@Green July/August 2020 | Page 35

July-august, 2020 | @Forest cover story p03 of lumber. “We hope to provide an alternative wood to the eco-wood from planted forest trees. Thus, the industry does not need to chop down the native forest.” Law also added research was being done continuously on the trees to identify their potential application. “We should add value to our wood by knowing its features and so we are using scientific methods. “We don’t want to be just exporters of raw materials. Thus, by learning more of the wood features, it gives us a value proposition and green concept, whereby we can identify and make full use of the tree, including the waste, for different and niche applications. “For example, I was recently approached to have our tree branches supplied for making wood shavings and pellets for pet bedding, which is a niche application of the wood.” Among other applications of Paulownia are for construction as well as manufacturing furniture, plywood, musical instruments and even filtration materials. Beyond yielding alternative and multipurpose timber solutions, Paulownia trees can absorb carbon dioxide, providing carbon sequestration. “If the plantation is sizeable, we can quantify the carbon dioxide absorption and carbon sequestration rate. Our plantation size is not there yet, but eventually, we can do that.” Gain Green is also putting idle land to good use with its Project Malaysia Menanam. The project encourages interested parties to develop and cultivate empty and wasteland through sustainable agriculture and thus earn an extra source of income. Green initiatives Law believes tree-planting programmes should be a public initiative. He urged: “Everybody should plant trees. We want to create awareness, and so we work closely with local schools that want to have tree-planting programmes. “We either donate trees to them, or they buy seedlings from us. We also help them to manage their small plot of herb corner.” He hoped this would create awareness among the younger generation so that they would take care of the environment. In addition to schools, Gain Green also donates trees to temples and churches which want to green their extra land. “We are also looking forward to work with the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC). One of the pillars under their green initiative focusses on supporting tree-planting programmes. “We told them we could explore and look for empty pockets of land in the country on which Gain Green can work with MGTC to plant trees.” — @Forest cash crops. Through the Project Malaysia Menanam, Gain Green is also encouraging intercrop farming as an income supplement while waiting to harvest the Paulownia trees. Intercrop farming includes a wide variety of integrated cash crops such as pineapple, banana, eggplant and so on. The revenue gained from intercropping will be distributed to shareholders. “This will also encourage the villagers to venture into agroforestry projects, where it also helps the food chain supply in the country while improving their income.” Law added Gain Green was trying to initiate the agroforestry programme to the government and State agencies. “We hope they will join in the initiative by No wASTAGE: Wooden pellet for pet bedding are made from wood shavings We don’t want to be just exporters of raw materials. Thus, by learning more of the wood features, it gives us a value proposition and green concept, whereby we can identify and make full use of the tree, including the waste, for different and niche applications.” offering some idle lands to be sub-plotted to qualified candidates or applicants such as those from the B40 group, retirees and anyone fit enough to do agroforestry work. “Planting wood trees should be considered a potential new plantation option for those in the plantation business since wood trees have a high value due to the multipurpose wood applications.” Law also pointed out Malaysia had excellent transportation logistics compared to neighbouring countries, which is useful for shifting and moving logs in mass quantity. “Not to mention that tree plantations will bring the country new sources of support industries such as wood-processing and furniture-making,” he said.— @Forest The shortfall of wood supply for wood products industry BY PROF DR JEGATHESWARAN RATNASINGAM The Malaysian wood industry flourished since the early 80s when there was ample supply of material and labour force. However, with Malaysia embracing the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices in the early 90s, the wood supply harvested from the natural forest decreased steadily. We used to harvest up to about 10-12 million m 3 a year, and in the recent years, we have harvested less than 4 million m 3 . This means there is a massive shortfall of raw material to sustain industrial needs and the wood industry is looking at a deficit estimated at 1.5 million m 3 per annum. The reduced rubber tree cultivation in the country has also affected the supply of rubberwood, the primary raw material for the furniture sector. To grow rubber trees as a source of wood is also not viable given the long gestation period and low price of the logs at the field. The furniture industry, which needs close to about 950 000 m 3 of sawn wood on an annual basis, has a shortfall of about 400,000 m 3 . The Malaysian government pushed for forest plantation as a means to overcome the shortfall in the supply of the raw material, especially of those from natural forests. Forest plantation is relatively a new concept in this country, and it involves a long gestation period, for about 15 to 20 years, for the trees to mature. It thus became an uphill battle to encourage the private sector to invest in long-term forest plantation programs with less than desirable returns. For a sustainable supply of wood resources, there is a need for alternative new species, which exhibits good wood characteristics and woodworking properties, with ample supply. Research and technical support from organisations and agencies like the Faculty of Forestry & Environment in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), the Forest Department of Peninsular Malaysia, the Forest Research Institute Malaysia and a few others, play an essential role in identifying and testing the properties and characteristics of suitable alternative species for forest plantations and applications in the wood industry. It is also essential that any species promoted as an alternative raw material must have a sizeable plantation area for cultivation and that the trees are ready to be harvested. When the industry decides on the particular species, within a few months, the demand for wood material volume of that particular species can increase rapidly, of up to half a million m 3 . Revotropix Paulownia, which has been developed, introduced and promoted by Green Afforestation International Network Sdn Bhd (Gain Green) is an example of an alternative species. Research conducted by the Faculty of Forestry in UPM on the Revotropix Paulownia wood as a raw material, showed promising results. It has been found to have comparable properties with Southern Yellow Poplar and Chinese Poplar. It is an excellent effort in the right direction by Gain Green. Forest plantation will become the norm in the future and is here to stay as the world will become increasingly dependent on sustainable wood resources from forest plantations for its wood materials’ need. — @green Prof Jegatheswaran is with the Faculty of Forestry & Environment, Universiti Putra Malaysia