PPE 2023 focused on small farmers , agriculture and plantation industries . |
MARDICorp ’ s showcase at Pakar Pertanian Expo 2024 |
and in the case of rice scarcity , what alternative food is available ?
“ Looking back during the Japanese occupation , Malaysians ate tapioca ( e . g . cassavas and sweet potatoes ) as an alternative to rice .
“ However , currently , our country has no large-scale commercial farms of alternative crops such as tapioca . This means there is no sufficient alternative food for the Malaysian population and their nutritional needs .”
Zaidi underscored the importance of diversifying food sources to mitigate scarcity risks . Emphasising the cultivation of alternative crops such as tapioca , he advocates for proactive measures to ensure a resilient and diversified food supply .
“ Next is adequate food production . Malaysia must bolster domestic food production to enhance self-sufficiency and mitigate external dependencies , particularly amid geopolitical uncertainties .”
With Malaysia importing approximately 80 per cent of its food requirements , Zaidi highlighted the risk of relying heavily on external sources . He underscored the need to bolster domestic food production to enhance self-sufficiency and mitigate external dependencies , particularly in the face of geopolitical uncertainties .
“ For example , in conflict such as war , where imports and exports are restricted , international law permits barter trade . So , Malaysia must have sufficient alternative food supplies to engage in barter trade in exchange for staple foods such as rice .”
He addressed the importance of youth engagement in agriculture and the demographic challenge of attracting youth to the agricultural sector .
“ Japan , for example , is facing a big problem due to the lack of youth participation in agriculture , posing a threat to the nation ’ s food security .
“ By integrating smart IoT systems and drones into farming practices , MARDICorp Academy endeavours to make agriculture more appealing and accessible to younger generations .
“ Food preservation is essential in ensuring long-term food security , and there have been advancements in food preservation technologies . Japan , for instance , can preserve food for three to
three and a half years .
“ And in Malaysia , MARDI , as the premier research institute in the country , continues to develop and implement innovative preservation techniques to minimise food wastage and extend shelf life .”
In conclusion , Zaidi underscored the critical role of seedling production in sustaining agricultural productivity . Given Malaysia ’ s reliance on imported seeds , he advocates for strategic investments in seed production to safeguard against potential disruptions to the supply chain , thereby bolstering the foundation of food security .
“ So , these are the five fundamental pillars essential for safeguarding Malaysia ’ s food security and sustainability , which MARDICorp is looking into .”
He said over the years , MARDICorp has strategically shifted its focus to attract the young generation to agriculture by not only leveraging on technologies like drones and repurposing ideal government land for agricultural purposes .
“ And we want to connect the private sector , the government agencies and all stakeholders to work together to ensure that our food security is secured and sustainable for future generations .”
By fostering collaboration , driving innovation and promoting sustainable practices , MARDICorp is poised to play a leading role in shaping the future of Malaysia ’ s agriculture sector and ensuring food security for generations to come . – @ AGROBiz
MAEPS exhibition venue .
“ MARDI- Corp is responsible for commercialising all the technological innovation produced by MARDI and bringing them into the market .”
– Zaidi Shahrim
AS THE agricultural landscape in Malaysia evolves , so does the role of MARDI Corporation Sdn Bhd ( MARDICorp ) in driving innovation and sustainable practices within the sector .
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��E 2024 �������� �� �������� ���������� ��� ����� technological integration within Malaysia ’ s agriculture sector by bringing diverse perspectives and solutions together .
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PPE 2024 & MAHA 2024
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