaysia ’ s alltime favourite ? The risk of consuming too much teh tarik depends on the ingredients used in its preparations .
Firstly , sweetened condensed milk is used instead of dairy and thus contains more sugar and lactose , which can cause cardiovascular issues . It can also make insulin resistance worse , which inhibits the body from metabolising sugar , leading to Type 2 diabetes .
Therefore , fresh milk or powdered milk is a healthier choice as it provides nutrients needed for healthy bones – protein , calcium , vitamins A and D . However , in terms of taste , this will thus be a compromise , and that ’ s where the problem lies . Too much of teh tarik is one of the leading causes of diabetes and cardiovascular disease .
Malaysia has the highest incidence of diabetes and obesity . I have many friends who are hooked on teh tarik as
a result of poor management of their drinking habits . One of my close friends in academia consumed at least three to five cups daily – from breakfast to late night before bed . As usual , hanging around after lecture breaks , meetings , and late-night sessions were the norm , which also applies to many of us , especially office workers , as well as the lack of exercise .
A year before the Covid-19 pandemic , my friend , who was in his late 60s , was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer . After a few months of chemotherapy , he passed away .
The high content of sugar and prolonged consumption of teh tarik may be one of the causes , as he was also overweight . I have always advised him to get physical and exercise . Still , he would instead seek escapism in his work and unhealthy food consumption , which incidentally included nasi kandar and nasi lemak . I observed his lifestyle and some of my other friends who have the same attitude when it comes to their eating and drinking habits and are convinced that these are really the leading causes of non-communicable diseases among our population .
Another friend whose breakfast consists of two pieces of ‘ roti canai ’ and tea with sweetened condensed milk is not only overweight but is also suffering from other cardiovascular issues even after having gone through a bypass some 15 years ago . He cannot spend time outside at night and will always not be in good health .
He still rides his motorcycle rather than walking or cycling to the neighbourhood shop or surau to improve and strengthen his heart . They cannot accept the fact that one needs to work harder on one ’ s health through physical movement rather than taking a nap at the slightest feeling of tiredness . It is , in the end , an attitude problem .
For me , one of the misleading treatments for diabetes and blood pressure is the consumption of too many pills which suppress the symptoms and do not treat the cause . We have to understand the causes and effects of consuming the types of food and drinks , especially those that have become a part of our culture .
Although the health ministry and other organisations are undertaking public health campaigns , they are still not enough . Aggressive advertising campaigns by drinks and food companies seem to negate the effectiveness of these health campaigns . Hence , it must start within the school and higher education system .
Fast foods , new popular drinks that contain high amounts of sugar , and fizzy drinks are aggressively marketed to our younger consumers , which has resulted in a higher incidence of these non-communicable diseases among the youth . Health education has to be a priority , and related activities that promote good eating habits should be intensified . This is to prevent higher healthcare costs as the country heads towards an ageing population .
In our ageing lives , moderation is the secret to a healthier and happier lifestyle . Banker Tan Sri Azman Hashim climbed Mount Kinabalu at the age of 84 . This is something I still have yet to achieve , and he first achieved it when he was 72 .
We can still enjoy our teh tarik but on a less frequent basis because regular drinking of green tea is a much better option . And the English have always practised the art of drinking their ‘ cuppa ’ just like the Japanese and their neighbour across with all that tea in China .
However , that cup of tea alone was not enough to bring back the Euro Cup home to England . – The HEALTH
ADI SATRIA , a veteran in the communications and media industry , probably has discovered the elixir of life in the correct type of tea , as it indeed leads to a more calm and healthier life for him .