TheHEALTH May/June 2024 | Page 26

Turmeric , palm oil , garlic and honey – these unassuming kitchen companions � ������ �� ������� �������� ������� ��� ��������� ������ �� �����������


26 The HEALTH | May-June . 2024

A culinary crusade against inflammation

Turmeric , palm oil , garlic and honey – these unassuming kitchen companions � ������ �� ������� �������� ������� ��� ��������� ������ �� �����������

Senior Lecturer and Emergency Medical Consultant , UKM Medical Center , Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ( UKM ) and President and Founder of Malaysian Sepsis Alliance ( MySepsis )
Department of Biochemistry , Faculty of Medicine , UKM and Committee member of MySepsis

INFLAMMATION , the body ’ s defence mechanism , can transform from protector to assailant , paving the way for diseases . When chronic , it disrupts cellular balance , triggering a cascade of harmful effects . Persistent inflammation is implicated in various illnesses , from arthritis to cardiovascular diseases , underscoring its pivotal role in the genesis of health disorders .

Oxidative stress , a byproduct of cellular processes , fuels inflammation , aggravating health issues . Antioxidants , the body ’ s defenders , neutralise these harmful molecules , quelling inflammation . They highlight the pivotal link between oxidative stress and inflammation , emphasising the importance of antioxidant-rich diets in maintaining a balanced and resilient system .
But don ’ t worry ! Your kitchen is a surprising source of anti-inflammatory heroes like turmeric , palm oil , garlic , and honey . With powerful compounds and long histories , these ingredients are ready to fight inflammation . Join us on a tasty journey into the world of these kitchen superheroes .
In Malaysian culinary tradition , turmeric can be considered the golden VIP , infusing vibrant hues and rich flavours into dishes . Esteemed for its anti-inflammatory benefits , this aromatic spice transcends mere seasoning , becoming an essential ally in taste and wellness . Turmeric owes its superpowers to curcumin , a bioactive compound with formidable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties ( Jurenka , 2009 ).
Scientific studies have praised turmeric for its potential in managing chronic inflammatory diseases , such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases . So , next time you savour a curry , relish not just the taste but the silent battle against inflammation happening within .
harbours a potent weapon against inflammation – tocotrienols .
These members of the vitamin E family possess anti-inflammatory capabilities . In a world where inflammation is a pervasive foe , palm oil ’ s tocotrienols emerge as an unexpected ally , with potential applications in preventing and managing inflammatory diseases . So , as palm oil takes its place in your kitchen , remember the dual nature of this controversial crusader , both celebrated and scrutinised .
No Malaysian culinary collection is complete without garlic , the aromatic avenger that not only adds zest to your dishes but also packs a punch against inflammation . Allicin , the active compound in garlic , possesses antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties that have been the subject of admiration in scientific circles . Studies suggest garlic extracts can mitigate inflammatory markers , offering a tantalising prospect for those seeking a natural remedy for inflammatory conditions .
Honey is the sweet serenity that conceals a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory compounds . Beyond its delightful taste , honey
boasts polyphenols and flavonoids that contribute to its anti-inflammatory prowess . Picture honey as a soothing balm for the flames of inflammation .
Research suggests that honey may be particularly effective in managing inflammation associated with wounds and gastrointestinal disorders . So , whether drizzled over your morning toast or stirred into tea , honey silently works its magic , bringing sweet relief to your body ’ s internal skirmishes .
In the grand saga of health and wellness in line with Sustainable Development Goal 3 , our culinary crusade against inflammation takes centre stage . Turmeric , palm oil , garlic , and honey – these unassuming kitchen companions – emerge as valiant warriors against the pervasive threat of inflammation . As we revel in the flavours they bring to our tables , let us also appreciate the silent battles they wage within our bodies .
So , dear readers , the next time you take advantage of these kitchen champions , remember that you are not just nourishing your taste buds but also fortifying your body against inflammation .
In the timeless words of Hippocrates , ‘ Let food be thy medicine , and medicine be thy food .’ – The HEALTH
Enter palm oil , the enigmatic warrior with a complex reputation . While the debate around its environmental impact rages on , palm oil