TheHEALTH May/June 2024 | Page 27

A lack of oral care can lead to overall health problems such as heart disease , stroke and diabetes
May-June . 2024 | The HEALTH



Blue tooth or the tooth fairy !

A lack of oral care can lead to overall health problems such as heart disease , stroke and diabetes

THERE is nothing more annoying and stressful than a toothache . Even worse is going through an extraction of that tooth at the dentist .

It boils down to dental care or the lack of it from the time we were kids till our adult years . And the price we pay is when we pass middle age and start experiencing tooth decay and gum disease .
There is pain and agony in going through a series of extractions . The day might come when one has little choice but to extract the teeth and replace them with a set of dentures .
That is when we begin to feel young and alive again . The million-dollar smile adds so much to our facial expression , not to mention the smiles from friends and relatives who are equally delighted celebrating our “ newfound face ”.
At one point , I found it weird when teenagers , including my daughter , started to put on orthodontic or dental braces to fix dental conditions such as overbite , underbite , crowded teeth and many other teeth bite problems . It even became a fashion statement .
There are a few types of braces available now . Among them are metal , ceramic , lingual , and even invisible braces .
Metal braces are the most cost-effective in fixing these problems as they are most durable , especially in complex situations . The downside is that it requires extra effort to clean and maintain due to the presence of brackets and wires .
On the other hand , ceramic braces are more comfortable and more discreet in appearance . Although less durable , they are bigger and can take up more space in your mouth .
Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth , making them almost invisible , which is ideal for those conscious of their facial image . However , cleaning the teeth may pose a challenge , as food particles can easily get trapped behind the wires .
Then there are also invisible braces – custom-made removable trays that are used to straighten the teeth . As the name suggests they are actually transparent in nature and less noticeable to others .
It also depends on the type of orthodontic issue of the patient , as it cannot address certain complex problems . It also has a limited duration of use per day .
According to the Ministry of Health ( MoH ), based on the National Oral Health Survey of Adults 2022 , which involved 16,734 people aged 15 and above , six in 10 adults in Malaysia require care due to tooth decay issues .
Now , that is a big issue . No wonder many dental clinics are sprouting in Malaysia today . If you come to my office area in Anggun City in Rawang , Selangor , you would think this is Malaysia ’ s centre for dental care . Or perhaps this is where people with bad teeth are staying . It is a business opportunity for dentists to set up their own businesses .
As for the general healthcare awareness situation in this country , dental care awareness is even worse . For a start , the school dental health care campaign requires further intensification , so it becomes second nature for children to give due emphasis to it .
Dental care is not a key component of the
employment package for working adults – even in executive or managerial positions . It probably stems from the fear of most of us to visit the dentist even for scaling or dental cleaning .
This also stems from the lack of awareness about regular dental visits to maintain optimal oral health . According to the MoH survey , about three in 20 of the population have never utilised oral healthcare .
However , the good news is that the situation has improved , especially in terms of the prevalence of caries ( or tooth decay ) among 12-year-olds in Malaysia . Compared to 41.5 per cent of them in 2007 , the survey in 2023 shows a lower incidence of 33.3 per cent . It is hoped that this decline will continue further .
As of June 2020 , the ratio of dentists to population in Malaysia was 1:2,963 from 11,059 dentists in Malaysia . However , two years later in 2022 , the number of dentists increased to 13,000 .
Despite all these developments , the cost of a private dentist has increased . I used to pay RM50 to extract a tooth some 25 years ago .
However , today it is no less than RM100 , and that does not include medication like painkillers or pills ( paracetamol actually ).
So , I opted to go to a government dental clinic , which I must say has improved a lot in terms of its service . It took me less than 30 minutes to see the dentist in a packed room morning as there were at least five dentists on duty with five rooms available . The extraction took less than 10 minutes , and I paid only RM1 ( yes , RM1 ). You can pay by credit or debit card .
A complete set of dentures costs only RM84 . You read that right , compared to at least RM1,500 to RM3,000 in a private dental clinic . And it can be ready within a month .
No wonder my friend came home last week happy with his newly minted smile . He was happy to buy me a meal of T-bone steak , but I had to settle for soft food as my new set of dentures was still pending .
Most people are unaware that oral health and overall health are linked . Gum disease is a bacterial infection and linked to heart disease , stroke and diabetes . The bacteria that cause gum disease can enter the bloodstream and travel to other parts of the body , causing inflammation and damage .
People with diabetes are more likely to develop gum disease , which in turn makes it more difficult to control blood sugar levels . This can also be linked to heart and kidney diseases .
Maintaining a healthy diet , regular dental checkups , and brushing and flossing daily can help prevent these issues and improve overall health . Start now by scheduling your next dental appointment .
As Malaysia continues to invest in dental care initiatives and education , embracing new technologies and treatment , Malaysians can expect a future where all Malaysians will have access to quality dental care , good oral health and overall well-being . – The HEALTH
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ADI SATRIA – a veteran of the media and communications industry , admits to being poorly focused on this aspect of health care and paying a price in his older age when he finally has to go through the agony of a few tooth extractions just for a new set of dentures for him to keep enjoying his steak , fried chicken and lamb shank .