@Halal May/June 2024 | Page 17

May-June . 2024 | @ Halal


As the importance of crisis and reputation management rises , the industry needs proper crisis planning . We may be unable to avoid and stop the crisis , but insha-Allah , we may minimise the potential negative impact through contingency planning .
The impacts may not be on physical structure but on thinking and perceptions . There are methods and steps to establish effective contingency plans , but the following serve as the basic steps :
• Establish and organise a crisis / contingency team ,
• Evaluate the scope or parameters of the identified problem ,
• Develop a plan ,
• Test the plan , and update the plan ,
• Keep regular records and review for action and learning . In designing an effective plan , the leaders and implementors must remember that communication is critical . They must be quick and decisive in action , physically fast and in contact at the event ’ s location , with people as a priority , and communicate clearly and honestly .
Crisis Manuals or Business Continuity Plans ( BCPs ) are essential documents that companies must have in addition to their existing financial and human resource manuals .
Although many versions and formats are available , we must adjust them to fit our business principles and priorities and acknowledge the sources from which we get those formats .
In the travel industry , organisations like the Pacific Area Tourist Association ( PATA ), World Tourism Organisation ( UNWTO ) and Association of South East Asia Nations ( ASEAN ), to name a few , have their respective crisis manuals or guidelines in the form of Bounce Back by PATA , Tourism Crisis Tools Box by UNWTO and ASEAN Tourism Crisis Communication Manual for reference and implementation .
With today ’ s technological and digital advancements , Islamic and halal tourism and Muslim-friendly enterprises and supply chains are encouraged to venture into data management systems to support their decision-making , business expansion , and reputation .
Umrah will improve significantly to cater for the needs and requirements of an increasing number of pilgrims yearly .
In a global network , holistic and universality are among the fundamental principles in Islamic tourism ’ s supply chains , product development , services delivery system and pricing mechanism .
As we know , tourism is a complex industry with different categories of tourists and expectations . Thus , service providers must be knowledgeable , mindful , sensitive , and skilled in the process involved .
Today , Islamic tourism has gone global and is recognised as a new source of national economic income . But it has challenges , including managing its reputation in normalcy and crisis .
Competition and collaboration among Islamic tourism business networks are growing in OIC countries and established destinations across Asia , Europe , the Americas , Africa , and Oceania .
They have many business risks that may emerge throughout the business environment . Some are straightforward , and some are complicated . Hence , a good and reliable crisis management capability must be put in place and effective .
This is essential to safeguard and manage their good reputation , now and in future , as the price of a bad reputation is costly and may lead to seizure in business .
Islamic tourism is concerned not only with economic returns but also with faith-based obligations to adhere to . It deals with precision and standards .
This makes the sector not unique , but more importantly , it must instil strong confidence and trust in consumers ’ minds about the presence of Islamic values and requirements in the products and services . Beyond that , it must also be transparent in its business dealings , partners , investments , and supply chains in compliance with Sharia requirements , business ethics , international laws , and moral duties and responsibilities .
Any uncertainty , apparently perceived as abusive , misconduct , or illegal practices in the eyes of regulators , auditors , and consum
ers , may lead to strict crisis management for companies and agencies to remain relevant in the business . In this regard , the resilience and agility of the destination and travel suppliers are among the critical factors for business survival .
The world keeps turning and sending signals to us in different forms . We must be able to read and interpret those religiously and professionally with our given knowledge and beliefs . This is a talk of survival and an ongoing process in life and business .
Tourism and travel businesses are sensitive to natural or manufactured adverse events . Innovative blueprints , strategies , and sophisticated tools and technologies may not insulate the risks and guarantee the crisis ’ s survival . Still , they can minimise the risks and manage the aftermath for the destination and businesses .
Some events may pose challenges that must be monitored and managed before negatively impacting a destination or an entity .
Some common areas of concern that provide early warnings are natural events , health and environmental , technological breakdowns and advancement , economic and market forces , trade and employee disputes , public resistance , new industrial standards and political upheaval .
Those in Islamic tourism businesses may expand the abovementioned areas to religious rules and regulations ( fatwa ) related to halal and Islamic practices that may impact product development , pricing , promotion , delivery , industry standards and human resources for better services , improvement , and consumer benefits .
We can observe and learn many examples from security and safety cases , travel formalities , and policy changes that disrupt businesses ’ reputations and operations .
Trade disputes , entry visas and permits issues , political unrest , regional conflicts and wars , maritime safety , big floods , volcano eruptions and earthquakes , boycotts and sanctions , and competitors ’ new brands and advertising strategies are some events and policies that require deep monitoring and assessment of their impact on destination , business , and recovery plans .
Every crisis offers an opportunity . It tests patience , resilience , perseverance , and other qualities . These can be spiritually , emotionally , mentally , and physically challenging for an individual , an enterprise , and a nation / destination .
However , these challenges provide us with new experiences and knowledge in our life and business . As a person , it is an opportunity to become closer to the Creator during regular and trying times by appreciating what we are given and blessed to live in harmony and peace .
Thus far , Malaysia and other related destinations are geared and have gradually developed well-thought and refined tour packages and hospitality practices to promote respect , justice , sustainability , quality , balanced life and responsibility among local and foreign tourists .
Hence , at any time , reputation and holistic , resilient management are among the integral and crucial strategies to maintain and elevate quality , holistic and universal positioning of Islamic tourism towards improving an individual developmental stage , national economy and cultural advancement in this transformational and digital era . Insha-Allah . Wassalam . –
“ With today ’ s technological and digital advancements , Islamic and halal tourism and Muslimfriendly enterprises and supply chains are encouraged to venture into data management systems to support their decisionmaking , business expansion , and reputation .”